Thoughts Like Shooting Stars, Mysteries Like Hom

Dear Friend and Reader: Tomorrow (Monday) Mercury finally leaves Scorpio, where it’s been since Oct. 3 thanks to last month’s retrograde. It enters Sagittarius at 4:41 am EST (9:41:26 UTC). Mercury being the planet of the mind, this activates awareness of what else is happening in Sagittarius, and other activity that relates to it. Notably, … Read more

Looking Back: Our Moment of 2019

Dear Friend and Reader: For the next couple of Thursday editions, we’re going to look back on the past four seasons. I had a weird time warp the other day when I could not remember what year the Notre Dame firehappened. Usually, I remember years by the events in them; for a moment, I was disoriented … Read more

Raising the Roof? Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader: Jupiter wraps up the past year in its home sign Sagittarius tomorrow, Dec. 2, entering Capricorn at 1:20 pm EST (10:20 am PST / 18:20:03 UTC). Capricorn is the home sign of Saturn (and Saturn is there, moving into its big conjunction with Pluto, in January). Jupiter moving through Capricorn merges … Read more

When Jupiter Meets Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader: Jupiter is about to enter Capricorn. The basic syntax is that a planet representing Sagittarius and Pisces will be entering the worldly realm of Saturn. This happens just in time for the Jan. 12 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. And it happens just in time for the articles of impeachment to … Read more

Sagittarius New Moon and The Capricorn Gathering

Dear Friend and Reader: On Thursday, I wrote about what is happening in Sagittarius, including the Sun’s ingress and the Jupiter-Venus-Ixion alignment with the Galactic Core. If you’re interested in that aspect, please refer back to my previous article. The Sagittarius New Moon is at 10:05 am EST on Tuesday. The New Moon is trine Chiron, … Read more