Moonshine Horoscopes — Cancer Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — Don’t despair should there be conflicts at home, or conflicts over shared resources. Neither should you blame yourself if some people are determined not to get along with others. When you get right down to it, you are the only person you can control. Therefore, keep up your … Read more

Global Warming: Time to Get Real

By whatever clock you’re using — astrology, the civil calendar, the Mayan calendar or geological time — it’s getting late on the climate change issue. It’s getting so late that the excuse of “too late, we can’t do anything” might even sound convincing. For a moment. Until you think of your children and their children, … Read more

Notes on Love and Courage

Dear Friend and Reader: Well, the Saturn-Neptune square certainly has begun with some energy. It’s been warming up all year, and is now at its first of three major peaks. The world has hardly ever seemed more chaotic, with more horrid things going on in more places. It’s appealing to push it all away, to … Read more

Vision Quest: Into the Mysteries of 2016

Marie Claire Horoscope for December 2015 | by Eric Francis Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is by far the most ambitious time of year for you. To take advantage of what is truly an exceptional picture of potential, I recommend two things: One, leave past professional hurts and disappointments behind. Face the future as if … Read more

Vision Quest: Into the Mysteries of 2016

Dear Friend and Reader: Every year at this time I’m casting and reading a lot of astrology — a bit more than usual, in preparation for my year-ahead readings. The result is the combination of an annual book of 12 chapters (one per sign and rising sign) and spoken-word audio project (about an hour per … Read more