Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You get to take some new territory this month, if you let go of at least one old claim or holding. Pick what you want the least, and put it near the door, give it back, or donate it to charity. This includes relationship situations that do not serve your ends. If they don’t work for you, they are unlikely to work for others, even if they may think they do. You are at a consolidation stage where you can tidy up the adjustments, rearrangements, shakeups and diversions of the past 18 months. This involves a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, on the relationship angle of your chart. It’s the last of a long series of eclipses involving the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, which in total signifies a realignment of yourself and all others in your life. These changes can be subtle, or they can be total. They can seem to come from outside of you, from within you, or blown in on the winds of fortune or fate. If you look back and consider all the changes in your relationships going back to summer 2020, you will be amazed how much has changed. This includes what you learned about people and who they really are, and what you learned about yourself and what is acceptable treatment. However, the forthcoming eclipse indicates at least one major discovery is yet to arrive, which will help you come to terms with these changes. Many people are up against what I will call their spiritual limits: that is, they have come up against the boundaries of what they think of as their reality. And if you have found yourself jammed into a corner, you may soon discover that your space widens, making it easier for you to change your mind and learn from others.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you want to feel better, you might consider food. We all know the world has gone gung-ho over one theoretically brand-new “disease” and one experimental drug, and is convinced this is the solution to everything. That could only be possible under late-stage capitalism and full digital conditions. All the organic vegetable co-ops in the universe don’t seem to be enough to remind us that food and health are intimately related, and that food and water matter more than any other variable when it comes to predicting health and wellness outcomes. Your particular reminder is that Ceres is making a long passage through your sign (in all, it stretches on until May 2022). Your solar chart shows you have a sense of invincibility where your health is concerned, though you’re also subject to an ongoing, ungrounded fear of terminal illnesses. This may be acting up now that Mars is making its way across Scorpio, your 6th solar house, which can provoke anxiety about your physical health. Yet bear in mind that your body is wholly under the influence of your mind, and vice versa. You will feel how you feel, meaning that stress, tension and fear impact both your emotions and your physical body. No fast-acting solution is possible. Often, such things do far more harm than good, if they do any good at all. And though you may think that some intervention (involving a sharp object, Mars) may make you feel better, defenses tend to build tension and anxiety against the thing defended against, whether that thing is real or imaginary. So, you might start with something old-world, and eat the food that your ancestors thrived on (by which I mean in the early 20th century and before). You might also avoid that which aggravates you, and most things that come prepared out of packages. Make your choices consciously, and do not confuse wellbeing with immortality.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Isabel Hickey once described the 5th house as that of “esoteric karma.” She gave no further explanation, and I have not been able to find further reference in the literature (such as the writing of Alice Bailey, whom she revered) — though I have long pondered her idea working on charts for my clients, and in readings like this. I bring this up now because the focus of the sky is shifting rapidly to Libra, your 5th solar house, or whole-sign house if you’re Libra rising. Mars is there, and Mercury will soon be retrograde. The 5th is the house of experiments, games, fun and the taking of risks. I think of it as a zone in the chart where one thing leads to another in unexpected ways. This involves the seemingly random quality of the 5th, and also the way that most people are a bit hapless about their sexual encounters and creative activities. Many people want to have fun and don’t really care what happens as a result. However, now is the time to bring your focus and full attention to these areas of your life. I also suggest you make careful choices when considering physical activities, and err on the safer side, even in activities where you’re experienced. However, the most likely forum is going to be that of sex and relationships, and here, you will want to make good choices. Ideally these will be based on deeper values rather than superficial whims, or passing fancies. Consider that any involvement could turn into any outcome. Use what you know about people from the past to make decisions in the present. Be especially cautious of social pressure or doing anything whatsoever because other people are doing it. That right there is a potential opening into outcomes you may not want. Stick to who and what you actually know, for reasons that you understand.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The forthcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra (exact Sept. 27 – Oct. 18, with a three-week margin on either side) may dredge up some old material you thought you were done with. Yet you will discover that it’s excellent fodder for both healing and creativity. Be grateful for what you learn, and for what you discover was unresolved. Your ruling planet Mercury’s passage through Libra, now underway, will help you see the ways in which you have given up your power — and provide opportunities to claim it back. It will not be handed back by those who have benefitted from your dropping the ball in key decisions. Anyone who seeks to intimidate you is unlikely to mend their ways and remind you that you’re actually equal, or that they think you know more. These things you must claim, in what is no less than an ongoing gesture of self-respect. Such is not a feeling you walk around with, like a pair of new shoes. Self-respect is about the decisions you make, and about informing others that they are subject to your choices about yourself. You will find that many think it’s the other way around; however, they cannot get anywhere with this theory if you do not cooperate fully. You simply must assert yourself. And at the same time, you cannot get advice from people who are running an agenda for you. You need to consult with people who are objective and who support you, and moreover, those who are actually knowledgeable. Many times during the coming month you may figure out how little you know about something, though it would be preferable if this awakening happened before you commit to something you cannot easily change, or change at all. Therefore, beware of false clarity.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is a strange disconnect in the world between power and ethics. We cannot really blame the people who want authority without any conscience or accountability; they have always existed and they always will. This is all on the people who tolerate their conduct, whomever they may be, whomever we may be. Jupiter is dancing around your solar 10th house cusp all year (the dividing line between Pisces and Aquarius); it has recently retrograded into Aquarius, your solar 9th house, which covers the issue of ethics, as well as being true to your spiritual orientation, your deepest beliefs and any training you may have. Remember that the purpose of the knowledge you have gained is to act on it. (Keep filling your accounts; there is such a thing as the truth, no matter what intellectual anarchists may say.) Knowledge is not merely decorative, like the Constitution hanging inside a glass display case in traffic court. Take heed when you find yourself believing what everyone else believes, or claims to believe. That is when to stop and think. Laugh at celebrity endorsements. Politics and public service are unrelated. There is no integrity in submitting to peer pressure, persuasion or propaganda. Saturn is also in this house (a more longterm visitor to your fellow air sign Aquarius), demanding that you set a high bar when it comes to deciding whether something is valid or not, for you and for your immediate family. Hand back to people any argument that you’re supposed to “be normal.” You are not, and thankfully Chiron blazing through Aries, the most visible and public house in your chart, is putting you in the position where it will seem perfectly “normal” that you are making up your own mind no matter what anyone else may think or believe.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is in the end stages of spending an astonishing 97 days in your sign, between May 3 and July 11. It was retrograde for about 22 of those days, and that whole time, in a tense and difficult aspect to Neptune — a planet that represents deception, dreams and illusions. What are you working out? What have you done to draw yourself closer to your personal truth? As of this writing around the time of the solstice, you still have some territory to cross. Mercury’s third exact square to Neptune is July 6, and that is a point of revelation, discovery or understanding — but only if you want it. Most people would rather stay in their haze than ever admit they misunderstood something in the past, or were in some way deceived. Most people think of themselves as truthful, or as having good reasons for not being so. All of these notions are subject to review, and I suggest you do so in a careful, thoughtful and thorough way. Modern habits of thought have never groomed people to leap to false conclusions, or false clarity, so fully as they do today. This is about digital conditions, which erase all the nuance and detail you need to understand the world and yourself. Gray areas, doubts, and reflection are uncomfortable specifically because they suspend the seeming luxury of being certain. They are vulnerable states of being, where you are subject to influence, and also to deep questions about your existence. For many, putting their toe in this water seems to come with the risk of drowning. That is an exaggeration, though an understandable feeling. One day you may decide that actually questioning yourself is your best friend. I don’t mean judging yourself. I mean careful evaluation and deliberation. True understanding takes time.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Amidst much other astrology, Mercury will be retrograde in your birth sign from May 29 through the solstice, ending June 22. Though Mercury is often retrograde, it’s rare enough to happen in your sign, one of its ‘domiciles’ or places of rulership. The gift here is rare insight into yourself, perhaps the sense of being able to inwardly see and feel your true self. This experience will be aided and abetted by a pair of eclipses now underway. The first of these, on May 26, may have pulled back the veil that was concealing your view of a relationship situation. You are likely to wake up and change your mind about someone or something; the direction and content of that will be personal. Yet it would be unwise to push the river or make commitments prematurely, as there is still a solar eclipse on its way on June 10, followed by Mercury stationing direct in your birth sign. It will not be until you have lived through all of these events that you have a complete picture of your options and what they are offering you. You may be tempted to make hasty choices, thinking you’ve got it all figured out, though there are many moving parts and each is working in its own way at its own pace. They represent separate but related issues, and it will take time to see the way they are connected. Yet to put it simply, they are related through you and your experience. What you will see is how your concept of who you are mediates your experience of life and your perception of the world. Large forces are at work helping you shift that perception, which at times may drop below the level of awareness and at other times may feel like the ground of your being shaking.
Gemini Astrology Studio is ready! Click here to purchase; audio sample below.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — I started an interesting discussion on Facebook the other day by writing, “The truth is not a matter of opinion.” A good few people cocked their hip and said some form of, “Yes it is!” The folly of this is that it proposes that if someone thinks something, then it must be true — which seems to be the prevailing philosophy here in the digital age. Along those lines were arguments such as, “Truth is a matter of viewpoint,” and one superior scholar asking, “How do we know what is a fact?” All of this reveals the need for some objective standards: that is to say, established values against which we might make a comparison between methods, approaches and data sets. And I am sure that much of the problem is either people are too lazy to find out what is actually meaningful, or are granting themselves a pass to tell and believe lies. In any case, you must have a way that you determine what is true for you, and for anyone else subject to your judgment. Saturn in your fellow air sign Aquarius is setting a high standard for honesty and honesty with yourself. You will benefit from a set of basic questions you ask yourself, and must answer, before you decide some bit of information is valid. Indeed, valid is a much better concept than truth, in that it implies truth for a stated purpose. But you must test your ideas, and subject yourself to constant review. It’s critical that you be able to argue several sides of any issue, and know when you’re dealing with incomplete or blatantly inaccurate information. In your model of the universe, it’s crucial to make room for the fact that powerful people lie, and do so aggressively, with impunity. Whether you like that or not is irrelevant.
The Gemini Sun, Moon and rising reading is now available. This is a 76 minute reading in the Astrology Studio series. You get Eric’s astrological observations and his distinct style of motivational speaking. Includes chart, extended written description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.
Geminis ask a heck of a lot of questions, and much of what you are curious about is yourself. Find some answers in your affordable reading by Eric Francis.
2021-22 Gemini Astrology Studio: Crux of the Mirror

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There are enormous social pressures being brought to bear on every single person in society. The heat is on you, with many planets (and your ruling planet Mercury) moving through Aries, your 11th house of groups and collective influence. You could be easily swallowed by this and not even know it. So the first thing I suggest you do is stop when you find yourself doing the same thing as everyone else. Life is not a game of Follow the Leader. It is not a game of Simple Simon. It is not a game of Do What You’re Told, Or Else. But that is how life is being played right now, with people assuming they know what is best for others because it’s best for “the collective.” You may remember a time when TV commercials were so bold as to say, “Everybody’s doing it! Don’t feel left out! Don’t be the odd one! Don’t be left behind! Don’t seem weird!” Well, all of society has morphed into this now, and we will not be the better for it. You will not be the better for it. Yet to do what is right for you under these conditions demands courage. By that, I mean fortitude. I might mean all the strength that you have. I mean having fucking guts. The time to stop and ask questions is when you find yourself wanting to do anything — anything at all — that the people around you are doing. There is raw, crude psychology that makes humans feel like that is the right thing, the only thing, the only responsible thing, or whatever form the idea takes. Usually that “right thing” is not so right. Usually there is some wave machine, or fog machine, driving the whole mess forward. Be strong. Stand apart. Ask questions till you get real answers. Know when you don’t know.
Geminis ask a heck of a lot of questions, and much of what you are curious about is yourself. Find some answers in your affordable reading by Eric Francis.
2021-22 Gemini Astrology Studio: Crux of the Mirror
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars will be in your birth sign all month. That may lead you to wonder why it’s worth bothering to go after what you want in life when it’s fraught with so many challenges and often, disappointments. However, the mission and purpose of Mars is about discovering what you want and proving it to yourself, rather than immediate fulfillment. You need to sort through what you don’t value and what you don’t truly desire and then see what you’re left with. This will involve confidence building and learning how to work your way through various forms of inner and outer resistance. Along the way, you’ll have opportunities to connect with people who support you, some in the form of offering teaching and mentorship. But ultimately this is your journey and your quest. It’s easy to say you want something, or to accomplish something. It’s another thing to apply your desire and to persist in the face of challenges. And when you go for what you want, it’s almost inevitable that you will face the basic conditions of existence on the physical plane. Don’t push this too hard. What you need is slow, steady persistence. You are not in a position to accomplish anything especially quickly. However, if you’re paying attention, you will slowly gain clarity around your goals and what you must do to make them real. Be careful about competing with yourself, working against your goals, or splitting your intentions. The thing you have to do is something of the ultimate karma for a Gemini, which is focus your whole self on the objective you want to attain. And this may not be about one thing only, as we all are living multiple lives right now; it’s a set of bylaws that you will need to apply to anything you do.
Geminis ask a heck of a lot of questions, and much of what you are curious about is yourself. Find some answers in your affordable reading by Eric Francis.
2020-21 Gemini Astrology Studio: The Sacred Space of Self
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Lately it seems like what we think of as existence is on a daily basis being corralled onto the internet. Whether we’re talking about school (from kindergarten to post-graduate), social life, associating with colleagues, or any form of art, this is all rapidly being reduced to computer code. People think this gives them more freedom and opens up their potential, making all kinds of new things available. That is true to a point, though not everything can be reduced to data. In effect, the internet, by which I mean the digital sphere, is a hallucination. Marshall McLuhan said way back in the 1960s that computers were LSD for the businessman. And now we are all caught in the matrix or the digital dream. I suggest you figure out where you are, and then find your way back to Earth. Do whatever you can do in the physical world. Get among others and remind yourself what eye contact and facial expressions are about. Notice how you feel when you’re in your body. To what extent is your physical existence an object of fear, and to what extent is your body a means of self-expression? How do you feel when you’re around other people? Are you afraid of them, or do you tend to trust them? Mercury retrograde in Aquarius for the next few weeks will be urging you to take part in the world of people, even if not so many are interested. Yet there’s something more relevant: what is your long-term plan? Are you signed up to go along with the new normal, or are you interested in creating the social and creative life that you want? Many obstacles are now out of the way. You have ideas. You have much more freedom than you may imagine.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Humanity is your religion. It is your faith, it’s your hope, and it’s your best guess about the whole purpose of the cosmos. There are those who argue that the human experience is insignificant in the cosmic realm, merely based on the size and scale of the universe. Yet that is not a valid argument. It is not an actual assessment. We do not know the purpose of the human experience, endeavor or experiment — really, it’s all three. Most people do not think of it consciously, as this life is all they know or have ever imagined. Religion (the closest most people get to cosmology) is all centered around the Earth as the only place that exists. Then spirituality chimes in with all kinds of speculation. You, however, have the ability and the calling to ground your entire cosmology in the human experience. And now this is stronger than ever. No matter what the purpose of the experiment on this planet, whether it is accidental or part of some divine plan, all we have is one another. And that is quite enough.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It will help if you focus on the world within yourself as much as you do on the world around you. I say this knowing that the concept of an inner life is nearly nonexistent now. It has been slowly eliminated by years upon years of taking pictures of things so we can remember them; of texting people and thinking we are with them; and of living in a hypnotic haze of images and reflections we think of as ourselves. To find your way back into yourself calls for a strategy, a plan and a method. Odd though it may seem, one thing that will help is spending time face to face with people, sharing your reality in words, with eye contact, and being with others who do the same. Part of seeing inwardly involves what you choose to use as your mirror. The electronic realm will deceive you; the human realm is less likely to do so, because of one thing: the element of feeling. Feeling is inner sensation. It is poignant and complex, rather than sleek, simple and easy to delete.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you feel like you’re in a burning building, consider that it’s in your mind. It’s true that the world seems to be spinning off of its axis, though the real pressure you are feeling is internal. If you treat it that way, it will make much more sense to you, including your fear level, and your urge to react in some unusual way. Take it easy on yourself, and focus your awareness inward. It may not be easy to be with your thoughts and feelings, though that will be the most efficient way through. Admit and acknowledge every last thing you experience mentally or emotionally, no matter how weird or unseemly. Do not be offended by yourself. Do that Buddhist thing and watch your thoughts go by like a movie and see if you can allow your inner observer to do its work. Mercury entering Aquarius on Friday will provide an outlet for your energy, and I suggest you take advantage of it. Vent your energy rather directing it at yourself.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Nearly everything that counts is a matter of faith. To be happy, to be sane, to be productive, your faith must be in humanity. You don’t need fancy theology or notions of the divine. You don’t need ornate religions or complex hierarchies of thought. You need people: to love them and be loved by them; and to cultivate mutual respect. Though you may have been aware of this in the past, it’s now coming in at full strength. The problem with people is how casually they disappoint one another. This often gets tossed off as ‘flaky’, though what happens is that gradually, humans erode one another’s faith in humanity. They make it difficult to trust the next person, or to hold themselves as trustworthy in new relationships. Your faith in humanity begins with yourself. You are the proof within your own life that it’s possible for someone to be sincere. This involves many facets of relating to yourself and to others, including a modicum of consistency. It’s tempting to wake up every day and be a different person. It’s also tempting to think you’re stuck in who you are and cannot change, and that’s just the way that it is. These states of being will all leave you wanting for, well, for everything. Thankfully, Jupiter and Saturn have just entered your fellow air sign Aquarius, which will help you stabilize yourself. This, in turn, will have many cascading benefits, including helping to steady your view of the road of life that you’re traveling on. Your vision of the future has been obscured by the complications of the past, which at times have been an obsession for you. There is no future without the present. The past does not lead you anywhere. But you can go anywhere from here and now, as long as you are here and now.