Inner Space Horoscope – August 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) Many of the worst patterns that we pick up in childhood are dramatized not by our superiors (such as parents, teachers or bosses) but rather in our relationships with our peers. Those we call friends are capable of perpetuating some of the most negative and debilitating childhood dynamics, … Read more

Horoscope 777 and the Forthcoming Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader: This week I’ve invested my energy into an extended horoscope that looks closely at the eclipse of the Moon next week, as well as the sign change of Venus from Gemini to Cancer. This happens to be weekly horoscope number 777. Today I will leave you with a few thoughts on next week’s Aquarius … Read more

Monthly Horoscope – August 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS A year of incredible activity in the sign Aquarius reaches another peak with an eclipse of the Moon on Aug. 5. Think of the Moon as a veil and an eclipse as drawing back the veil. When this happens, a small, meaningful planet called Nessus is revealed. Nessus orbits our Sun and … Read more

The Chart that Proves Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: In one of my fantasy-fiction experiments, I’m taken back to the summer of 1969 by a character called Fade, a kind of nature sprit who can incarnate as human. She inhabits the East Woods on the Grandmother Land, and she’s been there for quite a long time. The 60s were a … Read more

Tuesday Horoscope Edition for Total Solar Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader: Tonight’s total eclipse (Wednesday in many zones outside the United States) of the Sun in the last degree of Cancer represents a point of demarcation in our lives. It’s one of those rare points in time where we will be able to say, “Before this, things were one way, and after … Read more