Chiron Files: Erotic Health and Venus Retrograde

The Chiron Files is a short monthly essay on health and astrology. It’s not intended as medical or psychological advice — just some ideas to consider. — efc Dear Planet Waves Reader: Venus is retrograde and the Sun is in Scorpio. We’ve just experienced a New Moon in that sign, conjunct Vesta. In traditional astrology, this is … Read more

The Spiral Light of Venus

Dear Planet Waves Reader: This weekend is the helical rise of Venus. That’s the point in the Venus retrograde cycle when Venus is far enough from the Sun that you can see her rise as the morning star. Though Venus is not yet stationing direct, the helical rise is the pivotal moment of the retrograde … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – November 2010

Dear Planet Waves Reader: November is under the influence of Venus retrograde, which is happening between Scorpio and Libra (in fact Venus is about to re-enter Libra). This month includes many other Scorpio placements as we approach the annual New Moon in the 8th sign this weekend. Venus retrograde seems designed to have an emotionally … Read more

Putting the Conserve Back into Conservative

If I seem to take part in politics, it is only because politics encircles us today like the coil of a snake from which one cannot get out, no matter how much one tries. I wish therefore to wrestle with the snake. — Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Dear Planet Waves Reader: Conservatism is all the rage. … Read more

Scorpio Time: Erotic Enlightenment

Dear Friend and Reader: Scorpio time is when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. In many cultures, this time of year is host to Days of the Dead, where the living honor their ancestors, making food for them and lighting the way back home with candles. This is a great tradition, honoring our predecessors, … Read more