That Chiron Thing — In Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader: Our Pisces Sun is slipping from a conjunction to Neptune (which was exact Wednesday, Feb. 25) into a conjunction with Chiron (exact Saturday, March 7). These slow-moving bodies are forming the backdrop of consciousness right now. Though it’s often difficult to see while we’re in the midst of it, slow-moving planets … Read more

Mercury Direct, and a Crazy Week in Television

Dear Friend and Reader: Mercury stationed direct in Aquarius Wednesday, amidst much fanfare, turmoil and loss in the television profession. At the same time, this was an unusually challenging retrograde for we humans and our technology. The whole retrograde process happened in Aquarius, which seems to have emerged in the modern era as the sign … Read more

With Mercury Retrograde, A Week of Retro News

Dear Friend and Reader: You may already be feeling this — Mercury is slowing to its station direct in early Aquarius. This is exact at 9:57 am EST (14:57 UTC) on Wednesday, Feb. 11. Mercury turned to retrograde motion on Jan. 21, right after the Aquarius New Moon. Mercury is stationing direct while in a … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope — Leo Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — A more public life is a greater probability for you at this time. In addition, you may very well derive significant satisfaction with even an indirect increase in exposure. One possible fly in the ointment, however, is the issue of satisfaction itself. Please understand it’s not a problem … Read more

Love, Rain On Me

Dear Friend and Reader: Though the Sun is in Aquarius, there is some extraordinary astrology happening in Pisces this weekend. Aquarius is certainly speaking its piece. On Friday, Mercury and the Sun form their interior conjunction. This is the midway point in the Mercury retrograde that began on Jan. 21 and ends on Feb. 11. … Read more