We are past the cross-quarter of Beltane, though it remains The May. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is waxing toward maximum light, which happens in a little under five weeks. In the Southern Hemisphere, their version of winter is drawing toward an end, and the days are at their shortest.

Dear Friend and Reader:
The current astrology is a moment of relative calm, if judging by the charts. As of this writing, the Sun is easing through the last degree of Taurus, separating from its last aspect — a trine to Pluto. That says “make the connections.” It also says that if you want a result, make the effort to get it; move in its direction; recognize it when you see it.
We are past the cross-quarter of Beltane, though it remains The May. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is waxing toward maximum light, which happens in a little under five weeks. In the Southern Hemisphere, their version of winter is drawing toward an end, and the days are at their shortest. Then the cosmic teacup ride of the seasons reverses directions and the Sun heads back along the horizon toward the equator.

A complicated spell of astrology and many associated changes are behind us, if close by, and we get some time to settle into a new quality of living; a new pace. The Moon, in Capricorn at the moment and in Aquarius through most of the weekend, is waning past the recent eclipse pattern, headed for the Gemini New Moon on May 30.
Many Cycles Renew
Recent events included Mars conjunct Neptune; Venus conjunct Chiron; Jupiter ingressing Aries; and of course, the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse pair. These are all relatively routine (though interesting) aspects, and Jupiter in Aries is a bit next-level. They have something to say, especially if you are open to feeling, desire, and your need to connect with yourself (my general sense of these conjunctions).
Mercury remains retrograde through June 3, though one interesting forthcoming event is the Mercury-Sun conjunction in the first degree of Gemini. In other words, when the Sun enters Gemini, the first thing that happens is that it forms a conjunction to retrograde Mercury in the first degree of that sign.
This illustrates an exchange of some kind: most probably, an inner discovery, an idea, or some kind of personal admission. These interior alignments of Mercury and the Sun are powerful, and in my experience they are almost always positive or at least useful. They often come with some revelation or positive movement.
Surviving and Healing from Trauma
One last thought. As I complete my day-by-day audit of the events of 2020, I am beginning to look more closely at the astrology of what we have all been through.

I have been so invested in my coverage of the science, well, “science,” behind everything that I have not had much to say about the astrology of that era. By the way, this peer-reviewed article published on the NIH website floated into my inbox last night.
We lived through a major phase of the same cycle that brought us 9/11 (the Saturn-Pluto cycle), compounded by the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and the Jupiter-Pluto cycle. Astrology does not get bigger than this, and I’ve left out quite a lot that deserves mention even in a one paragraph summary.
The astrology has the feeling of fracturing the fabric of space and time. We all felt that — whether it was in the form of time stopping, shifting, or somehow lost. While the word “traumatic” is overused, the astrology of that era qualifies.
And where Pluto transits are concerned, they can leave their mark for a long time. There is the expectation that something so shocking is again around the corner, as we lived through with 9/11. It is made the worse for being exploited.
While I have not had much luck sponsoring a discussion of how easily manipulated people are when they are in a state of shock and fear, I am raising the topic today, and will do so again.

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Weekly horoscope for May 19, 2022 by Eric Francis
As for what you have been envisioning in this unusually creative time: if you want to make it real, then you will need to remember what it was that you envisioned, or that came to you as inspiration.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What’s been going through your mind and imagination the past couple of days? It would seem like something unusual, vivid and bold — unless you’ve been gripped by anxiety or restless dreams. (If that is the case, then the aspect provoking them has passed.) As for what you have been envisioning in this unusually creative time: if you want to make it real, then you will need to remember what it was that you envisioned, or that came to you as inspiration. It’s not so far off or remote as you may feel; it will probably come right back to you if you take a quiet moment, a pencil and paper, and reveal it to yourself. Think of this as recalling a dream. It may come back to you in sequences, or layers, or feelings, and to some extent you can recall them. What you’ve just experienced is likely to have a form you can put into words, which I suggest you do as much as possible, in as many areas of your life as possible. And then write those words down, so that you can come back to them — they are your friends.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: dr4p9cxw
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The Sun’s last move before it leaves your sign is that it makes a trine to Pluto in very late Capricorn. This is a reminder of a long, long era in your life, which began in early 2008, where the main lesson has been sorting out your beliefs from those of other people.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your solar return season is coming to an end, as the Sun departs your sign and enters Gemini on Friday. The self-discovery factor has been strong the past few weeks, with Venus and Chiron forming a conjunction, and Jupiter opening up a new space inside of you that might feel like confidence or wisdom. The Sun’s last move before it leaves your sign is that it makes a trine to Pluto in very late Capricorn. This is a reminder of a long, long era in your life, which began in early 2008, where the main lesson has been sorting out your beliefs from those of other people. The deeper lesson is how belief itself serves mainly as a distraction, and as something that eclipses your direct access to your personal truth. Therefore, beware any time you hear yourself say the word. There are still both social and parental influences that can take you out of yourself, and which seem to get control over you by some form of guilt. That particular emotion is not proof of anything, least of all, that you are in some way wrong.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: 94en8hy6
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This will have you in quick-change mode, true to the style of your ruling planet. This combination of factors suggests that you will learn things that serve you very well for the coming solar year.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun is about to enter your sign in grand style — making a conjunction to retrograde Mercury. This will have you in quick-change mode, true to the style of your ruling planet. This combination of factors suggests that you will learn things that serve you very well for the coming solar year. Be aware that there are certain truths that are yours and yours alone; they are part of your inner dialog and self-observation process. You cannot expect other people to understand, and that is not the purpose of this astrology. Rather, the purpose is to facilitate your inner strength by placing you in contact with true self-knowledge. Where others factor in, it’s merely a byproduct of your relationship to yourself — which is saying a lot. Everyone would benefit from more of this, and it is your karma that the gift is being given to you now. Where others enter your life, think social rather than romantic. Stay around small groups of people more or less familiar to one another, and you will do very well.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wb2a8bwh

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Considering a great diversity of factors, you need to stay fluid, flowing, moving and open to the possibilities — and those are greater than you may think.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be sure to triple-check what you think is true, and be open to new information. Never be so confident in your discoveries that they are not subject to additional modification. Considering a great diversity of factors, you need to stay fluid, flowing, moving and open to the possibilities — and those are greater than you may think. It will also help you to stay visible, and to place yourself and your work where you can be seen. You may not be an extravert, but you can play one if you want, and now is the time. You always draw your strength from within yourself, and when you’re centered on the inside, you can be dynamic and outgoing. Mercury and the Sun are about to make an exciting maneuver, essentially switching places; Mercury leaves your 12th house and the Sun enters it. Take advantage of this ninja-like astrology, be positive as a matter of discipline, and show the world the love in your heart.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Take a low-key approach, and invest more energy into sussing people out than you do into telling them about yourself. This will provide you with helpful information about others, while helping weave a bit of mystery around who you are and what you do.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are a born professional, by which I mean that you are well-suited to conduct yourself in business and social situations. And at the moment, your astrology is lighting up your possibilities, opening doors, and will present you with excellent opportunities. This involves the Sun moving from Taurus into Gemini, and Mercury moving from Gemini into Taurus, concentrated through the weekend. This is social astrology, and it’s also good for getting the word out about what you do without seeming like that’s what you’re doing. Take a low-key approach, and invest more energy into sussing people out than you do into telling them about yourself. This will provide you with helpful information about others, while helping weave a bit of mystery around who you are and what you do. When you reveal something about yourself, do so in the context of the person you’re speaking to. Say less rather than more. You can be engaging and entertaining while only giving hints as to what you’re doing. I suggest this as your modus operandi through the rest of Mercury retrograde, which ends June 3.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
These are approaches that never served you, and which surely do not serve you now. Here is a simple fact: not everything you think is true is true.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What do you do when you encounter ideas or experiences that challenge your pre-existing beliefs? Most people raise their hackles, retreat, or go into denial. These are approaches that never served you, and which surely do not serve you now. Here is a simple fact: not everything you think is true is true. Most of what you think you know is wrong. This is true for most people, though you are in a moment of revelation, when your incorrect beliefs are being challenged. How this happens is that most of what we call education, media and culture is advertising for a point of view rather than an honest and balanced presentation. Is the new, challenging information valid? Well, you have to figure that out. At some point you need to thread the needle of your own ability to trust, a sense which has fallen on tough times for many people. There are commonplace beliefs that there is no such thing as truth, and if there is, you can never find it; but those are beliefs, not the truth.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
I suggest you look through these illusions — there is much more to the picture, and to the person (or people) involved. There are certain individuals who enter our world to show us what is possible.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Have you noticed any shifts in your environment with Jupiter now in your opposite sign Aries? The result of this could be the sensation of living in a larger world, with greater potential. Someone might have come into your life, though you may feel like they’re inaccessible. Or you may perceive them as in some way arrogant. I suggest you look through these illusions — there is much more to the picture, and to the person (or people) involved. There are certain individuals who enter our world to show us what is possible. It helps to recognize them as your equal in the human sense, regardless of how they may appear, or how much experience they may have. Simply reach across the space and engage them sincerely. Listen to what they say and see if you can get a sense of who they are, how they feel and what they want. You have substantial gifts to offer, which may be so subtle you don’t recognize them yet. If there is a magic key, it is finding a common language, or even one common idea.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
The only way to figure out who you are, and to figure out it’s OK to be who you are, is to experiment.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your chart says you’ve been living like a rock star, or at least that you want to. You might give that a little try — stretch some boundaries, paint in brighter colors, and allow yourself to step outside of the usual cautious personality shell you inhabit. The only way to figure out who you are, and to figure out it’s OK to be who you are, is to experiment. Some of that happens in the privacy of your own company, your notebook or your creative space. Some must happen in social space to get useful experimental results. You know you’re making progress if you experience what some call a “vulnerability hangover” — the sensation of, oh my lord, what did I say/write/do? That’s how you know you’ve successfully pushed a boundary. Rather than retreat, move outward into your new, larger space. Note the responses of others. It’s funny how sometimes, you think you do something bold and others barely notice. You might do something modest, and there’s a fuss. Don’t worry, just observe — and play.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
It is time to stand up and stand out. Paint in bold colors and broad strokes. Play every show not like it’s your last but rather like it’s your debut performance at Madison Square Garden.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Take advantage of your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries, which (skipping a brief visit back to Pisces) lasts through May 16, 2023. The creative ideas that come to you, the projects you initiate, and the creative confidence that you build, have the power to feed you for years. I mean this both spiritually and materially, though to get this effect, you must be bold. It is time to stand up and stand out. Paint in bold colors and broad strokes. Play every show not like it’s your last but rather like it’s your debut performance at Madison Square Garden. Your sense of being in unfamiliar territory will support you; everything you do contains some form of self-discovery. Jupiter in a fire sign is, for you, of the nature of a trine. Unlike the square aspect, which is self-activating, the trine requires your momentum to draw down its power. It is a use it or lose it aspect; trines can be squandered. Make the effort. Take the steps. Every day.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
So move carefully through space and time tonight through overnight Friday, and don’t pressure yourself into making any big decisions before you’ve seen the light dawn inside you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You seem to be riding a wave that will soon come to a crest. Your direction of travel is inward, so you may feel like you’re spiraling into yourself. Once the Moon completes its conjunction to Pluto Saturday morning (6:24 am EDT), you will likely feel a surge of relief and your taciturn mood will lighten up. So move carefully through space and time tonight through overnight Friday, and don’t pressure yourself into making any big decisions before you’ve seen the light dawn inside you. There are plenty of other moving parts that may have you feeling like everything is up in the air. Even if you figure out a layer of the situation or the issue you’re working on, be sure to let Mercury fully work out its retrograde process before you sign in ink or make any commitment you cannot reverse. This same astrology is affecting everyone; you cannot pressure the humans not to be confused. They love it way too much. It’s not really your thing, though.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Take it easy, and slow down your pace as much as you can through the end of Mercury retrograde on June 3. Practice allowing people and things to come to you, rather than going after them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Both the Sun and Moon are heading into air signs this weekend, which will give you the sensation of pulling back the curtains and opening the windows. Take it easy, and slow down your pace as much as you can through the end of Mercury retrograde on June 3. Practice allowing people and things to come to you, rather than going after them. If you can do this, if you can take a more laidback approach, as if you have all the time in the world, you may get some interesting results. This would include noticing the respect that people have for you, and using those sentiments to get the results that you want. I assume you’ll be thinking in terms of what will work for everyone, though if not, make sure you start from that place. The people who need your guidance are the ones who are most vulnerable to being taken advantage of, and of having their talent and resources exploited. Therefore, be worthy of the respect that you’re offered, and return the sincerity.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
If you have wholesome self-respect, you can do a lot with a little. If you do not, you might do nothing with vast resources.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As a self-creative being, you have the privilege and the right to create the life you want — if you can arrange it. Yet the points of origin are your ideas about your existence, and being honest with yourself about your desires and your deeper needs. The difference is that a need is a point where there is no compromise possible, assuming life in an organized society persists. Then your needs can inform your desires: you need food; what kind of food? You need to create art; what kind of art? You need a social life; what kind of interactions do you want? With Mars in your sign, you’re motivated to make choices that work for you, and to release what is not working. However, once Mars moves on, you are going to need to provide your own motivation and your own inspiration, as realizing one’s dreams can take time, focus, and sustained effort. Take the long view, and at the same time, make some improvement every single day that points you in your chosen direction.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: rpf9gjhb
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