What Do We Do About These Flesh-Eating Zombies?

Dear Friend and Reader: What exactly are we supposed to do? That’s the question. It’s a little like The Onion’s fictional lady, Christine Pearson of Topeka, who baked an American flag cake after 9/11, just so she could do anything at all. “I had to do something to force myself away from the TV,” said Pearson, 33, carefully laying … Read more

Everything You Need to Know

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s my policy as the editor of Planet Waves not to frighten my readers. Whatever we report on our pages, we explain in the most evenhanded way that we can, presenting options to choose from. When we think of the concept of freedom, it’s meaningful only in the context of the … Read more

1/21 Protests: All Hail Uranus Conjunct Eris

Dear Friend and Reader: Who knew? Who dreamed that millions of women, and their friends, would take to the streets around the world on Saturday, Jan. 21, starting the New Regime with a roar? Well, someone did: urban legend is that it all started with a Facebook event page that went viral, and a permit … Read more

The Way We Look to Us All

Dear Friend and Reader: I just cannot wait for Donald Trump to place his hand on the Bible tomorrow. I’ve been anticipating this moment eagerly: both seeing whether he can actually touch the thing, and to witness the proper beginning of his administration. Everything we’ve seen so far — the congressional hearings for cabinet nominees, … Read more

Cancer Full Moon: Action From All Directions

Dear Friend & Reader: Today’s Cancer Full Moon takes place in direct contact with several major planets around the zodiac. On one level, it’s a symbolic illustration of how life feels right now: issues pushing and pulling us from all directions, each insisting on immediate action. The challenging thing about such a situation is often … Read more