Virgo New Moon: Integration or Dependency?

Dear Friend and Reader: Significant objects and points have been filing into Virgo this past week — all in preparation for the Virgo New Moon on Friday. This Virgo lineup would already carry a strong message of integration, on its own. But at the time of the New Moon, these objects will all be opposite … Read more

Virgo: Another Slice of the Orange

Dear Friend and Reader: Friday morning, the Sun joins Venus and Mars in Virgo. Juno will be close behind, entering Virgo Friday evening. We’re continuing with an unusual situation in which four planets will suddenly be in a sign where there has been very little action for a while. This has just happened with Leo, … Read more

Let’s Meet (Ourselves) in Virgo

Dear Friend and Reader: This week’s astrology is marked by successive objects moving from Leo to Virgo — culminating in the Venus-Mars conjunction in early Virgo on Saturday. The overarching message appears to be one of integration: of your inner feminine and masculine, your receptive and active sides, your yin and yang tendencies. It’s not … Read more

Brother Moon, Sister Moon

I am a lonely visitor. I came too late to cause a stir, Though I campaigned all my life towards that goal. I hardly slept the night you wept Our secret’s safe and still well kept Where even Richard Nixon has got soul. Even Richard Nixon has got soul. — Neil Young Dear Stargazer: The … Read more

Jupiter, Neptune, and the Aquarius Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: During these chaotic times, it’s essential that you maintain a boundary between what is outer and what is inner: what is your life, and what belongs to “the world” and the mirage arising before us on the internet and TV. That boundary is where you gain a measure of influence over … Read more