Read this flashback to January 2020
The week that the internet is worried about: Wednesday’s Libra New Moon into Saturday’s grand conjunction
Dear Friend and Reader:
As I’ve been assessing, writing about and making audios and videos covering the astrology of the next five days, I am seeing the tide of anxiety rise in places not sensitive to astrology.

In other words, people are picking up on the vibes; astrologers are not in these conversations. As of last week, I’ve heard of predictions of an economic collapse in mid-October, and a military takeover spreading to the United States that has started in Australia (and is currently underway) and seems to be planned for western Canada.
We watch and listen to Australia carefully as it seems to be the site of an experiment, and a bellwether. For those (including natives) who do not know about the issues in Oz, you may write to me directly at and I will send you my file. Please place the word AUSTRALIA in the subject header so I see it.
Monday, Facebook, Instagram and What’s App all went down for about six hours, just hours after an interview with a whistleblower from the company appeared on the TV newsmagazine 60 Minutes.
This was the longest downtime in the company’s history, and is being widely perceived as a shot across the bow. It does not seem to have been a usual malfunction. It was likely the work of hacktivists who interrupted the company’s domain name server — the ability of “” to route traffic around the IP address system.
Short Overview of the Two Events
This is explained in more detail in my most recent Planet Waves TV, and my most recent STARCAST podcast. All seven hours of the METAMORPHOSIS readings are based on these charts.

Both the Libra New Moon and Saturday’s grand conjunction in Libra involve Mars. The Moon-Sun conjunction at 7:05 am on Wednesday is in an exact alignment to Mars. The Sun-Mars conjunction remains steady through the week, until it is joined Saturday by retrograde Mercury.
We could interpret the retrograde of Mercury many ways; it’s easiest and most productive to assess references to the past, to rethinking, to saying what has not been said, and allowing yourself to consider ideas you may have brushed aside previously.
Mars in Libra is another matter. A visitor from across the zodiac in Aries, it is a kind of aggressive interloper in the relationship field of Libra. This is about a direct intrusion onto our personal territory. This has been happening with great force (Mars), in inappropriate and transgressive ways (Mars in Libra), and been driving apart partnerships, friendships and families in a way we have never witnessed before in our society.
Chiron in Aries; Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius
One more thought that I’ve brought up many times, particularly in the Aquarian Era readings. In the background of this immediate astrology is where it is drawing its power.
That seems to be from two sources, which are providing quite a lot of tension: the overpowering influence of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, which is like the power structure (the governmental class of people making law by fiat, and priestly class of Jupiter, which we are calling science) with its thumb on humanity.

This is also the overbearing, overwhelming pressure to conform, conform, conform that we are living with.
Second is Chiron in Aries, which is providing the quality of personal healing, and the drive for self-actualization. Regardless of what pseudo-pundits may say about this being the blight of white people who think it is the only answer, please consider that it is. In the ego-based capitalist society, all one actually has is one’s self-awareness.
That is the line between conscious and unconscious, wholesome self-centeredness and narcissism; being a member of a group, or dissolving into mass consciousness where nobody has a voice, a will or personal boundaries. Presently, we are being told to do many, many things that hurt ourselves, supposedly to “save society.” There is no such combination of factors.
The new horoscope is below.
With love,

Planet Waves Horoscope for Oct. 5, 2021
It’s vital that you not blame yourself for anything that happened previously; keep an open mind, and first, listen to what someone is saying to you.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Events rapidly unfolding in your relationship angle are urging you to make peace with the past history of a relationship. This may involve an open dialog with someone with whom you need to work things out, if they are available. It’s vital that you not blame yourself for anything that happened previously; keep an open mind, and first, listen to what someone is saying to you. Lay out the facts as you understand them, in the most unemotional way that you can. Your tendency and potentially that of partners will be to fixate on the past; it will be your role to unhook that Velcro, and to move the focus into the present. You may, if you are observant, notice a tendency to have certain childhood issues triggered by what seems to be something unfolding in the present. It will help immensely if you make the distinction between what was then, what is now, and what you want in the future. If another person is involved, help them develop the same topic. Yet as you do so, keep a clear line between what is yours, and what belongs to them.
The result is an effervescent, potentially relentless inner monologue that can be annoying, and which is unproductive.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Notice what feels good and what does not. Your chart is loaded with tense aspects, and you are likely to be emotional and edgy. So you could be in one of those spaces where nothing really feels good, though the simple place to start is with physical creature comforts: what you’re wearing, what food you eat, whether you’re getting enough water and how you’re sleeping. I would remind you of the overwhelming tendency of those with Taurus Sun, Moon or rising to push your feelings into your head. The result is an effervescent, potentially relentless inner monologue that can be annoying, and which is unproductive. Meanwhile, as to the deeper matter: the real clash within you is between the rebel and the conformist; the independent person, and the one who may subject yourself to someone’s authority, even if you don’t want to. This is an unusual state of being, and one that is unique in all the transits of your whole life: Uranus in your sign, squared by Saturn in your 10th house of parents, corporations and governments. You may be able to resolve this matter with one question: whose life is it?
This is less about creating a masterpiece and more about feeling, texture, sensation and translating your emotions into physical reality

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The opposite of depression is expression. You may feel frustrated in your ability to move your feelings through your body and your soul, though you are more likely to succeed if you keep coming back to the project. Which project? Whatever one you want, as long as you feel motivated or curious, and as long as there is some sense of working out your feelings into a tangible form. This is why nature in all her wisdom created the thing known as art. This is less about creating a masterpiece and more about feeling, texture, sensation and translating your emotions into physical reality. Music could work; writing could work very well, as your ruling planet Mercury is involved. Yet my sense is that material expression is a key to your success: perhaps get some modeling compound and work it in your hands, and see what comes out. Working in paper or some similar material could be excellent; the center feeling is that of shaping something, which is a metaphor for sculpting your mind. And if there be sex, you will know it’s the right kind if preceded by conversation of the kinky or revealing variety.
If you cannot choose, then do not: which is to say, pause, and return to the matter another time.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep track of your insecurities. You may be feeling like there are shockwaves going through your emotional body, or that something is shaking your confidence in yourself. This could just as easily inspire and motivate you as it does deplete and weaken you — the choice is yours, if you see your options, and make your decisions. However, you may find yourself in a space where you cannot decide, and where you want to be pushed or dragged into a decision. That would be rather unlikely to serve your greatest good. If you cannot choose, then do not: which is to say, pause, and return to the matter another time. If you are waiting for something, that is likely to be information: a certain key fact that helps you make the determination. It would be appropriate at this time to be mindful of that. The awareness, data or instruction that you need may come in stages through the week, though no matter how big or deep is your “aha,” or how strongly you are compelled to act on what you discover, you would be wise to wait until Mercury is direct. At that time, you will be working with more complete information, and be aware of matters you had never considered. So, please, take it slow.
It’s essential that you prioritize, both in terms of the value of any task being performed for another, and who that person might be.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You don’t like when other people run your life, and the only other option is to focus, be disciplined and do that old, antiquated thing known as “apply yourself.” You need structure to your time and to your energy, as you may have a tendency to fly around a bit. Ground yourself in your most important priorities. Where commitments to others are concerned this is particularly important. It’s essential that you prioritize, both in terms of the value of any task being performed for another, and who that person might be. This will take ongoing re-evaluation, which is to say everything is decided on a case-by-case basis. One easy analysis of your charts this week is that you are making many decisions, and in the process, learning something about how to do so. You might think you know, though few actually have a dependable method or process for deciding. And at the moment you may be experiencing quite a bit of mental static that shows up as chaos and confusion. To not be swallowed by such things, you must be bigger than any one issue, and focus on what you know must happen.
Be particularly careful with people you’ve had issues with in the past, as they are likely to show up again.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be cautious that you do not over-focus. Be cautious that you do not critique yourself out of existence. You have work to do, and time is of the essence. Set your agenda carefully and thoughtfully, while at the same time maintaining your flexibility. Others are unlikely to be of any help getting your work done; they are more likely to scatter your energy and your thoughts. You have a purely internal set of negotiations to make about what must happen, by when it must happen, and most of all why. If others get into your thought process, they will skew you on one or more of these issues. Be particularly careful with people you’ve had issues with in the past, as they are likely to show up again. Use what you know, and take a pause on expecting leopards to change their stripes. The top issue described by your astrology is financial. You have a tendency to get your interests overly involved with those of others, and may be in a position where you have to claw or claim yourself back. It will help if you do what you need to do, without explaining, rationalizing or defending your case.
It is the rare person who is capable of revising their opinion or viewpoint when they come into contact with new information.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Two era-defining events take place in your sign this week. One is the New Moon conjunct Mars, on Oct. 6. The other is a triple conjunction of the retrograde Mercury, the Sun and Mars — that in my view is the main event. It is distinctive as it is a rare before-and-after-type event that does not involve a slow-moving planet. There is something about this aspect that has the (non-astrology) internet buzzing with anxiety, and who knows, it may indicate some kind of wider disruption. For you, it is a moment of revelation. It is the rare person who is capable of revising their opinion or viewpoint when they come into contact with new information. Most humans build a dam and a series of dykes around their consciousness to blockade themselves against anything that could change their mind, and — as a result — live in a split reality. I don’t think that’s your karma. Yet to resolve this, you would need to be open and available to a perspective other than the one you may currently have: even if it means a total reorientation of your worldview. Such a shakeup would be refreshing, but not if you resist.
The most helpful thing you can do is to not stuff your feelings, but rather, give them a voice: on paper would be best, so you can come back to them.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be overrun with anxiety right now, given that Mercury and Mars are dancing around your 12th house — the mysterious place where such emotions are likely to be tucked away. The thing about the 12th is that experiences there can act like a forgotten dream, or someone scratching the wall from inside a hidden room. Only with Mars and Mercury involved, particularly with Mercury retrograde, this could be a gnawing feeling that something is up and you don’t know what. Please do not confuse this with “intuition.” It is likely to be only anxiety, though that would have a power source. You might want to notice what could be (and I am intentionally using conditional tenses here). The 12th is rarely right or wrong, true or false, black or white. Like dreams, the 12th speaks in symbolic or coded language that is best not taken literally. The most helpful thing you can do is to not stuff your feelings, but rather, give them a voice: on paper would be best, so you can come back to them. The sensations you’re experiencing may get more intense before they subside, though you can put this to good use.
Define and enforce your boundaries, particularly with what you want known by others.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be sure to draw the line between what is public and what is private. In our digital era, this distinction is like trying to describe shades of color to a person who was born blind, only it’s worse: we cannot distinguish the obvious. We have lived without this distinction so long that for many people it does not exist, or if it does, it has no meaning. For you right now, this distinction must exist and it must have meaning. Define and enforce your boundaries, particularly with what you want known by others. While we live in the age of data breaches and the mining of our private messages and emails, we also live in a time where people cannot keep the most intimate details of their lives to themselves – and to me that is the more challenging problem. You really do exist if people you don’t even know, don’t know the small details of your life. What you have for dinner is your business. Yet there may be maters of true public importance that you want to discuss with others, including in semi-public forums. You might take a structured approach to that; for example, writing an essay rather than a comment.
Just remember that such matters always come back to the family of origin, and that in turn comes back to your internal map of reality.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The presence of your family is already all over your charts, and has been for a long time. Now the issues are being pushed right out to the front, though you may not recognize them. Skipping right to the potential benefits of working with a talented therapist for five years, if you are asking the obvious and standing up to the imposition of choices onto you, you are doing well. The old slogan Question Authority comes to mind. Only it deserves to be much more than a bumper sticker. And you are in a fine position to push a certain issue with someone in a position of power, particularly if it involves truth or falsehood. Just remember that such matters always come back to the family of origin, and that in turn comes back to your internal map of reality. This was formed before you were a toddler, and in nearly all humans, it’s a remarkably durable set of concepts that tend to define one’s sense of reality and sense of oneself. At the moment these are being lit up; which is to say, what you are experiencing now may have nothing to do with what is happening to you now.
It’s essential that you take care of your human faculties of faith and belief, because if they are injured, you will undermine your ability to trust reality.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are likely to be filtering your awareness through the religious part of your brain, which could have you accepting some strange things as “logical” when you are really taking them on faith and on authority. Nothing is true because someone said it, be it you, or others. Nothing is true because it sounds good. And worst of all, nothing is true merely because it is convenient. You may trip over your prejudices a few times in the course of the next week, and if you do, that is a good time to stop and question them. If you are laying a bedsheet on your mattress and it seems to have five corners, you might want to pause and find out what is going on. If you receive evidence that something you previously believed is not empirically true, you can push that down under the surface, where it will turn into an irritant and never let you rest. It’s essential that you take care of your human faculties of faith and belief, because if they are injured, you will undermine your ability to trust reality. If something turns out to be false, or a lie, or an error of perception, that is what it is. It’s up to you to deal in lived reality.
You will, however, have to be paying attention; you will need to notice what others are doing and what you are experiencing.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Proceed with meticulous care over the next week where matters of shared finances are concerned. While this is not the time to make decisions that you cannot reverse, it is assuredly the time to gain knowledge, information and direct experience that you cannot get any other way. Therefore, be observant, and work to set up the chess board for your future success. On Wednesday and then again on Saturday, you are likely to make discoveries that will change the course of your life. You will, however, have to be paying attention; you will need to notice what others are doing and what you are experiencing. This is all about paying attention, which argues against your being too self-absorbed. And that would be a good trick in a world where that’s just about all you get. So you will need to make a real effort and allow your awareness to expand to the human dimension where anything at all is transacted, especially if it involves an exchange of commitments, or exchange of money. You need to know where people are coming from, what they are offering, what they want and what they are not saying.
Haha, they have spots! “…leopards to change their stripes.” Good Virgo rising mind bender.
Aries: “You may, if you are observant, notice a tendency to have certain childhood issues triggered by what seems to be something unfolding in the present. It will help immensely if you make the distinction between what was then, what is now, and what you want in the future. If another person is involved, help them develop the same topic. Yet as you do so, keep a clear line between what is yours, and what belongs to them.”
Eric, you’ve done it again. I am literally in the middle of some very advanced dentistry examinations to do with childhood trauma injuries to the jaw, which has left me with very bad Apnoea issues. I’m also about to start to see a Breathing specialist so that I can learn to breathe in my waking hours properly, as the night time machine that I use has side effects on my day time breathing. Its the latest stuff! Last week I read a book called Breath by James Nestor (my version of an anti-mask mandate) and from that I am also about to take up the Five Tibetans (T5T) type of regenerative ‘Active Yoga’ practice (Prana etc). All these issues are absolutely aligned with your astrology interpretations and are inspired by your proactive approach to the ‘signs of our times’. A M A Z I N G !!