Destiny Horoscope

Destiny by Eric Francis I’m no holiday from horoscopes, so there is no Planet Waves Weekly this week. This is a (much) shorter horoscope that appears in “Woman” in the UK. It’s associated with these phone lines: Mercury turned to retrograde motion in Leo, saying think differently about money and you’ll have a lot … Read more

Warming the Big Chill

Aquarius: In the On Position EL SOUL ingressed Aquarius earlier today, the third of three Saturn-ruled signs of the zodiac: the first being Libra, where Saturn is exalted; second being Capricorn, Saturn’s night house; and Aquarius, Saturn’s traditional day house, now said to be ruled by Uranus. This gesture touches a cosmic acupuncture point: the … Read more

Inner Space for July

Inner Space by Eric Francis The House and Home Horoscope for July 2006 Originating in Upstate House magazine The Sun is now in Cancer, first astrological sign of summer and the sign of house and home. But the focus of the sky is in Leo — which is about the economics and finances of one’s … Read more

“The Squeeze”

The Squeeze THESE are challenging times for sensitive, rational people to be alive. I can only imagine: it must be super duper weird. We have just been through days with astrology so tightly strung, so balanced on the edge of a wedge, that the psychological pressure has at times verged on laughable. I speak for … Read more

Planet Waves for July

Happy Birthday Gemini! [Corrected!] Originally published Friday, June 16, 2006 YOU CANNOT rule your mind with an iron will, but you can open up to the flow of creation. You were born at one time of year when the intuitive messages are pouring through the most vividly, as the Earth aligns with the Galactic Core, … Read more