Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is the season to sidestep family dramas. Plenty are possible, here in the Divided Societies of America, Australia and parts of Europe. This will take some focus, some understanding and some compassion — elements of consciousness that seem to have gone missing most places. The truth is that the emotions you feed are the ones that grow. Feeding them can seem like “doing what is necessary” or “playing your part.” It can take profound maturity to step back from what the people around you believe, or what you believe. Quoting my professor of American Studies, Robert Knox Dentan, 99% of what you know is wrong. Building on that, you’re likely to place too much emphasis on “feeling right,” meaning basing your sense of correctness on how right you feel, rather than what you have worked out through a reasoning process. Feeling right when you are not won’t serve anyone, most particularly yourself, unless you are feeling self-destructive. Get that assessment out of the way first. Make your intentions clear to yourself. One fact of your sign is basing your entire sense of stability on your family, and by extension, such pillars of society as the government, corporations and banks. You can start any self-assessment with the question of what it has to do with your sense of security and what you base that on. No matter what may be going on around you, or inside you, your security comes from within you. This works whether you take a secular or spiritual approach to the issue; whether psychological or religious. Your inner source is your wellspring of safety, of assurance, and of healing. We live in a time of radically changing structures, and all that we once trusted is being revealed as unworthy. Therefore, you must learn to trust yourself, and this is a fine time to learn.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Who you are is in part the product of your past. Yet your current reality does not need to be dictated by your past — including very distant elements of family history you may have no idea are driving you. Yet discovering the various factors and forces is the theme of the next few weeks. You are in one of those astrological phases where this is a good time to remind you that nearly all of the karma you feel like you’re dragging around, working out or burning as fuel is the property of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. This is not what most people have in mind when they think of an inheritance, yet we all collect a little or a whole lot of this from the people who came before us. You may discover a vast, underground well of drama coming from previous generations. Yet you may not recognize it as such. It may manifest in such a way that you really think it’s about you personally, such as the direct results of your past actions in this lifetime. I am not proposing this to absolve you of responsibility for the decisions you make. Rather, what I’m saying is that the source of energy that is powering what seems to be a present situation has been around for a long time, and has been passed down generation to generation. It is difficult to think that a bunch of immigrants walking around in fedoras and wool overcoats in 1920 could have anything to do with our world today, though in truth, the issues were the same; the opportunities were the same; the social pressures were the same. Nearly everyone longs for liberation, and nearly everyone is terrified to challenge what is habitual, familiar and scripted by the dictates of the past.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars newly in your sign is giving you drive and motivation, at the same time it may be stirring up your deepest insecurities. The thing about those lurking doubts is that they were always there. When you push them to the surface by exercising your will and your intention, you gain an opportunity to resolve something that has done nothing but secretly consume your gumption and your confidence. Most of this is the toxic residue of old family drama. Don’t be too confused by the way in which all of society currently seems more interested in wallowing in its dysfunction. From the look of your solar chart, you are feeling driven to do the right thing for yourself, even as you figure out what it is. Now comes the question of how to handle your fears, which may be manifesting as actual situations you have to address, or people who may embody them. The first thing is not to ignore them. Then start asking questions: my favorite therapy question is, whose issue is this? Whatever emotional material or karma may be bubbling up, I assure you that most of it is not your own. It’s either a kind of inheritance, or was pushed on you by ancestors, predecessors and relatives you might think the better of. Families, however, tend to be insensitive to the feelings of children, even when they are not downright cruel — and usually both are factors. You are sorting this all out in real time, even as you engage and confront the world with your own drive, desires, needs, and wishes. Let them (whomever) object. That is merely a matter of opinion. More to the point, notice who cooperates, and even closer, make sure you cooperate with yourself. It is time to be your own best friend.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — One question I would ask you: are you indebted to the past, or the future? The answer may be neither, though I doubt it. Your heritage is calling you; so too is our current experience of history-in-the-making. Your ancestors are speaking to you, and so too is your responsibility to your children, grandchildren and all the young people on Earth. If you tune in carefully, you may notice that what you would offer to the past is similar to what you would offer to the future: and that means your full devotion and dedication. You are the connecting link between the two; you are the liaison that will help ensure some continuity. While you’re doing this, there is one thing I suggest you not do, and that is to assume that everyone has your best interests at heart. This is especially true if your interests are said to be less important than those of other people. The argument of “those more vulnerable” is currently being abused to the point where it is meaningless, and those who are actually vulnerable are being left behind or having direct harm done to them. As for your personal chart, where health matters are related, I would remind you of this: With Pisces on your 6th house of health and wellbeing, you are vulnerable to misdiagnosis and to being given the wrong medication. With Neptune transiting this house in the long-run, this effect is tripled. It is also true that there is no other sign for whom your physical condition is so closely related to your emotional situation. For you, the worst toxins are stress and pressure. Therefore, where any form of medicine or medical treatment is concerned, less is more. Precision counts for everything, and here is where discretion is the better part of valor. Always ask: what is the rush? And, what do I know?

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s been nearly 40 years since the song “Modern Love is Automatic” was a hit, and that was before everyone was walking around with a computer in their pocket (or had one at home, or at work). This automation of affection does have what some feel are its benefits, one of which is the seeming lack of vulnerability required to participate. Humans get into these situations often, wanting the rewards without the effort or the risks. Then they can swing the other way, where it’s all work and no play. Now would be a good time to do an inventory of your fears. This might not be appealing, as you may seem to have so many, you lose count. Mars (and soon, Mercury) moving through Virgo, your house of insecurities and of unfinished business, may be provoking an obsession with all that’s wrong with you. Yet I suggest you reframe this as becoming aware of your concerns, rather than treating them as facts. This may be a stretch, since fear in any form can be convincing. It will help if you take every measure to come out of isolation. It’s true that the powers that be have been spraying social anxiety from the sky like so many chemtrails, though there is no benefit to this for you, or for anyone you might want to hang out with. At a certain point, you will need to choose between love and fear. How much time do you want to spend making that decision? Beware of the thought form, “to not worry is to be in danger.” That is a form of automated emotion. You will know you’re going in a productive direction when you are expressing curiosity. Try something daring, which would be anything you didn’t do yesterday. Try subjecting just one thought to careful scrutiny. What is true and what is not? That would be a good mantra for you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The peculiar insanity of our time is being in a world not only where people are unwilling to awaken themselves but rather where many are shocked and traumatized into a daze. To the extent this may include you, there is a way through. In your particular environment there are people committed to self-awareness, and there are others who are capable of assisting others in their healing process. Some may present themselves to you as mentors, as colleagues and as those who are willing and ready to help — as well as people seeking your assistance. In this spirit, it’s essential that you equate truth not with belief but with evidence. Evidence is not merely what you perceive (“seeing is believing”) but rather what you have used your beautiful mind to analyze and assess. This line of thought, and the inquiry it might drive forward, are a discomfort zone for many people. It’s therefore necessary to make peace with getting reasoned or drawn by curiosity outside of your so-called comfort zone, meaning, the point where you stop asking questions. On what you might call the spiritual or psychological level, all of society is involved in a drama where the needs and perceptions of the individual are being set at war against claims of what’s being called collective need. There is no reasoning process here; it’s all emotional, which bypasses curiosity or any other form that the quest for truth might take. We are in a time when being yourself, truly being yourself, is considered an affront to society and where “we all must be as one.” This is dangerous both individually and on a very wide scale, and besides, you have different karma. Your life is about using your mind and your senses in a creative and alive way — not doing or being what someone else tells you. In this project, you have some excellent support around you right now. Please tap into that.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From the look of your solar chart, the sky is about to open up and reveal a vast dimension of potential that you may not have considered possible. It is now essential that you not judge something impossible, or yourself undeserving. In other words, you will serve yourself the best by getting out of your own way. The first part of this exercise involves a careful reevaluation of what you think of as right or wrong. Here is what to check: everything someone else told you was one or the other. All of those imposed judgements require careful reevaluation. You must make your own determination of what is ethical and what is not. To skip this step or to refuse to do so means that you’re allowing others to determine the basis of your own choices, for which you then must take personal responsibility. There is something else going on as well. Many people who impose regulations on others are doing so on the grounds that you cannot have more fun than they do. You might evaluate on this basis every judgment someone has ever placed on you. In fact, success is fun, and in fact, people are jealous of it. Many will think nothing of acting on that jealousy or contempt. You must fly high above this and be the master of your own choices, your own values, and your own truth. In the process, you must make another commitment, which is to do your best to be right. The facts and figures that prove you right or wrong are not an opinion. I suggest you marry yourself to verifiable reality and be meticulous about this from hour to hour and day to day. You are about to be summoned to a higher calling and for that you must be sincere: that is Latin for without error.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In nearly every situation that arises this month, there will be the option to hold people to the law, or to negotiate with them. It will be helpful if you take a softer approach, which comes more naturally for you, and which will likely get a better result. This will take less effort on your part than it will accessing a skill you have, which is to speak to people in their own language. It will help, as well, if you do what you can to see the world (and yourself) from their point of view. This is genuine diplomacy: not being two-faced, but rather holding out an open mind and considering multiple perspectives as if they are valid. You don’t really have an idea whether they are until you consider them. While you may feel yourself lacking in flexibility at the moment, if you stretch a little, you will find out just how much you have. One would think that human thought would be one of the most malleable substances in the universe, though often it turns out to be about as soft and flexible as clamshell. However, with Mercury and Venus in Gemini, your 9th house of ideas, possibilities, and philosophical systems, considering all available ideas will bear lavish fruit. You will make friends with those you thought were adversaries. Keep at this practice. Ideological stiffness will set in for much of the world as Saturn makes its way through Aquarius. Most people will be after approval and not want to bother with what is interesting or has some creative integrity. After a while, the ability to actually think and communicate in human terms will be akin to floating on air and flying great distances under your own power — and be as impressive.
Purchase your 2020-21 Libra Astrology Studio
Aleister Crowley said that the essence of the sign Libra is the drive for justice. Tap into your essence with this reading, and bring balance to your world.
2020-21 Libra Astrology Studio: Notes to Myself

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Speaking of mirrors (see Virgo please), planets are gathering for a spectacular Aries New Moon in your opposite house/sign — the realm of partnership. Most significantly, your home planet Venus is among the entities transiting this opposite territory, which is you looking back at yourself from the standpoint of the other, or you looking at yourself in the reflection of your environment. I will include the chart I am using so you can see just how much emphasis is to one side of the figure. This is the angle where you encounter people; it’s the world you see and walk around in. There’s lots going on there, and plenty to explore. Yet when you do, it’s going to feel a little edgy, and just a bit risky. The setup is perfect for you to consider the ways that freedom is thought to be dangerous. The way I read these planets, the freedom in question is the kind associated with being liberated from your self-concepts. This can be shocking, liberating and disorienting; and whatever situation it describes is a chance to surrender some of your moorings that have held you to your notions of who you are. What you need the most is flexibility. To make the best use of these aspects, it would be healthy to embrace a touch of, “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m willing to find out.” Borrowing from Joni Mitchell, another way to say this is, “I don’t know who I am, but life is for learning.” As you explore life under the influence of this astrology, remember the profound question relating to how much of what we perceive is projection, and how much is actual, direct experience. Be aware, at least, that you see everything through your personal filters and lenses of consciousness.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You might avoid getting overly involved in any drama that emerges at work. It might be difficult, though what you want to be doing is your own style of creative projects. You are heading for a situation where there might be some competition for where you direct your energy. Emotional situations eat creative power. They eat time. So if something seems like it’s heading in the direction of drama, you might take your option and go another way, at least for a while. When this precious month or two is over, you want something to show for your efforts and outpouring of devotion. You have a most unusual opportunity to invest in the creative side of your nature, which has been calling on you to do this for as long as you remember. This calls for rising to a challenge. That means changing some of the patterns of your mind and your use of time such that you structure a place for what you want the most. The challenge here is that under digital conditions, our mental structures and life patterns have become more rigid than ever. We are gradually being convinced to act like robots, and to welcome injections that even the manufacturers say reprogram the immune system. To be creative is to be human. That means being flexible, adaptable and open to change. Mostly that means changing how you think and how you perceive the world. This will come through your relationship to yourself more than to others. The fact that you may face a challenge creating space and time to do what you value the most is revealing of how tight the patterns of your existence have become. Make the effort. You will find the challenge of growth and change to be liberating.
Aleister Crowley said that the essence of the sign Libra is the drive for justice. Tap into your essence with this reading, and bring balance to your world.
2020-21 Libra Astrology Studio: Notes to Myself
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Amidst much other notable astrology, let’s start with Chiron in your opposite sign Aries. This is providing you with a focal point, in a world where everything seems to be going out of control. In the simplest terms, that focal point is that there is such a thing as meaning. This comes through two sources: people who serve your interests, primarily as teachers or mentors; and then from your ability to recognize patterns in your environment. That is all this elusive thing called meaning really comes down to — when set in the context of personal relevance. Chiron is focusing your attention on healing. This is happening in a time when the chaos of the world is being driven by the fear of sickness and death. Anyone could be driven to madness or illness by soaking in this environment, and I have no doubt that much of what is happening is based on over-immersion in fear, chaos and meaninglessness. Take the opportunity to learn from those who have ideas, and who set a wholesome example. At this time in your life, one or two such relationships will keep you grounded in your purpose and in your sanity. You will also be able to learn how to serve others. The quality that you’re looking for is fearlessness when it comes to approaching the challenges of life. This is exceedingly rare, so it should stand out from all the glare and noise. And of course, you would need to understand that the lack of fear, and the refusal to be ruled by it, is not about being a fool. It’s about having a holistic understanding of life, which above all else you need to embrace. The whole is far greater than the sum of the parts, and the particles.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun’s ingress into your fellow air sign Aquarius will come as a relief. It’s always good to have the Sun in your element, though the thing is, you have so much more there at the moment — Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and the meaningful asteroid Pallas. The question of what to do with all this creative energy is a real one. You currently have enough for the next eleven people, and as many ideas. What the Sun moving through this region of your chart can provide is energy for expression, and light so you can see what you are doing. The essence of the moment is experimentation. The world is currently developing a bad case of rigor mortis from all of social and artistic life being smothered. You need to move and breathe and keep reminding yourself of all the reasons you have to be alive and to be creative. You know that you’re healthy when you’re feeling well, that is, when you’re positive and involved. Avoid health dramas of any kind — and know what they are. Get out the paints and turn on your amp. Get ready to test your theory, in real space, and in real time.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem to be struggling for emotional freedom. You can have it, if you understand what it is: it is freedom from the past. The past means living as if what happened to you historically is still happening. This may go back to your childhood and even to the experiences of your immediate ancestors. It does not help that our world teaches obsession with the past, and insists that people trap themselves in ideas that no longer work, and never did. Right now we are all witnessing a vast struggle for power and control, rather than a quest for wellbeing. That is likely to be an old, old story in your family, and if you’re wondering where your freedom went, if you’re wondering why you don’t feel better, consider this distinction. Once you do, you will recognize how few others are doing so. You may catch a glimpse at the astonishing codependent drama of what people are doing to one another in the effort to make themselves feel safe. Not to be well. Not to be whole. Not to share life. And those things, you want.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Whatever you’re doing will benefit from collaboration. Yet this is unlikely to be about any large group or collective but rather with an individual. This may be as little as a single conversation that focuses your mind, a relationship with a teacher or mentor, or someone you are called upon to assist. Rather than focusing on that, or on creating that, stick to what you’re doing for its own sake. The aspect of your being that I’m describing is not the one that moves out of a sense of duty, but rather true inner motivation. The notion of for its own sake is all but lost. This is a close cousin of it’s the thing to do at the time, which will also serve. Don’t involve yourself with outcomes; rather, stick to what feels right. This may end up being something you could describe as the path of least resistance. You may feel like you’re being carried. It may not be possible to predict the outcome, though that’s no reason to hesitate.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Above all else, things must make sense for you — which will likely be a challenge at this stage of human history and in the history of your life. Yet help has arrived, in the form of stabilizing influences in your fellow air sign Aquarius. There have been many over the centuries who have discovered that if the world makes no sense, their creative life can, and must. That is where you are today. By creative, I mean any form of what you make, or invent, for the sake of doing so. This may be part of your livelihood (i.e., how you make your money), and it may not be. For most, it pertains to what they do for its own sake. This is not a luxury. It never was, though for you it’s a necessity now more than ever. You are fortunate that you have a place to concentrate your psychic energy and your need to keep your mind active. You have the ability to focus on beauty and healing. You may already be doing this; many readers of this column are artists and some are working artists. Value that gift that you have and that you’ve received. If you are on the line, if you’re distracted, if you’re going in circles, stop and focus, and draw your energy into some creative process. That is your zone of sanity; your place of stabilization; and it will turn out to be, where you rebuild your social life and sense of community. You may need to start modestly, though commit to making the investment of time, space, energy and any inconvenience you incur from needing to rearrange things. The space part of this is crucial: having a designated place to do what you do. It may be a spare room, the attic, or a table. Make a place for yourself.