Hello Everyone, My name is Tom DiFerdinando. I am the new President of Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid. I am very excited by this opportunity to speak with you today.
First, I would like to say that Dr. Roberto Giraldo, a formative force in the organization that has brought you this exciting conference, was a very close friend and professional associate of mine for nearly twenty years, and as his lovely daughter Diana will detail shortly, he was a powerful and important force in the AIDS dissident movement itself.
When I first met Dr. Giraldo, I was the Executive Director of Health Education AIDS Liaison, an organization better known internationally as HEAL, where for twenty five-years I worked closely with HEAL’s president Michael Ellner. HEAL was a frontline, grassroots AIDS dissident organization that worked with many thousands of “HIV+” people around the world, helping them to reclaim their lives and health.
By working with these people, it became clear to us very early on that, 1) HIV did not cause AIDS, 2) that AIDS was neither contagious nor sexually transmitted and that 3) in many cases it was the conventional treatments for AIDS that were killing people, not “HIV”!
When many of us first heard about SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, our first thought was, this is ‘HIV/AIDS’ all over again!
Dr. Giraldo loved the work that we were doing at HEAL, and soon thereafter became one of our Board members and scientific and medical advisors. He was also a past president of Rethinking AIDS, an organization started mostly by scientists and physicians who felt the claim that “HIV caused AIDS” was at best mistaken, having as it did little if any scientific evidence to support it.
So I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity, with many thanks to Raúl Ehrichs dePalma and Maria Grazia Gonzales, to very briefly introduce myself, and to announce – after thirty years since its original inception – the upcoming transformation of “Rethinking AIDS” into “Unmasking Covid and AIDS”.
My recent election to the presidency of Rethinking AIDS was not so much because of who I am as because of the new vision that I promised to bring to the organization, a vision that is beginning to integrate both the scientific and grassroots sides of this effort. With “Covid”, everybody has been touched directly and intimately.
When many of us first heard about SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, our first thought was, this is “HIV/AIDS” all over again! It was the same scare tactics, the same wrong predictions, the same bogus tests, the same lack of a unique definition for an allegedly new disease, the same contradictions, and it was even being headed by the same person, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
If the claim that “HIV causes AIDS” was a scientific mistake, then the claim “Corona causes Covid” was the exact same mistake all over again, except that it was a hundred times bigger! And if both were a mistake, then neither were a mistake!
To repeat a mistake on this scale in a serial fashion means you’re dealing with conscious intention; an effort that serves some other primary purpose than just saving lives.
Once investigating the relationship between the two, the fact becomes self-evident: neither AIDS nor Covid-19 were new disease entities; they are both medical marketing devices that have grown into social engineering projects. We’re talking about a premeditated industry strategy that has been merged – especially in the case of Covid – with an unwanted world-leadership-driven socioeconomic agenda.
The need to highlight this relationship and to expose the larger machinery of which AIDS and Covid-19 are both a part, was the first thing that suggested Rethinking AIDS had to change its name, scope and function.
To repeat a mistake on this scale in a serial fashion means you’re dealing with conscious intention; an effort that serves some other primary purpose than just saving lives.
The second thing that suggested the need for a change was the shared emotional experience of the group. It was earlier this past March 2020, at the start of the “lockdowns” and the deliberate tanking of the global economy, that I found myself feeling increasingly enraged, unsettled, horrified, frightened, saddened and disgusted.
Others I found felt the same, and none of us could believe what we saw unfolding before our eyes: Covid-19, the New AIDS! And so we spontaneously started reconnecting.
When people feel compelled to reunite at that level of organization, it indicates a vitally new function has emerged. You can’t fake or force that!
But the broader point is, we aren’t alone. People have been feeling this same range of unsettled feelings across the globe. It is a whole constellation of emotions, and I’ve given it a new name; I call it the “freedomfire”.
The freedomfire is the natural, spontaneous emotional response when you realize you’ve been tricked, conned, coerced and convinced into voluntarily surrendering your freedom and liberty on an indefinite basis, all in the name of a Big Lie – that everybody is at risk for a new, deadly, infectious disease, “Covid-19”.
The presence of these emotions are a strong, involuntary confirmation – not even necessarily conscious – that there is some outside force whose goal is simply to thwart your natural impulses toward socialization; i.e., to thwart the forward moving, productive life impulses out of which develop our most intimate love and work relationships.
While our past knowledge and unique experience helps to steer our efforts, the freedomfire is what sustains us.
Just keep in mind, these people who want to tell you that artificial herd immunity (vaccination) is better than natural herd immunity, are the same people who half a century ago tried to convince you that bottle feeding was better than breast feeding.
The new group has three major goals. The first is to help people recognize that there is a bigger organism at work of which AIDS and Covid are just two organs. It is an organism with two arms: there is a medical marketing arm and a social engineering arm.
The medical marketing arm has as its goal the manufacture and sale of vaccines; the social engineering arm has as its goal what the WHO, UN and World Economic Forum call the “Great Reset”. Look it up. This is an attempt to impose a whole new socio-economic and socio-political structure onto the rest of the world without any input from the billions of people on whom it is being imposed.
These unelected world leaders and officials want to mandate vaccinations for everybody on the planet and they’ve tied that goal to a whole list of socio-economic and socio-political goals (called the Strategic Development Goals). Just keep in mind, these people who want to tell you that artificial herd immunity (vaccination) is better than natural herd immunity, are the same people who half a century ago tried to convince you that bottle feeding was better than breast feeding.
The second major problem to solve is the uncritical acceptance by masses of people of statements and claims made by Public Health officials. The problem is, while people question politicians, and are starting to question scientists – especially “doomsday” scientists – they still accept uncritically the indefensible claims and doomsday proclamations of Public Health officials.
These unelected officials have been wrong every single time with every single one of their doomsday predictions for the past half century! They do not deserve the respect, influence and wide-ranging authority that they are given. It has to stop!
Whether condoms, masks or distance, in every case, they are symbolically inserting themselves into every natural act of socialization.
The third function of the new RA is to serve as a conduit for the many isolated mask haters and “freedom reclaimers” to find each other. It would also be very empowering to have people who have been impacted by the Covid lockdown (which is essentially everybody) connect with the people who went through the life-changing punishment of an “HIV+” diagnosis.
The “HIV+” people can inform the lockdown sufferers of the AIDS scam in a more immediate and robust way than anybody else can, and the “lockdown sufferers” will immediately understand the AIDS scam. A further and powerful side benefit would be that those deemed “HIV+” will get to reclaim their lives and shed the “leper” label for good, because people who see the scam of “Covid positive” will immediately understand the scam of “HIV positive”.
And one other thing. While AIDS was supposed to be sexually transmitted, and Covid-19 supposed to be transmitted through the air, for me, there’s an unmistakable identity in that in both cases, you have Anthony Fauci (and his advocates) putting barriers between people.
Whether condoms, masks or distance, in every case, they are symbolically inserting themselves into every natural act of socialization, ie, right into the heart of the productive life process itself out of which develops, like I said, our most intimate love and work relationships.
Part of our goal here at Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid is to diminish the number of people who keep getting fooled by these unelected Public Health officials across the world.
It may well be entirely unconscious on his/their part, but since there is no scientific justification for their barrier guidelines and mandates, and there is evidence they even know this, then even if they are just cold-hearted businessmen, it shows there’s more than that going on and that they are in fact full blown sociopaths. Like AIDS, it explains a lot more of the contradictions between the Covid industry claims, and the evidence for those claims, than a simple “mistake” does.
In conclusion, there is a famous quote here in the United States by one of our past presidents. It goes, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Part of our goal here at Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid is to diminish the number of people who keep getting fooled by these unelected Public Health officials across the world, particularly those at the WHO and NIH/CDC.
If you find yourself getting impatient with the ridiculous litany of arbitrary and contradictory Covid rules that seem to have no other function than to impede your life; or enraged at the fact you have backstage busybodies micromanaging every detail of your social life, restricting your eating, talking and interacting, and inundating businesses with excessive and irrational guidelines; or horrified at mask mandates for children; disgusted with public officials who, while abusively working out their personal control issues on the rest of the population, seem hell bent on meddling in and ruining all pleasurable productive pursuits in life; or terrified by the thought of digital certificates, biometric tracking and mandatory universal vaccination (i.e., IA2030); or sickened seeing elders isolated, children told they could die or kill their friends if they don’t wear a mask, businesses destroyed for no good reason; or if you just feel generally unsettled in ways you didn’t use to feel.
If you feel any or all of these things, you are feeling the freedomfire. It is essential to understand, the freedomfire doesn’t require energy. It is energy. It is uncomfortable to keep feeling it. But feel it you must. And keep it nearby, because we will all be needing it soon.
When does it all end? Well, we’ll know the job is done when we are no longer outraged, sickened, terrified or disgusted every time we think of a mask on a child, an isolated elder, a business destroyed, a population “locked down” or our trust betrayed.
Please, get to know your freedomfire and be prepared to use it!
Tom DiFerdinando
President, Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid