The Electric Tide

Dear Friend and Client: Here is the question everyone has asked at least once: how exactly do you not get your ass kicked by Mercury retrograde? Here’s a better question: how do we use these phases, which come dependably three times a year, to spark our creativity, solve problems and improve communication with the people … Read more

Leo New Moon: The Holistic Sense of Self

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s a pleasure to be able to write about a solar-lunar event that is not an eclipse, or something sitting on the Aries Point. That has been the story behind every New Moon or Full Moon so far this summer. With the Leo New Moon of Aug. 20, we close the … Read more

Fellowship Among Men and Women

Dear Friend and Reader: This weekend is the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival, which was actually held in Bethel, New York — a town whose name translates to “house of God.” We’ve always paid tribute to Woodstock at Planet Waves, and commemorated the event in some small way almost every year. The original, one … Read more

Planet Waves Alt Horoscope – August 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS (March 20-April 19) You may not know what you want. There can be significant pleasure in considering your options, and you’re more likely to make a good decision if you do it from there rather than a place of angst or hot inner debate. Before you decide, anything is possible. The good … Read more

The Inner Goddess & the Inner Gaze

Dear Friend and Reader: Friday morning, today that is, I will be in Toronto presenting a seminar at the American Psychological Association (APA) conference called “The Inner Goddess and the Inner Gaze.” My presentation, as currently planned, will explore the phenomenon of the inner feminine, or anima, and its relationship to both men and women in … Read more