Postcard from the Edge: Evidence Points to Big, Undiscovered Planet

By David Rosen & Eric Francis Coppolino It’s not every day that a new planet announces its existence, but that depends on what you mean by planet. Moons, asteroids, centaurs, comets and dwarf planets are discovered relentlessly. Nearly a million are known and catalogued, all objects orbiting our Sun. The great majority have been spotted … Read more

David Bowie: Memoir of When Sex Was for Fun

Dear Friend and Reader: For a few days now, we’ve had the opportunity to grieve the loss of David Bowie, one of those rockers who seemed for all the world like a personal friend — and like someone destined to live forever. For me that has meant appreciating what I learned from someone I consider … Read more

Mercury Retrograde: The Week From the Future

Dear Friend and Reader: As Mercury stationed retrograde in Aquarius Tuesday, we had yet another week from science fiction. The 2012-era theme of ‘everything, all at once’ seems to be persisting into the new phase of astrological history, as events this first week of the year have demonstrated. Yet there were also odd echoes of … Read more

The Vision Quest Begins

Aries: Opening the Doors of Perception First Two Sentences: To find your true vision, you don’t need to do need to much besides get your outmoded concepts out of the way of your thought process. This is a time-honored spiritual method involving the clearing of perception. A Few of the Topics Covered: Uranus conjunct Eris: … Read more

Global Warming and the Potluck Dinner

Dear Friend and Reader: A few months ago I was a guest on Caravan to Midnight, a popular nightly Internet video interview program, invited on to talk about Monsanto’s fraudulent way of doing business and poisoning our bodies. I gave a recitation of the company’s key points of history back to its founding in 1901, … Read more