Alternative Monthly Horoscope for December 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) After such an odd spell of relationship confusion, you can now return to pursuing your most meaningful goals. You’re about to feel the power of Pluto’s recent arrival in Capricorn, which is likely to arrive with the sense that you’re invincible. Little can stop you — if you remember your ethics, maintain … Read more

The Great Attractor (and our 10th Anniversary)

Are you enjoying getting toasted, warped and pushed by all this edgy Sagittarius energy? The Sun is not only conjunct Mars in Sagg, which would be more than enough to give you a dark tan indoors on a cloudy day. Both are at this moment magnifying the most potent source of electromagnetic radiation in the … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – December 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) For some people, social acceptance is so important they will do anything to keep it once they have it. Don’t be one of them. The story of the recent years of your life has been the struggle — if I may use such a strong word — to maintain your individuality while … Read more

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 28, 2008

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 28, 2008, #742 – By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) As you enter a phase of your life where achievement becomes the thing you reach for and finally attain, remember that you don’t matter quite as much without the people around you. Indeed, you may not matter at all. … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – December 2008

Dear Friend and Reader: PLUTO IS in its final moments in Sagittarius until Dec. 18, 2241, when it returns to the sign of the centaur. Apropos of a major Pluto transit, the ingress to Capricorn is being attended by much drama and many truly unusual developments. And apropos of a change in historical eras, we … Read more