Sun Passes Through Pluto-Eris Square

Dear Friend and Reader: We are now in a new era of astrology: the Pluto-Eris square. Maybe you’ve been following along. There was the Uranus-Pluto series of squares in the 2011-2012 era; there was the Uranus-Eris conjunction of 2016-2017; and now, the torch has been passed to Pluto square Eris — the rarest of all … Read more

Pairing Up with the Aries New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: Early on Friday the Sun and Moon conjoin in Aries for the Aries New Moon. This is occurring right at the midpoint of the sign, in a rather interesting chart. The sky right now features a strong mix of Aries and Pisces; and while that often occurs at the very beginning … Read more

Mueller Report Much Worse Than Anyone is Saying

Dear Friend and Reader: Attorney General William Barr is keeping the Mueller report on Russian election interference under wraps — for a good reason. Planet Waves has obtained a copy of the 773-page document, which details Pres. Donald Trump’s involvement with foreign interference in the 2016 election. The interference in the election was indeed foreign, … Read more

An Unsealed Letter

Dear Friend and Reader: You know things are weird when a top story in the news is how long a report might be. Not how long it is; how long it might be. Not what’s in the report. Not what is missing. Rather, the potential page count. This game of charades has been going on … Read more

How to Breathe Under Water

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re about to experience one of the most unusual Mercury stations in a generation. On Thursday, Mercury turns to direct motion in an exact conjunction to Neptune. This takes place in Pisces; that is Mercury churning through a lot of water. The conjunction of Mercury and Neptune has been going on … Read more