Originally published in New York, Dec. 29, 2019 | Link to Original
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week we have another mid-week holiday, which will mix things up as much as any astrology might. Thankfully, we’re getting positive messages from the planets. This, as we approach first a lunar eclipse on Jan. 10 and then two days later, a Saturn-Pluto conjunction for the ages.

Planet Waves contributor Victoria Emory writes, “On Monday, the Sun in Capricorn conjoins the South Node of the Moon — meaning that an eclipse is imminent. The tense uncertainty hovering over this eclipse window becomes more palpable under this influence.
“We’re poised between the weight of accumulated baggage from the past, and an urgent need to jettison what has held us back. The good news is the potential to become more aware of the sticky emotional charge that’s kept old patterns held in place.”
Remember, the relatively local astrology I am relating in this short essay is in the context of the big stuff, which is so close to the horizon you may not be able to see it.
First, Mercury entered Capricorn overnight Saturday to Sunday, and now the entire grand conjunction is present in Capricorn for the 1/12/20 alignment. That consists of Mercury, the Sun, Ceres, Saturn, Chariklo and Pluto. Jupiter is standing guard nearby.
Mercury in Capricorn has a serious cast, which we could use a little more of here on Planet Infotainment (now we know what the “i” in iPhone stands for).
A Very Busy Mercury
Through the early week Mercury is conjunct Pholus and Quaoar (deep connection to your roots), and square Chiron and Salacia (talk about sex, and if you can’t, you’re not ready to do it). More than talking about sex, Mercury-Chiron says talk about your healing needs regarding sex; your actual history; what you struggle with; and what you actually want.
This is a very, very busy Mercury in these final days of the decade. We tend to run at the mind and avoid thought itself. I recognize other eras were not necessarily so enlightened, but here we are on this political and ecological brink — with so many resources and so much information available. And a cult mentality nearly everywhere you look.
All these Mercury aspects to centaurs (Chiron, Pholus) and slow movers (Salacia, Quaoar) may be astringent and sobering. The sentient mind of Mercury might be overwhelmed by so much that seems necessary to do.
However, acknowledging one’s personal truth and committing to radical honesty (experiment by experiment) is actually the one and only thing that’s necessary to do. The rest follows more easily, anyway.
New Year’s Eve: Moon Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Conditions New Year’s Eve are dominated by the Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, if that can be said to dominate. It can, in all the ways not really visible, or that mingle things up with foggy judgment.

I know you read a fair number of alcohol warnings here on Planet Waves. None of us are teetotalers that I know of, we’re just the sensible and responsible types when it comes to certain worldly matters.
That said, the Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces on New Year’s Eve is not the best time to be out driving/riding around in a car, where roads are icy many places, and at least some people are buzzed, tipsy and/or shitfaced just about everywhere on the planet.
If you have big plans, plan your transportation carefully. Take the correct routes based on actual highway conditions. Make sure you are not rushing. Have an idea how you’re getting there and back.
Designate a driver — the best driver in your group, who imbibes not a molecule of alcohol or any mind-altering substance other than cappuccino.
That said, Moon/Neptune/Pisces is the perfect dreamy anesthesia for New Year’s, which is calling for the curtains drawn and a group small enough where it’s possible to whisper. It’s also an excellent night to be alone, in music meditation or medibation or doing much of nothing except considering what you want from life, and what you need.
One Last Thought: Mercury Conjunct Jupiter
While this is a positively interesting week so far, events seem to peak around midday (ET) on Thursday, with the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction. We live with quite a bit of mystery at this time, and many large matters in a state of constant transience.
Mercury-Jupiter is a revelation. These two planets are marvelous energetic consorts because they connect all the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Both have just made aspects to the whole centaur-and-Salacia scene in the early cardinal signs. Now they are going to have a conversation and if we’re listening, we get to hear it.
Big astrology offers the possibility of major decisions and turning points.
Stay perky and curious.
With love,
PS — Planet Waves FM is planned for New Year’s Eve, probably in the early evening. New programs are now on our new Root website, which grows and thrives daily. Catch you over the sound waves Tuesday evening.
What the World Needs Now is Respect
Dear Friend and Reader:
I trust this finds you well, amidst all the swirling lunacy of the planet at the moment. We’re in one of those times when the world is bursting in our pockets: the news feeds keep going off and the phone keeps vibrating. I have the feeling that a good few people want to crawl under the covers right now.
These days, I’m ever more grateful to do what I do: keep a flow of reason and sanity moving into consciousness, and provide a safe space to think about your life.

I’ve now finished recording RESPECT, your 2020 Planet Waves annual reading. This is my 22nd time at the rodeo: annual editions started this time of year in 1998. The readings will be published soon.
Why This Reading is Called Respect
The word “respect” means to see again. The RESPECT readings are part two of your 2020 astrology; part one was released earlier this year, in an epic written project called INTELLIGENCE. This is my second detailed study of astrology in the year of two major conjunctions, Saturn conjunct Pluto in January, and Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December.
And there is one other reason. As you know, I avoid over-hyping aspects, because I don’t want to set up expectations, negative or positive. My intention is to leave you space to move around inside your astrology; the space to make up your own mind.
However, I will say this: the astrology we experience in 2020 calls for respect: for the moment we are all in, for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face.
Respect is an idea that is evaporating. It seems inconvenient, superfluous and even irrelevant to many. This may be a Pluto in Capricorn thing: a gutting of tradition and protocol, on every level of society. But we have the power to honor dharma.
In 2020, we experience two conjunctions; one is a five-time-per-century alignment, and the other about three times per century (a little less). When you have two rare alignments in one year, that indicates deep, potent movement. In astrology, rarity bestows significance.
Consider this: The last time Jupiter and Saturn aligned in Aquarius was in 1405. The last time Saturn and Pluto aligned in Capricorn was in 1518 — well before what we consider the “modern era.” And now both are happening within 12 months of one another.
This Calls for Special Handling
The purpose of getting an astrology reading is to help you align yourself with the current energies and the circumstances they present. It is rare enough to find sound guidance in any field, particularly something so potentially complex as astrology.

Your RESPECT readings offer clear, concise and loving guidance to help navigate the situation of our world.
My idea of success is founded on healing and meaningful participation. My idea of relationships begins with self-awareness and self-respect. My idea of work involves doing what is meaningful to you and of service to others.
I use astrology as a foundation for making these themes personal to you. My work is informed by A Course in Miracles and several of the best therapy methods I’m trained in, including Gestalt, Hakomi and Internal Family Systems. They all contain wisdom and an approach to the puzzle of consciousness.
There are times when it feels strange to call these recordings astrology readings, because they integrate so many approaches. Yet in truth, I make a chart, and I read the chart, using everything I know and all my experience.
I have had many astrology readings; I’ve never encountered work on the level of what I’m presenting in RESPECT anywhere else. I know this is unusual for a reading that does not depend on your birth time. But there are many ways to play guitar.
Description of the Reading
Soon, I’ll be delivering 12 audio readings of about 90 minutes each, in three sections. These cover out to the end of 2020, and are built on the INTELLIGENCE readings released earlier this year. These readings work for Sun and Rising Sign; they are also one integrated work of astrology. You may share them with your children and significant others (and you’re invited to purchase them copies as a gift as well).
In late March, I will have a second presentation for you, which looks closely at the astrology of 2021 in a more visionary way. I am daring to be optimistic in all of this work. I am here to advocate for you, to encourage you, and to provide you with motivation. You will find these readings comforting if you are in difficult times, and affirming if you are looking to take charge of your being and make some decisions.
Each is presented with original music by Vision Quest, the Planet Waves ambient ensemble.
You may get all 12 signs of RESPECT here. You may get all 12 signs of both RESPECT and INTELLIGENCE here. Individual signs of just INTELLIGENCE are available here. Note, INTELLIGENCE is instant access and includes a 2019 reading as well. For all 12 signs of INTELLIGENCE, please use this link.
It’s a privilege and a pleasure to do this work for you. Thank you for your business and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
PS — If you would like to purchase by phone, you may call us at (845) 481-5616. If one of us does not answer, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you soon.
Daily Birthday Readings from Planet Waves
Here are the next week’s Birthday Readings; if it’s your birthday this week, many happy returns to you. Please note you can also read these entries as daily posts on our main website.
Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019 (The Day of Preeminence)
Prepare for the tempo of your life to accelerate this year. Communicative skills play a central role, and with good time-management you’ll minimize the potential for overwhelm. An opportunity to significantly deepen your awareness is at hand: to tap into a source of wisdom and healing that’s been buried. This may initially appear in the form of a conflict between your self-concept and wounds from past history. Your psychic depths hold treasure. Go there.
Monday, Dec. 30, 2019 (The Day of Laconic Authority)
In a year when working through accumulated weight from the past is a universal theme, you’re especially well-positioned to courageously open up to others, and heal outstanding issues that can no longer be put off. History involving your family or relationships is ripe for resolution, and every step you take in that direction can have greater impact than you suppose. Compassion, for yourself and others, will help open doors that must be opened.
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019 (The Day of Aesthetic Promotion)
You’ve got a lot on your plate, and how you manage stress in your life is critical in the coming year. Your capacity to tune in to intuitive intelligence is strong now; let this work in your favor. Time out to dream and check in with yourself is essential. At the same time, guard against the impulse to escape responsibilities by spacing out into fantasy. Make the necessary effort to focus your mind and reach for objectivity, when that really matters.
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020 (The Day of the Emotional Organizer)
Listen to your gut instincts, and follow through on emotional guidance you receive about how to negotiate challenges in the year ahead. Your birthday chart indicates opportunities to connect with supportive allies on a level of considerable emotional depth. But you must actively take advantage of those openings, rather than waiting for something to happen. Your perceptual and communicative faculties are key to moving forward on important long-term goals.
Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020 (The Day of Self-Requirement)
Your ability to see the big picture, as well as essential details along the way, is your greatest asset in the year ahead. Build on the positive potential you perceive, and feed the desire to expand your mind. The world is your classroom, but if you’ve wanted to enroll in a formal educational program, now’s the time. Likewise, if writing projects are on your agenda, commit to moving those goals forward in earnest. Express yourself! Connections this year go forth on a fortunate ray.
Friday, Jan. 3, 2020 (The Day of Total Involvement)
A period of strategic withdrawal is in order, to intentionally work through overwhelm. Dive inside and give your emotions the respect and room to move that they deserve. Stuffed feelings, over time, generate an inhibiting, accumulated backlog that most people function on top of. Your birthday chart says that you’re ready to release built up pressure. Attention to resolving past histories is the name of the game this year, and that includes taking steps to create the living environment you require to feel safe.
Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020 (The Day of the Formulators)
In the context of committed restructuring that’s called for this year, your birthday chart speaks of opportunities to achieve a welcome, harmonious balance of power in certain relationships. The potential is enhanced self-worth on several fronts. To get there, you’ll need to consciously tune-in to emotional agitation stirring below the surface. Creative self-expression, letting a bit of your freak-flag fly, can help open doors to unconscious imprints from the past. With that, you’ll release inhibiting fears and resentments.
Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020 (The Day of Recovery)
The sincerity and sanctity of your creative, inner child can serve as your guiding light this year. Even in the midst of epic changes, the more you encourage self-expression in all forms, the more this coming year can be one of personal healing and joyful release. You’re ready for deep inner-listening; ‘soul work’ that some kind of artistic exploration helps to expedite. This is your path to greater harmony that enables you to serve others, in kind.
— By Victoria Emory
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for January was published on Friday, Dec. 27. We published your extended monthly horoscope for December on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Morning Horoscope #209 for Dec. 30, 2019 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your astrology is prompting me to remind you of something my father taught me when I was a teenager and he was a corporate consultant. I’ve written this a few times; here you have it again. There are basically two kinds of power in the human realm, formal and informal. Formal power is holding office or officially leading an organization. Informal power is what someone draws from their social connections, their relevance to others on the human level, and their ability to lead, as apart from some vested authority. Events of your life at the moment may seem to be about the first kind, though the whole direction you are heading in is the second. Your ability to be with people, to understand them, to connect with them, and to be relevant in their lives, is how your life is developing. You have a few clues now, though they will continue to draw your attention. Remember your true strength. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may finally be getting a sense of the extent to which your life has been run for so long by beliefs that are not your own. That is finally starting to give way to something more grounded in verifiable reality. You must still be vigilant when you’re accepting something as true when it has no basis in fact. It does not matter how long the idea has existed; some of the most harmful are the oldest, and the ones passed down from generation to generation. There is also such a thing as wisdom. That can have an old pedigree, though to qualify, it needs to be both time-tested and relevant in the moment. To figure all this out, it’s necessary to think in a creative way. One factor that is changing is your approach to reality (which is what the word “thought” means). I can suggest a simple formula for discerning where you’re coming from: are you motivated by love, by fear or by anger? Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Whatever you may think is happening, you are in the process of claiming back the power that people seem to have over you. You may think they have taken it, you may think you’ve given it away, or you may be reconsidering exchanges and trades you’ve made in the past. You will need to sort that out. Yet it’s essential that you bring your full awareness to the financial and sexual situations in your life, particularly the places where they seem to overlap. Those gray areas are zones where you can lose considerable authority over your life. As for where to start, I suggest getting a grip on your money. Know what is yours and take control over it. Where sex is at issue, be sure you understand the difference between yes and no, and why you might say (or more likely imply) one when you mean the other. Be bold about knowing when something is just not working for you, and have the strength to do something else. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — After many years of enforced changes in your relationships, you are finally looking at an opening. It’s the perfect environment for an exchange. It’s also a moment when some doors will open and others will close; both are essential. The thing you don’t want to do is make any firm commitments before the Jan. 12 grand conjunction in your opposite sign Capricorn. (If you’re curious about that, poke around Planet Waves and you’ll find it.) This aspect is the pivot point. That is where you get a significant clue, and maybe even an answer, to where you stand with many different situations in your life. Therefore, bide your time, which means to abide within time. Do not wait; rather, participate. Yet this is about the present, not the future. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is an excellent moment to let go of a bad habit. You can probably think of one you want to rid yourself of. You now have that opportunity. It will help considerably if you replace it with something affirmative and necessary, so that you consume in a positive way the energy it was taking up. The theme of food is developing in your life, though more immediately, I see a focus on time management. Remove something that is destructive or wasteful and direct your energy into what is useful and creative, and which brings you pleasure. You could even skip the “useful” part and go right to wholesome pleasure. You have a lot going on right now; I would not be surprised if you’re overwhelmed with work and family-related material. Speaking as a busy person, I’ve found that it often helps to have a diversion. This will remind you that your time, and your mind, are your own Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are working your way through a series of creative breakthroughs, though it will help to know that they may not feel like some kind of triumph. Rather, what you’re doing is gradually removing inhibitions and, I think more significantly, stoking your desire to express yourself. Strong Virgo types can miss the point that there is something inherently good and necessary about letting your ideas flow, just for your own sake. Yet for many years (back to about 2008) one of your most important quests has been to do just that. This is often a long process, but you’re at a place where some of the most challenging blocks are showing signs of giving way. This always happens under the influence of desire. In a pinch, urgency will suffice. Maybe these are arriving in some combination. Whichever it may be, you’re at the point where inhibition is no longer an option. It never really was. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Nobody will ever ‘make’ you feel secure, or confident, or like you belong where you are. That has to come from you. Fortunately, you’ve been on this project for many years, whether you were aware of it or not. Pluto in Capricorn has taught you many lessons about your need to stand on your own, and in particular, to distinguish your idea of security from that of your family. The truth is, you cannot rely on them and you are much more qualified for them to rely on you. This, too, is something you need to watch carefully, as unstable people can be a drag on your time, your energy and your ability to thrive. You are in the process of taking a big step in the direction of your independence. Remember, it is more about a feeling than an idea, though certain structural elements — such as your bank account — will make a big difference. Look after your own interests first. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It is not easy for you to change your mind, though at the moment it is essential. You may not fully recognize the many ways you’re caught in outmoded beliefs about the world. Observe your thoughts and consider your assumptions. Do not be surprised if you decide you had something all wrong. The important thing is that you get with it and understand what is now valid, but without falling for the notion that it’s some kind of permanent and indelible truth. That’s where you’re coming from, not where you’re going. Most of the time an old idea is replaced by a more compelling new one. However, this process is far from over, and it’s essential that you reckon for what you got wrong, rather than take on something new and go on with your life. It’s crucial that you learn how to scrutinize your own thoughts, and honestly evaluate why you believe what you do. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How do you get your messages from the gods? Do the forces of nature have some dependable way to get information through to you? Guessing, superstition and bending to your fears don’t count. You are likely to be getting some signals that a particular way of life has reached its natural end, and it’s time to make some adjustments that work out in your favor. These will involve changing the structure of your life, not merely your current activities. In this world, the word “structure” will almost always involve your finances. It’s time to consider your long-range plans, going forward at least 10 years. You need much more freedom than you currently have, and this will involve taking over as your chief fiscal officer. You do have a way of getting by when you wing it, though time and circumstances are calling for a more grounded and realistic approach. It is time — and it is possible. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay special attention to when something or someone manifests in the form of mommy or daddy. I mean this in the metaphorical sense, or in the literal sense — including people who have authoritarian roles in your life. Parental influences have only one end result, which is to rob you of your adult autonomy. Be aware that many people consider this a benefit, because it seems to be easier. There’s less to worry about if someone makes the important decisions, or any decisions that impact you. Yet that will not serve you much more than it has, and how much it has is worth questioning. You are heading for a major decision; there will be no delaying this for much longer. This is something you will need to resolve for yourself, based on your necessities and your priorities. You have all the information and experience you require to make the right choice. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The recent solar eclipse took place in the deep and mysterious 12th house of your solar chart. This may have come with a discovery that you soon forgot. However, take note of any shifts in understanding you’ve had over the past few days, and pay attention to your dreams. The parts of your mind that you don’t usually access are trying to get through to you. This is likely to come through “non ordinary” states of consciousness, hence the importance of tracking your dreams and the feelings that come with them. There’s also what bubbles through your imagination, sensations of deja-vu and even persistent synchronicities. However you manage to do it, it’s necessary for you to get the message and act on it. You’re in a zone of your life when the past has in fact caught up with you, and you are responsible for what you know and what you find out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s true that we’re in the holiday season when most people are resting up or having a good time. I suggest you emphasize getting your work done, and more significantly, focusing on projects that are designed to build your future. You’re in an extremely rare window of opportunity to feed your progress and momentum. You can accomplish what you previously thought of as difficult or impossible. Long-planned projects and long-delayed plans are coming to fruition, though none of this is going to happen by accident. It looks like there are a lot of people around you, so help will be available if you ask for it. If people are willing to assist, make sure they can do a task equally well or better than you can; otherwise, do it yourself. Pay close attention to who you can and cannot trust, and make sure you use your discretion and hold the line when you need to. You are on a mission. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.