The Slow Reveal: Jupiter Square Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader: You would think that with so many objects still moving through Virgo, that sign and its qualities might be the only thing to focus on. But here’s the thing: all of those Virgo planets are gradually making contact with a slightly slower aspect that is characterizing the entire month of September: … Read more

There is Hope for Humanity

Dear Friend and Reader: Decades into my project of studying the planets, I’ve figured out that the story never resolves. The cycles describe many potential points of resolution, but it rarely seems to happen. When it does, those few truly determined people are the ones who make it happen. Studying the planets means studying people … Read more

Virgo New Moon: Integration or Dependency?

Dear Friend and Reader: Significant objects and points have been filing into Virgo this past week — all in preparation for the Virgo New Moon on Friday. This Virgo lineup would already carry a strong message of integration, on its own. But at the time of the New Moon, these objects will all be opposite … Read more

Virgo: Another Slice of the Orange

Dear Friend and Reader: Friday morning, the Sun joins Venus and Mars in Virgo. Juno will be close behind, entering Virgo Friday evening. We’re continuing with an unusual situation in which four planets will suddenly be in a sign where there has been very little action for a while. This has just happened with Leo, … Read more

Let’s Meet (Ourselves) in Virgo

Dear Friend and Reader: This week’s astrology is marked by successive objects moving from Leo to Virgo — culminating in the Venus-Mars conjunction in early Virgo on Saturday. The overarching message appears to be one of integration: of your inner feminine and masculine, your receptive and active sides, your yin and yang tendencies. It’s not … Read more