The Sacred Space of Self

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Of the mysteries of ancient Rome, the vestal virgins stand out as one of the most intriguing. Who were these women, who served half a lifetime tending the sacred fire, taken between ages six and 10, and maintaining celibacy through 30 (or more) years of service to the goddess? They not … Read more

Here at the Edge of Time

Dear Friend and Reader: LUTO IS NOW IN AQARIUS, and some seemingly new things are happening. For one, a former president has been charged with 34 felonies in a state court in New York. This is the first time a former president has been charged with crimes. Notably, this is after the nearly two-year Mueller … Read more

It’s not about sex. It’s about Self – Part 1

Dear Friend and Reader: RECENTLY, I visited the Grandmother Land with Hannah, one of the Book of Blue models I photograph. It was sunny and warm for a winter day, but still chilly. I wasn’t expecting her to work nude, but she has a Capricorn Sun and Moon — she’s winter’s child, confident and present … Read more

Here at the Edge of Time

Dear Friend and Reader: LUTO IS NOW IN AQARIUS, and some seemingly new things are happening. For one, a former president has been charged with 34 felonies in a state court in New York. This is the first time a former president has been charged with crimes. Notably, this is after the nearly two-year Mueller … Read more

Here at the Edge of Time

Dear Friend and Reader: LUTO IS NOW IN AQARIUS, and some seemingly new things are happening. For one, a former president has been charged with 34 felonies in a state court in New York. This is the first time a former president has been charged with crimes. Notably, this is after the nearly two-year Mueller … Read more