Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope — October 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: This month is dominated by Aries and Libra — the polarity of ‘I am / we are’. This astrology peaks with the Aries Full Moon of Oct. 11. Inside of our relationship dramas, sagas and desires, our DNA and hormones are humming along, giving us instructions to reproduce the species. And … Read more

In Search of Love (or Self-Identity)

Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun is in Libra, the sign of relationships — and this is a month where relationships are a strong theme for other reasons. One of the aspects that makes October 2011 unique is Saturn opposite Eris. It’s an opposition between the planet of structure and form (Saturn), and the planet associated with … Read more

Introducing a Weekly 2012 Diary by Eric Francis

Introducing a Weekly 2012 Diary by Eric Francis Dear Friend and Reader: This thing called 2012 is approaching fast. We’ve got just one more season and we’re there. This is one of the most predicted-about times in human history. I can tell you that there will be a lot of unemployed prophets on Jan. 1, … Read more

Planet Waves :: Libra Equinox: In Search of Justice

Libra Equinox: In Search of Justice The judge said, “Guilty” in a make-believe trial, Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile and said, “Supper’s waiting at home and I got to get to it.” — Bobby Russell Dear Friend and Reader: If there was a silver lining to Wednesday night’s human sacrifice of … Read more

Whatever That Thing Is

Dear Friend and Reader: I recently mentioned a conjunction developing in mid-Sagittarius, aligned with a body called the Great Attractor. The alignment was precise to the arc minute this week, which I trust opened a door to its meaning. I associate it with a kind of toxic spirituality that is on the loose lately. The conjunction … Read more