Eriscope from Planet Waves – August 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) We live in a time when you’re not supposed to take chances, but I’m here to tell you that sex is risky no matter what. Feelings are involved, and not everyone tells the truth about that. Where bodies touch, health is involved, and we have some integrity issues here as well. Condoms … Read more

The Spiritual Olympics (and the Power of 8)

Dear Friend and Reader: SINCE NOBODY HAS A CLUE what the Olympics story is going to be at this point, let’s make up a lead. One thing nearly everybody must be thinking is, Please, Lordy Lord, let’s not have terrorism screw up the games. The world has enough problems right now and for once we … Read more

A Journey to the Heart of Self: Leo Birthdays

Dear Leo: IT IS UNUSUAL enough to have an eclipse of the Sun in your birth sign, and this occurred on Aug. 1. Eclipses tend to shake up our lives, particularly if they occur close to a personal point (such as the Sun, Moon or ascendant). No doubt you’re feeling some solidified matter starting to … Read more

Leo Eclipse: From Self-Concept to Self

Dear Friend and Reader: WE ARE PUBLISHING on the eve of Friday’s total solar eclipse in Leo, and time permits me just a few more comments. We covered it in last week’s edition and in our daily as well. I consider eclipses to be a kind of religious event, worthy of stopping everything for. They are akin to the … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – August 2008

Aries (March 21-April 19) A solar eclipse in Leo early in the month will ease the way toward freeing you from the sense of responsibility, pressure or lack of flexibility that has characterized much of your year so far. If you feel you’re being pushed past your comfort zone, that’s exactly where you want to be; … Read more