Tuesday Letter: Libra to Scorpio

Dear Friend and Client: Libra has been one of those seasons with five Tuesdays. I don’t issue the first monthly horoscope until the first Tuesday that Sun has ingressed the new sign, so I’m here with a brief letter telling you what I think you need to know about this week’s astrology. The Sun is … Read more

More action on the Cardinal Cross

Dear Friend and Reader: Venus is now in Libra, just past a square to Pluto in Capricorn. The Virgo-Libra cusp is a busy place these days; Mercury recently ingressed Libra (ending its retrograde two weeks ago, and its echo phase Wednesday). Pallas Athene, an asteroid connected with law and justice, is currently quite happy in … Read more

How to Fix the World, Part Two

Dear Friend and Reader: We met the Yes Men a few weeks ago, after I spent Monday morning, Sept. 21 trooping around Manhattan as they gave out their climate change edition of the New York Post. This paracosmic spoof on the conservative tabloid was distributed to 100,000 New Yorkers as a global warming conference consisting of … Read more

Planet Waves Alt Horoscope – October 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS Today’s bonus horoscope is our third monthly for the Libra cycle of the Sun. Imagine reading it in one of those big thick fashion magazines, only down in Australia. We’ll be back with another Tuesday bonus edition next week, but it won’t be a horoscope. See you with a regular edition Friday! … Read more

Aries Full Moon: Relationship News Roundup

Dear Friend and Reader: Overnight Saturday to Sunday is the Aries Full Moon. That’s the Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. Aries is the sign of “I am” and Libra is the sign of “we are.” This lunation is about the meeting point of individuals and the relationships we encounter. The tune of … Read more