Moving, Turning in Time

Planet of Another Star First Seen with Human Eyes Since 1992, we’ve known that planets exist outside our solar system (exoplanets), but until now we’ve never captured direct evidence of these planets. That changed Nov. 13 when American and Canadian astronomers gave us the first direct optical images of planets outside our solar system, orbiting … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space for January 2009

Aries (March 20-April 19) Yours is the sign of beginnings, and you certainly seem to be doing plenty of that. You have a mission in the world, but there is a deeper emotional or spiritual lesson, which is to keep your focus on your feelings as you strive to conquer the world. It is easy … Read more

Capricorn: Seeing in the Dark of the Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: We are approaching a Capricorn New Moon Saturday morning that I would classify as a “big chart.” I say this for many reasons, with much experience; the first reason being that we are in our first [Northern Hemisphere winter] solstice season with Pluto at 1 degree of Capricorn. This puts Pluto … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly for January 2009

HAVE YOU NOTICED how dense it can be on this planet? The weighty energetic quality comes in several forms: the unwieldy nature of physical reality; the often foggy, sleepy quality of human consciousness; our obsession with the past; our burning need to conform to what others think we should do; and the peculiar way something … Read more

2008: A Moment to Remember

Dear Friend and Reader: In today’s edition, let’s take a look back at the past four seasons, which seem to have whipped by like time-lapse photography. This was a year that Pluto changed signs: we will not forget it. We will remember for any number of reasons, personal and cultural. It was the year of … Read more