Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your primary life lesson is learning how to change your mind. This is lately considered as difficult as the full-twisting Gienger in gymnastics, or the triple Axel in skating. It is not — but the reason that athletes can perform those much more difficult feats is because they want to. They are determined. To learn how to change your mind, you need to want to. You have other options, one of which is to be backed into a mental and emotional corner, and proven wrong. Another is to use an old picture of reality to make decisions in the contemporary world, and your current life — and experience the consequences of doing so. Giving up your power of choice and of decision is not a substitute for changing your mind; neither is having your mind changed by force. Rather, I am talking about the mature ability to reason, to contemplate the facts, and to use what you know in a meaningful way. It’s vital that you recognize that other people are involved and influenced by your mental state, and in your exercising your power of choice (or not doing so). Said another way, your decisions and how you handle them directly affect your close partners. Therefore, though it may go against your nature, it will be good for everyone if you discuss your plans and impending decisions with them, and get their input. This does not mean they will run your life, though it will help ensure that you do not run theirs. Which brings me back to changing your mind. This is, in part, about being open to influence. It’s also about the ongoing willingness to be wrong, and to admit you were working with partial information. As I learned in therapy and have said many times: use what you know — and be willing to find out.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It is likely that your exploration of your true being and your reasons for living will clash with your family, or what you consider your community. Therefore, be prepared for such an action, or make the choice to do nothing new or assert your desires (and the latter is unlikely). The reaction could take a diversity of forms, though the bottom line is the whole notion of being accepted by your perceived tribe. Both Scorpio Sun and rising are extremely sensitive to group pressures and expectations, despite your self-image of doing what you want, when you want. Everyone knows that to truly step out involves alienating some people, which often leads to the discovery of who your friends are and are not. Your goal is not to ruffle feathers or shake anyone up — that would be a misunderstanding of your growth necessities. Rather, you seek only to be uncompromisingly who you are. While modern political theory would call for some kind of negotiation or intervention, what you are seeking to express is not negotiable. It is your birthright. Yet this requires an element of surrendering the need for approval, acceptance and support from people you seem to cling to for just those things. This may seem like an impossible choice, though it is not. You do not need permission to make your own decisions, other than from yourself. You do not need to know in advance who will have what response or reaction to you — that is making your life about other people rather than about yourself. And what of that? Well, a quick spin through the cable channels will result in numerous claims that do so is in some way antisocial or monstrous, negligent or intentionally harmful (or in a word, ‘selfish’). That is the central issue of our times.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your ruling planet Mars is moving through one of the distinctly uncomfortable areas in your chart — Libra, your 12th house. Anything in the 12th can keep people up at night, or lace their waking consciousness with anxiety they might not even notice. However, you’re likely to notice Mars doing its thing because suddenly you’re obsessively worried in ways that are unusual even for you. I suggest you read the Libra entry where I cover ground that also applies to you, though there is more to say specifically for Scorpio. It is fair to say that vulnerability is not your strong suit, or something you consider especially pleasant. You may find yourself there, and not like it so much, and this explains some of the more defensive elements of your nature. There is a fine line between defensive and mean, and they have one thing in common, which is the sense of being justified. That is the thing you want to watch out for. From a spiritual standpoint, the most productive use of this complicated transit is to practice forgiveness. The complexity, by the way, is about Mars (which represents you) motivated from a place concealed from normal awareness. This in turn is sparking up old material stashed in many different aspects of your life, many different kinds of relationships and situations. You may see little fires spark up nearly simultaneously in different places with different people and wonder why it’s all happening at the same time. Well, it’s all one emotional arsonist, working remotely. The common thread is your fear, wherever it may come from. It’s impressive how little people question their own fears, and how (in turn) they tend to be ruled by them. This is not productive, and you have better things to do with your energy, in a world so complex your grandparents’ heads would explode if they had to survive for one day in this environment.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is plenty you don’t know about yourself. You may not think so, though how can you be sure? It will help if you are open to discovery, and reassess your policy of keeping secrets from yourself. I have a theory about that: you may feel that what you fully acknowledge about yourself, others will have a way of seeing into. So if you throw a scrim over your innermost feelings, you will be have some distance and some privacy from others. Yet many circumstances in your outer life are conspiring to pop you out of that shell, and you may discover the pleasure in real-time self-disclosure: saying what you learn as you make your discoveries. Much of this involves your deeper feelings about relationships, in general and specifically the ones you have experienced. You are not nearly as conventional as you portray yourself to be, and fortunately your personal environment is matching your sense of your own non-ordinariness. This is the thing; the essential dramatic tension of your life, and of your human affairs. Inwardly, you are unlike anyone you know; that is, as well as you can know the inner lives of other people. Yet you cannot really compare your deepest experience of yourself to what others present in their public relations kit. You cannot live up, or down, or any other way, to their simplified portrayal of their lives. Therefore, take the example of the strange, wonderful, iconoclastic people who have worked their way into your world lately. Try not giving a gosh darn what anyone thinks about you enough to raw out your true being and put it right in the room where it belongs. This will help you live, and breathe, and take off a lot of pressure. You’ll feel better. Though others may not, I know you that well, anyway.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You hold yourself and the world to high standards. Yet what exactly is behind that? Has this not led to disappointment more than it has to fulfillment? When perfection is demanded, it’s rarely appreciated on those unlikely occasions when it arrives. The prevailing message from your astrology is that you’re a point of attraction and of gathering. Among the people you know, you alone may have the inclination to invite people into your life, in physical form, in person, for real. It’s true that we’re in times where many of us can say, “I’m the only person I know who _____” (fill in the blank). However, you may discover that you’re not so alone when you spread the word that you’re making dinner on Sunday, please bring a friend, and hold the paranoia. More than anything, what we are being made to fear is one another. This is a good way to get divided and conquered. The one thing humans need the most is their mutual presence. We need to converse, to trade stuff, to help one another, and to ask for help. We need to be busy with our projects and other pursuits. And we always have been, even through the most horrid times humanity has faced. What you may be noticing, though, is that to have people in your life means to have different people than last year or the year before. You are not someone who likes change, particularly when it goes to the level of your personal tribe or family. Yet we are all being pressured into one corner or another, and much is out of our hands. Yet you are still you. You have the privilege of being guided by your faith, not by threats of death. Those don’t mean much to a Scorpio anyway.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — How has your sense of the future been shaped by events of the past year? To understand this, you would need to consider your sense of the future up until 2019. That might include your vision for yourself, and our collective future, and where the two meet. Consider your sense of your personal potential as you experienced it then and now. If you think of the future as a space, has it become larger, or smaller? Do you feel like you have more options, or fewer of them? Now for the most personal question: do you feel more clearly guided, or do you feel more confused? Be aware that the shock of 2020 hit you in a particularly blunt and unexpected way, for many reasons though one of them was that you could see through much of what was happening. Or rather, you could see it directly, in particular, the curious nature of the total disruptions and up-ending of nearly everything. You not only experienced the financial shock, you sought to understand it and I reckon you still care. Like everyone, you are now in the position to navigate the new-not-normal that seems to be here to stay. You are in a good position to bet on long odds — that is, your attributes, qualities and goals that you may have, at other times, thought had little prospect for success. The way the world went in 2020, all those dependable things that were supposed to work perfectly were suddenly thrown under the bus or fell into the ocean. It turns out they were not so real after all. What is left is who and what you truly are, and what you truly desire. This sense that people have is often crushed when they are young. Yet you are in contact with it now. This is the time to create your future, not the one others think is right for you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Monitor carefully any choice that you make that is based on gaining social acceptance. It could become extremely costly. You will need to be unusually honest with yourself about this. Vying for social acceptance means any form of fear that your family, friends, coworkers or some larger notion of society will not accept you unless you do something. This counts for triple where your health choices are concerned, specifically, what you put into your body, or do to your body, that cannot be reversed. I am not talking about going out for ice cream. Your physical health and healing process are the most important thing in your life right now. They deserve not only most of your attention but also to be integrated into everything that you do and every decision you make. Meanwhile, during the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Gemini, you will have the opportunity to renegotiate many things, both emotional and financial. The place to focus is where the two intersect: by which I mean, sex and any financial commitment. Sift through those agreements carefully, and make sure you are aligned fully with your intentions. By that I mean make sure you are doing the right thing for yourself. As an astrologer who has counseled many going through changes in relationships, I can tell you that the influence of money and concerns about it too often rules the roost, often entirely taking precedent over matters of the heart, of growth and of sanity. As with your health and wellbeing (which extend to matters of where you work and what you do), the agreements you have with others are existential. First and foremost, you must know and understand their exact content and their actual influence on you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — At the time of the New Moon in your opposite sign Taurus on May 11, your ruling planet Mars will be in an exact square to Chiron. This aspect is rare enough, happening about once a year (and rarely noticed). However, I think it’s one of the most interesting aspects in all of astrology, along with being one of the most challenging. I would sum it up this way: it feels like a need to have integrity so deep that it precludes the ability to have fun. It’s a little like: I really want to do this, but I shouldn’t. Then, the kinds of change, growth and transcendence that come with experimenting with your life are avoided, and the person gets stuck. But it’s stuck in the name of being a better person, or a perfect person. It’s like the karate student who cannot dance because it seems silly. Now, if you will allow them to, others can lead you out of this kind of rut. This will be especially good in all matters sexual, where an airy, breezy, conversational mix of Mercury and Venus in Gemini will provide a space to play, which includes talking about what you’re normally reticent to say. You can do yourself other small favors: travel to places one way and come back another way. Go places you’ve never been. Get into conversations with strangers. Take any chance you have to break a habit, even if you think of it as a positive one, such as going to sleep at the same time every night. Do things purely for the luxury of it, because it’s the thing to do at the time. None of this will compromise your integrity. The more organic desire you feel, the stronger you will be.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is rarely an equation for contentment that can be said in a few words, but for you, there is one: your work must be relevant to you. You must have work in which you can fully invest yourself. That means a place you belong, an activity you value, where you learn constantly, and where you can bring the best of who you are. Your work must also support your health rather than wear down your energy, your natural immunity, and your spirit. You are a clever person, even shrewd. You know how to survive. You probably are good at making money. And for a fixed sign, yours is the most adaptable of them all. So that means you have an added capacity to compromise your values, which in this case is your spiritual journey back to yourself. How would your life feel if you woke up every day and knew you were doing something meaningful, that could only help the world, and help you grow into who you are? This is not an easy path. Anyone who is on this journey will confirm that. There is tremendous responsibility involved. For many that is too much of a burden. There can be a cost to what you previously thought of as your freedom. You might not get holidays off. You might work till 11 pm every night. When you’re doing the right thing, you gotta do what you gotta do. How do you feel, reading those ideas? Are you interested? Scorpio is on a path of maximum evolution. Scorpio is on a path of maximum evolution. You are not on vacation at this time on this plane of reality. You are here to learn and become by doing what is the most necessary at this time, which happens to be what is most necessary for you. Isn’t that fortunate?
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may wonder what you’re up against — and the answer is, yourself. Your ruling planet Mars is in Gemini, a sign that for you is associated with deep bonding, commitment and exchange. Yet right now it’s a hall of mirrors. Yes, this is a property of consciousness many times. But there is a bold, compelling image of an echo chamber that is dominating your chart for the foreseeable future. So how exactly do you handle this? Gently, and without making assumptions — especially about other people. This is one of those times to consider an idea attributed to Anais Nin: we don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. Let that be your starting point, and stick with it for a while. Every time you think someone thinks something, or believes something, or has a certain motive, check in with yourself. You will need to be less emotional and more mentally detached to make an assessment, since emotional responses (and people having them) always think they are right. So you’re unlikely to have any objectivity if you proceed from that level. You will need to do something that’s extraordinarily uncharacteristic of people in the 21st century: use your intelligence. That will mean checking with multiple informed viewpoints, observing yourself over time, and consulting with two or three people whose viewpoints you trust (no more; you must concentrate the discussion and not allow your thoughts to be diffused by random, uninformed opinions). And be cautious if you hear too much talking about what you want to do, without you doing it. When the equinox engages fully on March 20, it will be essential that you adopt an all-about-business attitude. So catch your breath, and get ready for action.
Scorpio is an odd hybrid, both a product — and an instigator — of evolution. Purchase your latest reading to delve deeper into the mystery of yourself.
2020-21 Scorpio Astrology Studio: The Scorpio File
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Who you choose to relate to has never been more important. Emphasize those who are genuinely helpful. Sidestep those who serve to disrupt your peace of mind. This includes aggressive people, as well as those whose primary orientation is their anger. This can take many forms, from the types of depression that are merely a mask placed over suppressed rage, to what is wrongly called passive aggression. (That calls for an example: those who screw you up on a regular basis but make it seem like it was merely circumstances outside their control.) Reject any approach that begins with some form of ‘you suck’, remembering how often people fall for these; negging works because people expect it and take it as a compliment. It is not. The question to ask yourself is this: how do you feel after you’ve spent time with someone? How do you feel the next day? Are you more or less productive? Speaking of — matters related to health, and work, and where the two intersect must remain at the top of your priorities. Conduct a health and safety audit on all matters related to your workplace, your workspace and your daily workflow. How is the air? How are the vibes? Do you get enough light? Are you bored, or interested? Are you sitting in the right kind of chair? Most significantly, do you have any way of expressing yourself through the work that you do? Your true profession must be a balance of service and the ability to do something that is genuinely your own. These are not absolutes and perfection is usually an unattainable value. Yet there is a range of what is acceptable, which is the first thing to strive for.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is the time in your life when you’re building a new foundation. It may feel, at the moment, like everything is shaking and vibrating and changing. Yet that is evidence of movement and progress. Here is the thing to remember: your foundation is social. You might be good with money. You’re an excellent worker. You know how to focus your sense of purpose and get things done. All of that is wonderful. But it is society itself that is your foundation: by which I mean the larger society we all share, and your personal society of family and friends. These are the very things under assault right now, as everything is driven apart from everything else, and all the crumbs are vacuumed up onto the internet. Make your home the local speakeasy. Get together with people and figure out what is happening. Have real conversations with people you trust, and get to know one another. Work the details of community and of mutual support. You have a role to play. In your own modest way, you are a titan of industry.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be cautious of explosive people — that is, anyone you know has a reputation for losing their shit unexpectedly, blowing up, or spinning out of control. There is no way to engage this energy productively, nor is there any reasonable expectation that people who have these tendencies can change. So I suggest you stand back, and that includes standing back from crowds or groups that you don’t know, and who want to do anything but have a potluck dinner, pass around the bowl and strum a guitar. Jimmy Breslin, the longtime columnist for the Daily News, said when you see a crowd, go in the other direction. For a while, anyway, stick to your trusted close friends, and have a real conversation with them: that is the criteria for trusted and close. If you cannot think of any (you will, if you pause and think for a moment), keep your own counsel. These days are an important time to cultivate your inner witness. Observe your thoughts. Observe the world. Note where the two meet. That is where the action is.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Choose your battles, which means walking away from nearly all of them. Especially the one with yourself. All wellness begins with emotional self-care. Then attend to your physical needs. Please beware of any tendency that even vaguely resembles “you must feel what I feel” or “I must feel what you feel.” Beware of codependent setups where you are said to be protecting someone or you believe they are protecting you. It’s a long way from there to a self-serving free-for-all. It is, however, a fact that humans, as autonomous beings, are ultimately responsible for making their own choices, whether they eschew that or take it up boldly. It’s not up to anyone else to keep you healthy or safe. You are in command of your life, and the sooner you figure that out, the sooner you can get on with the business and pleasure of living. Get this whole aspect of your existence in order and others will take you more seriously. That, however, starts with you, not with them.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have a strong foundation. That is the thing to emphasize. Most of this comes through some form of family or community grounding. It might be your relatives, or your family of choice. Whatever it is, people are involved. That is essential. There is no way on Earth that you’re going to adapt to a socially distanced, isolated, separated existence. It’s not going to work for you — forget it. If anyone is trying to tell you this is to make you healthy, tell them it’s about as wholesome as prison food and solitary confinement. Meanwhile, everything you do must be centered around your actual health. Not the avoidance of disease, but the cultivation of well-being, both physical and emotional. You may have to be very bold about this. You may have to challenge authority figures in your life. Most of the environmental insults are coming in by way of the workplace, whether it’s about obstructing your breathing or forcing you to inject an untested drug. Take careful note of anything you even suspect might be impacting your health or your sanity. Pay careful attention to both your physical state and your emotional experience of life. Most people find that to get a grip on these matters takes some serious energy, focus and guts. But we are talking about your life here. We are talking about your ability to take care of yourself and to be happy — and to do your work. The way the world is going, get ready to make some changes. All of them must be focused on one thing — I will use the word again — your well-being. Bienestar in Spanish. Fuli in Chinese (福利). For your purposes, there is nothing else. Nothing else matters — nothing.