From Aries to Taurus, and the Mercury Storm

Dear Friend and Reader: Next week is monthly horoscope week. These are published after the Sun has entered its new sign. With the Sun about to move from the sign of I Am (Aries) to the sign of I Have (Taurus), we’re at the cusp of the two concepts. Yet the imaginary line between them (and their corresponding realities) is … Read more

Me, Myself and I: Note from Aries

Dear Friend and Reader The Moon reaches full phase in Libra this weekend. A Full Moon dependably shakes up the emotional and psychic energy, and at the moment there is plenty shaking. With many planets in Aries, including Mercury retrograde brewing like a vat of cider, we’re likely to be feeling a bit extra shuffled … Read more

Varuna-Eris: Subscribers Take the Floor

Dear Friend and Reader: Sunday, I posted a note about the Varuna-Eris square, an aspect between two of the newly discovered, very slow-moving planets that was highlighted yesterday by an exact quarter-Moon. Though I’ve written relatively little about Varuna, I thought I would take a chance and get reader input on this aspect and the phase of … Read more

Through the Looking Glass

Dear Friend and Reader: Neptune entered Pisces this week. In astrology, one of the measures of significance is how rare an event is. Neptune has not been in this position since 1847, just one year after its discovery, and a good while before the Civil War ripped the United States in half. No living person … Read more

Chiron Files: Spring Cleaning

Dear Friend and Reader: Cleaning is healthy activity for humans, particularly here in the Western world where our lives become cluttered with both stuff and activity. The word less often means ‘restoring a hygienic condition’ and more often means getting rid of what is no longer needed. This month there is an unusual surge of … Read more