Moonshine Horoscopes — Scorpio Full Moon Edition

Scorpio Full Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway  Aries (March 20-April 19) — The current astrology is highlighting the dynamic between what you share and what you keep to yourself — particularly when it comes to the sex you want and who you tell about it. I suggest beginning with yourself. Open up an honest … Read more

Weekend Aspects, and Get Ready for Mars Direct

Dear Friend and Client: As mentioned, the horoscope and full-length article will return next week. After many weeks of high-intensity coverage of Mars retrograde, the grand cross and the eclipses, I needed a moment to cool down and catch up. I plan to be back this coming Friday, May 16, with full coverage of Mars … Read more

The Rites of Spring

Dear Friend and Reader: Since Mars stationed retrograde on March 1, there’s been a run of truly strange and outrageous news stories, beginning with the disappearance of a commercial jetliner without a trace. Events reached a series of peaks with the lunar eclipse, the grand cross and the solar eclipse earlier this week, and closer … Read more

Mars in the Zone of Projection

Dear Friend and Reader: One of the core astrological ideas in the current grand cross aspect involves Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, retrograde in its opposite sign Libra. I will say that slower. Every sign has planets associated with it. In traditional astrology, Aries, the first sign, is ‘ruled’ by the planet Mars. Mars … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Taurus New Moon Edition

Taurus New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — Like a smith creating a tool in a forge, your inner sense of what you want and need are your anvil and hammer helping craft and shape your life. Notice how little force it takes to create what you desire. I’m not … Read more