Reorienting on the Night, Devotion in the Dark

Dear Friend and Reader: Writer Jeanette Winterson ‘gets’ the allure of Scorpio, even if she never mentions the sign in her recent piece for The Guardian about why she adores the night. I am tempted to paste her entire piece here, because it is so gorgeous in its imagery, and in its seductively simple understanding of why the … Read more

Group Initiation: Ceres in Aquarius

Dear Friend and Reader: Ceres, the dwarf planet and former asteroid, made its way into Aquarius on Tuesday. Earlier in the year it made a long retrograde through early Aquarius and late Capricorn; now it’s back in Aquarius to stay for about three months. This conjures up some interesting scenarios. I will admit that despite … Read more

Figuring Out Where You’re Coming From

Dear Friend and Reader: In the astrology readings below, you have my interpretations for November, a month with two turning-point events in our mini-era of personal history. These are the main events on which I’ve based your readings. The first is a conjunction of Venus and Mars in Virgo; this is the third conjunction between … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Taurus Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you have ever been a foreign student, or shared a home with one, you know something of both the risk and rewards involved. Even if you have never been in the role of host or student guest, now would be a good time for you to consider … Read more

Fire on the Mountain

Long distance runner, what you standing there for? — The Grateful Dead Dear Friend and Reader: Though the Sun is still in Libra, along with Mercury, the North Node and Juno, there is some unusual activity going on one sign away in Virgo. I’ve kept the focus on Libra themes during the Sun’s transit and … Read more