Supreme Court Rules: No Sex for Fun

Dear Friend and Reader: On one level, people get it. If the Supreme Court can rule that a for-profit corporation can ignore a federal mandate to provide health insurance that includes birth control coverage to women based on an ethical objection, then the government must respect everyone’s ethical values. This is called Equal Protection Under … Read more

Astrology and Incentive — Your July Stars

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Your July horoscope covers the exciting changes of the new season — both Mars and Jupiter change signs, which will create the effect of “the other 2014” — a new year within the current year. On Monday, Mercury stations direct, concluding more than six months of end-to-end inner planet retrogrades. As … Read more

Good As Gold

Dear Friend and Reader: July is the month when Jupiter changes signs to Leo. Jupiter takes about 12 years to go around the Sun, so it spends about a year in each sign. It’s been in Cancer since last summer, and quite a time it’s been. During this phase we’ve lived through some genuinely challenging … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for July 2014

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for July 2014 | By Eric Francis July begins the other 2014 — the one after the grand cross and Mars retrograde and Venus retrograde and two Mercury retrogrades (the most recent of which ends July 1) and a lot else besides. We now get to experience The Other 2014, … Read more

The Sun, Mercury, the Star and the Solstice

Dear Friend and Reader: On Saturday the Sun ingresses the sign Cancer, an energetic high point in what for many has been a challenging year. Before that happens, though, there’s an unusual event today. Mercury is currently retrograde, and at the midpoint of that process, Mercury, the Earth and the Sun line up — that … Read more