Chiron in Pisces: Special Edition Monthly Horoscope

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: For those who appreciate the concept ‘holistic’, I have some astrology news for you — Chiron in Pisces. We think of holistic as something like going to a naturopathic doctor, though it has much wider implications. Here is a succinct Wikipedia definition. The concept of holistic (from holos, a Greek word meaning … Read more

Chiron in Pisces: The Missing Piece

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: On April 20th Chiron enters Pisces for the first time since 1969. In a recent edition of Planet Waves, I described our current era as the anti-Sixties, but Chiron in Pisces is very much a true-to-Sixties factor. Think of it as being a little like the Beatles. The Sixties were a tumultuous, … Read more

Radharani New Moon in Aries

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: Wednesday’s New Moon in Aries arrives at a time when many transitions are brewing. The Moon and Sun will be conjunct Wednesday at 8:29 am EDT (New York daylight time) and 1:29 pm GMD/BST (London daylight time). This is the first New Moon of the astronomical and astrological year, and it … Read more

Rachel Maddow: The Apotheosis of Eris

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: This weekend, the Sun is conjunct the newly discovered planet Eris. I know that I mention a lot of newly discovered planets, but Eris (discovered and named between 2003 and 2006) so magnificently qualified as the official ’10th planet’ that its discovery compelled astronomers to shake up their organizational model of … Read more

Your Handy Clip & Save Mercury Retrograde Guide

For April and May 2010 — By Eric Francis — This guide is designed to be printed and put on your bulletin board or fridge. Print extras and tack to office or community bulletin boards and get people hip to the fact that the astrological weather changes constantly. Knowing and being aware of the dates of … Read more