Everything Under the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader: On Sunday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction in Virgo, which is the New Moon and also a partial solar eclipse. This leads into what may be the most interesting day of the year, Thursday, Sept. 17, when Mercury stations retrograde in Libra, Saturn enters Sagittarius for the next two … Read more

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrology and Monsanto

Dear Friend and Reader: Venus stations direct Sunday after a six-week retrograde. This is one of the rare Venus retrogrades I’ve experienced when it felt like, and where many people described it feeling like, Mercury retrograde. Venus and Mercury are both closer to the Sun than is the Earth, so there are similarities there. They … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Pisces Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — Whether or not your heart’s desire is a solitary endeavor or a team effort, achieve it as though you are a creative collaborator. Examine what got you this far in your efforts to find or achieve a sense of gratification, then figure out what it would take to … Read more

Jupiter in Virgo: Use What You Know

“I’ve got good news. That gum you like is going to come back in style.” — The Man from Another Place, from Twin Peaks, Season 1, Episode 3, 1990 Dear Friend and Reader: In astrology, Jupiter represents style trends, among many other things. The largest of the planets (1,200 times the size of Earth) orbits our … Read more

In Search of the Inner Feminine

Dear Friend and Reader: Tonight and for the next few days, we experience the Leo New Moon and the peak of Venus retrograde — Venus conjunct the Sun. Within a short time, the Moon forms a conjunction with the Sun (Friday at 10:53 am EDT or 14:53 UTC) , followed soon after by Venus doing … Read more