The Hole in the Bucket

The Hole in the Bucket FOR A FEW YEARS now, I’ve been writing about the ominous presidential inauguration chart from Jan. 20, 2005. Ominous means full of omens, and it contained two that stood out enough to put into print repeatedly: one for late October 2005, and another for late March or early April 2006. … Read more

Her Name is Rahda!

Her Name is Radha! Let’s Get a Groove on 1992 QB1 SERIOUSLY, what is it with these annoying astronomers? Sometimes they’re in a big hurry; sometimes it takes them forever and a few light years to get the simplest things done. In fact, if astronomers ran astrology, there would be no such thing as a … Read more

Inner Space for April

Inner Space by Eric Francis APRIL 2006 We’re still experiencing the energy ripples of two eclipses, including a solar eclipse arriving March 29, on the Aries Point. Mercury stationed direct a few days ago, and the United States charts are popping. It would seem that we’re going to be carried by the momentum of this … Read more

Aries Birthdays: The Boarderland

Aries Birthdays: The Borderland THIS WILL count for one of the most astonishing years of your life, and mostly what you need to do is go with the flow. That is not so passive an act as it may seem, or as the term is used in common speech. The ‘flow’ represents all the forces … Read more

Flaunt for March

Aries (March 20 – April 19) They’re playing your song. In fact, they’re blaring it at full volume. Okay well, it’s more like a loud, opinionated conversation, which may be getting pretty sexy. And it’s going very well. In fact, it’s going so well you may never get down to business. So unless you’re having … Read more