Titanic: The Atlantis Connection

And the little children cried as the waves swept o’er the side It was sad when the great ship went down. — American traditional Dear Friend and Reader: Evangeline Adams, the mother of modern American astrology, is said to have advised her client J. Pierpont Morgan, “Do not get on the Titanic.” Morgan, a man so wealthy … Read more

Mars stations direct; Sun conjunct Eris

Dear Friend and Reader: Mars stations direct Friday, after spending about 11 weeks retrograde in Virgo. It’s slowing to a station opposite Neptune and Chiron in early Pisces. This is a week to take one step at a time; to proceed one day at a time. Mars changing directions is about a precise realignment of … Read more

The Intersection of You and the World

Dear Friend and Reader: Poets and artists are usually the ones who notice that the world as we see it is going away before our eyes. Art is not just descriptive, or an ethical comment on existence, but also an attempt to make the feeling of the current world last a little longer than it … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope for April 2012

By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — This month there is a call for you to sift through the complex layers of your emotions; moving through the layers of information contained in your body and your feelings to gain a new perspective on the themes you live with on a daily basis. A theme … Read more

Trayvon Martin and the Uranus-Pluto Square

Dear Friend and Reader: If you’re one of those people who dares to watch the news, you know this has been a momentous and swiftly-moving week. Health care reform made it to the Supreme Court for three days of hearings, and the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has burst into public consciousness for the trial-by-media … Read more