Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Recent years of your life have pushed you harder than you thought you could withstand. You are probably a better person for it: stronger, more resilient, and focused on necessity rather than desire. Much of that pressure is waning, and the emphasis of your life is shifting in the direction of what you might call spiritual, or reflective, or creative. This may seem inappropriate for our rather dire moment. Yet your growth and sanity depend upon your cultivating a vision and experience of life that are softer, and focused on your humanity rather than your survival. You are probably saying what I am saying writing these words: that sure would be nice. I wish that was possible. Well, it is — and will serve you many ways to embrace. The spiritual, the contemplative and the creative are a personal frontier for you, one where you will find many inner resources. Yet the most significant of those is your individuality: your sense of your distinct being. You live a reality that nobody else does. It is not subject to revision from the outside, or conditioning, though your outer behavior and appearance can be shaped. That is different from your world within, and the you that nobody knows. Yet to make this real, you must investigate, explore, and seek your own understanding. Our lives at this time are lived almost wholly externally. We have been so drawn out of ourselves that most people barely have any sense of their inner being. Your astrology and therefore your life is shifting from the outer world of appearances and engaging with others, to your inner world of communicating with your soul and the collective soul. This cannot be easily expressed, or rather, not at first, and I suggest you be in no rush to announce what you’re experiencing. Keep one or two trusted people close, but do not dissipate your energy.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Jupiter and your ruling planet Saturn have turned to direct motion in the financial angle of your chart. If money has not started to flow more freely, you are confident that it soon will be doing so. This, in turn, is a reflection of your deeper faith in yourself, and understanding something about the strength of your character. However, this is not about posing, or faking it till you make it. It’s not about your affect but rather your psychic orientation toward yourself. Access to inner strength is sublime. It does not clock you or anyone else on the head. It’s like taking careful steps on a floor, feeling the truth that it will hold you up, rather than hesitating because with each step, the boards seem to give way and threaten to snap. Events the coming month or so, particularly toward mid-month, will challenge your confidence and may seem to shake your faith in yourself. Yet you are the only person who can do that or allow it to happen. Beware of any situation where you are turned against yourself — particularly by anything defining itself as a group or a collective. Closer to the point, be careful of interpreting any such notion from the phantom known as society. It is an illusion; a conjuring; a product of nonstop public relations effort that seeks only to alienate people from themselves. You could easily get caught in this yet again. You will know you are if you judge yourself against some external standard of goodness, or hold yourself to a moral standard where you come up short. It is one thing to choose to do what is right. It is another to feel like you are being tried and convicted in some nonexistent court of public opinion.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Now is the time to review your goals rather than to drive them forward. It’s true that with Mars moving across the achievement angle of your chart (Libra, your solar 10th house), you may be hot to trot on certain professional objectives that have been lacking for motivation and opportunity. However, Mercury is about to be retrograde in this same angle of your chart, and that will have the tendency to scramble your radar, and even send you off course. Therefore, though Mars wants to go fast, Mercury is saying slow down and be meticulous. Any goal actually worth working toward is worth doing well, and that usually means careful planning and preparation. However, you may be feeling impatient and impulsive about certain matters of very high priority, and that is a formula for setbacks, and therefore, for wasting time and energy. Much will come into focus on Oct. 9, at which time there is a triple conjunction of Mercury, Mars and the Sun. That is the time when your actual goal might be in focus, and I suggest counting little to nothing as worth acting on. Instead, clean up past issues, do careful review of your files, and generally clear your desk. Many seeming distractions are going to emerge, and some of these will require deep personal work — this is the part that is likely to happen sooner rather than later. Now is not the time to fight against yourself; it’s the time to learn about and understand yourself, and take care of the things that need to be attended to. This is not about the rest of your life; critical matters are going to come to a head pretty quickly over the next three weeks, and more than anything, you will need to be ready and willing to engage them in a rational and sensitive way — as the leader of your own life.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It may seem like some unseen force is guiding you or instructing you. This is always the case, though you may be noticing something different is influencing you, beckoning you, or providing some unusual sense of motivation. What would that be? Well, whatever it seems to be, it’s not outside yourself. You contain all those organs and facets of consciousness, if only by being aware of them. However, at the moment, it would be wholesome to practice some uncertainty, and to keep open your process of both observation and decision-making. In particular, your professional goals are under reassessment, and your most fundamental values are shifting. Yet there is something deeper that is moving within you, as if you’re making contact with yourself in a new way. This has been in motion for a while, though there are times when you suddenly catch up with yourself, and this is one of them. The word for this is growth. That often comes with growing pains, and with discoveries, and with the inventor’s frustration of having to start over again when you thought you had it right. Keep going. Be willing to make mistakes, because those are the very fabric of success. Mistakes drive growth, if you let them — most people are ambivalent about this, and collect their failings without benefitting from them. That said, you are entering a phase of time where you will need to be careful about the decisions you make and the examples you set. Make it a point to understand where the people around you are coming from, and listen carefully for cautions or advisories. You are not obliged to follow them, only to take them under consideration long enough to make an informed decision about one matter at a time.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You will feel more stable once you have your priorities in order. This can be done with a basic exercise that does not require 10 years of therapy. What is important to you? That’s the place to start. Along with that, it will help to strike a few things off your list that are no longer as meaningful as they were in the past, or which you’ve outgrown entirely. You may feel like your life is verging on the brink of going out of control, which sensation may have an eruption about once a week. The potentially stabilizing force comes from within you, in the form of understanding your own most basic values. These go deeper than preferences, opinions or desires. Values represent the ultimate, bottom-line truth of why you think you exist. This is wholly an internal matter, though one challenge you face is a tendency to conform to what you think others want, even more than most others. Yet this is being up-ended by your ruling planet Saturn demanding that you stand apart and not allow yourself to be overpowered, or allow yourself to submit voluntarily to anyone’s will. There may be some real conflict here, if you think your job is to conduct your life in a way that others expect of you. Yet for anyone truly on an evolutionary path (and Pluto in your sign is saying this is inevitable) you eventually come to a branching in the road. Perhaps someone confronts you and says “my way or the highway,” and you choose the latter: the higher road, more difficult, and yet true to your own conscience. That might be another word for values, yet to feel your own sense of right and wrong, you would need to transcend guilt, and be willing to embark on your own journey.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You do well working closely with others. These relationships can be fruitful, though only when you trust that there is a shared foundation of both trust and common values, and that trust turns out to have been well invested. The reason this is so often difficult to discern is that most people are not true to themselves, and have a way of tossing commitments out the window after putting on a song and dance number about how serious they were. It gets worse, too: people can at times turn on themselves, and on partners, in an aggressive way. Sadly, this is on the level of Psych 101: observing the most basic human behavior. There are, however, a few ways to evaluate people. One is how they conduct themselves over time, meaning a long time — probably longer than you’ve know them for. Another is your intuition. Neither of these are 100% safe. You might be doing well if you have a .500 batting average (in baseball, a .300 average is considered excellent). The other thing to monitor, perhaps the most important, is to study mental health. This applies to you as well, though we’re talking about noticing who might turn out to be dependable. For you, this amounts to people with good self-esteem, who respect themselves, and whose dignity comes from a deep place within them. With some practice it’s easy to spot who is posing from who is committed to respect in all of its forms. Notice how people conduct themselves when times are difficult. Are they fair whether it’s raining and when the Sun is shining? Or do their commitments vary with the weather? Remember, the weather is an atmospheric condition. The Sun is a star, and in many ways, it’s your guiding star — and it keeps on keepin’ on for billions of years.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Due to the influence of a centaur planet in your sign (called Pholus), you may be living with the sensation that everything could come unraveled some time in the next five minutes. It’s as if you could suddenly burst and out of you would spew the collective karma, history and genetic matter of the past 100 generations of your ancestors. At the same time, a powerful and distant point called Ixion is drilling into the question: Am I a good person? As for Pholus, you contain much more than you think you are; you are more than your personality. You contain a vast library of experience in your genetic code, nearly none of which is yours. As for Ixion, you might ask the source of the question. Who or what in you is asking that? Who has the capacity or authority to judge you? The truth is, you have to live with yourself. Though perhaps others do as well, you must coexist with yourself the most closely. The assessment is ultimately your own. Nobody is your judge and jury, though it can take a long time to get out of this feeling, as it is so pervasive. Inwardly, here is the theme of Ixion. What do you do when you’re given a second chance? The world is more forgiving than it may seem, and errors are often met with an opportunity to try again. There is such a thing as a fresh start, if you say so. This might be in a relationship; it might be in a career; it might be the chance to start a new family. Do you grow into those situations? Do you grasp the beauty of the opportunity to be true to yourself, and to do your best with others? You may, if you want.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are about to remember something. You will know it when it shows up. Remembering could come in many forms. They might be: picking up a book and seeing your own notes scribbled in the margin; having a dream that reminds you of part of yourself that you forgot; discovering something you love for the first time, then realizing you’ve been here before; or a gradual sense of awakening to the truth of your life that you realize, at the same time, you’ve been denying. The past year has been one of seemingly harsh realities, yes, for many people, but in particular for Capricorn. Yet whatever occurred has forced you to make a series of adjustments to your way of living, and dragged you through some experiences that have brought both wisdom and confidence. The past 12 years of Pluto in your sign have not been easy. Many times you have felt like you were being demolished. The quality of this transit has shifted profoundly over the past four months, and you may now have it down to a single issue, a single theme, which I would describe in a word as belonging. It’s difficult to put into words how deep this goes for humanity, and how deep it goes for you, at this time in your life. With the growing emphasis on Aquarius, it’s become a more predominant issue for all of society, though for you this goes right to the roots of your psyche and your sense of your existence. It may be that every last thing you say, do, think, feel, desire, and whatever else, is wrapped around this one issue of your self-worth depending on feeling accepted. However, feeling and indeed being accepted is entirely up to you — and nobody else. Remember.
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We depend upon Capricorn to hold things stable. But you’re not as boring as you like people to think you are. Unearth your inner revolutionary with this reading.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you are wondering what is going on now, I can share a theory: you are trying to connect to your roots, and in the process, heal your connection to life on the deepest level. This does not happen all at once, and you’ve been in this phase of the process for a few years now, since Chiron entered your 4th solar house. Yet you are being drawn ever-deeper into something you may not fully recognize. There are three main areas where this might express itself, though it’s all the same thing. One is searching for your confidence, which to you may feel like security, and which I would define as fidelity to yourself. Another is feeling the pain of the Earth. The ground we walk on is struggling to support our lifestyle, though we rarely hear this calling. I would suggest making some contact with the actual planet, the rocks and dirt and trees, and finding a moment of peace there. Last is a connection to your family roots. There is something trying to come through you, and it’s been striving to get your attention many different ways. You could be mistaking this for identifying with your culture or heritage. That is the costume layer. Your astrology is calling for you to explore your origins deeply, including the actual people who came before you, going past the level of your great-grandparents if you can. Here is the operative equation: Imagine the world that they were in. Find out something about it. If you’re looking up an ancestor born in 1920, learn what it was like to be alive then. Project yourself into that world, and project them into your world: imagine how they would feel where you are in life. That, and keep connecting to the ground beneath you.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are likely to be feeling some desire for justice and to make things right in the world. This will never happen until people do right by one another personally. Many are granting themselves all kinds of license to treat people however they want, and this is not making the world a better place. However, the problems when they arise are rarely thought of as such. Rather, they are reactions that come from the place of an injured child. That may come up for you this month. First, residue from competition among siblings may arise. If you recognize that, grab it — it will be an easy scenario to work with. Closer to the core is how you may feel that if you act and speak in ways that are true to yourself, you will be rejected by your family. This is a deep fear for many, and a source of anger. It’s also the source of a ‘survivalist’ way of life where suddenly it becomes legitimate to elevate one’s needs over those of others to the point of actual unfairness. Strive for balance. Share what you have and be generous with your spirit (your love, your attention, your intelligence). If others say you’re not being helpful or not doing your part, hear them out. Notice if you’re being argumentative, especially at work. A better world is better in all ways. And we humans on the ground have many areas of influence. However, that only works if you’re listening, and take to heart what you hear. You have it better than most people on the planet and can afford to be more generous, asking nothing in return. That spirit would do well for everyone. It is the essence of true justice.
We depend upon Capricorn to hold things stable. But you’re not as boring as you like people to think you are. Unearth your inner revolutionary with this reading.
2021 Capricorn Astrology Studio: One Night Only Kala Sarpa Yoga
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are fast approaching the time to make some important financial moves, but not with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. Now is the time for due diligence. That means conducting research, checking references and knowing more than anyone around you. However, there are two things more important: knowing when you don’t know, and disproving your theories. Be bold about being wrong. Use this approach especially when you assess your priorities. You need to know what is true for you on the most elemental level, so that you understand the basis for all of your decisions. This getting to the bottom of things has been a theme of Pluto in your sign for the past 13 years, and it is not quite over. You are starting to get ahead of your insecurities, though you’re not fully there yet. If you notice a fear response to a nonthreatening situation, it’s important to notice your state of mind rather than to suppress it. You are still way too influenced by what you think that others think, and what you believe others believe. Certain events in your family history have injured your self-confidence, and those are bubbling to the surface. These issues do not heal by magic. For most people, it does not heal, ever, and you cannot allow yourself to be one of them. Confidence is what stands between you and the life that you want. That means learning how to think for yourself, which is rarely ever encouraged even in times when individuality and self-actualization exist as options in public consciousness. People will almost always default to the ‘safe’ option, without considering whether it actually bestows any protection — and at what cost.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The only thing you have to worry about is being true to yourself. That’s most of what everyone else has to worry about, though this is the very epicenter of your spiritual growth. All that has happened the past three years, and in particular the past year, may have left you feeling like it’s just impossible to stand up to the world. Yet times have changed, your chart has changed, and you are living in a whole new reality. And in that reality, just one thing matters, and that is sincerity. Therefore, do not brook deception in any form, from you or anyone else. Know what you stand for, on a level deeper than your beliefs, and make all of your choices based on that one thing. If you find that your choices conflict with your values, one or the other has to stand. There is no room whatsoever in your life for cognitive dissonance: that is, two competing realities. You must live one truth, and that requires profound personal investigation. That can be inconvenient and it can be wrenching. Yet you have little choice.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pluto is said to be the lord of death and transformation. Today is a New Moon in your sign, conjunct Pluto. This is a grow-or-die setup. You keep finding yourself in these, and slowly it’s dawning on you that the easiest and most productive thing to do is to welcome the process of personal change. Here is what might stop you, from a psychological point of view: the desire to be accepted. For example, if you begin to self-realize, and come into your own, and at last emerge yourself, will people accept you? You would be amazed how much self-deception slips into that thought. Most people will do anything to have the feeling of being accepted — only to find out later that it was a kind of mirage. This is the time in your life when you’re being called upon to stand on your feet, to accept yourself, and to live as if this is the only sane way to exist. Then you find out who your true friends are, and who your true family is. Nothing else deserves the honor of such terms.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The run-up to the New Moon in your birth sign over the next six days may take you for a ride. I suggest you get a grip on your emotions, focus your priorities, and stay organized. Right now a lot of people are exhausted and flirting with giving up. You do not have that option. You might “let go and let God.” You might invoke the greatest good for all concerned. However, what’s happening is that you are growing and changing, and quite a bit of lived experience is coming to you rapidly. You have the choice to embark on this next stage with a positive focus, collecting and concentrating all that you’ve learned the past few years, or to play the victim. The latter would not serve you in any way other than as a distraction from your most essential responsibility to yourself. This is a message you’ve been offered many times before. You’re in a kind of squeeze now. Keep your focus and pull through to the other side.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You must get a grip on your insecurity, if you want to accomplish anything of lasting value. You certainly can. It’s within your power and your potential to do so — though not if self-doubt is your religion. This counts for any form of fear, guilt or presumed debility. This counts for any form of anxiety about whether you are a stable person. In this next phase of your life, represented by the sign change of your ruling planet Saturn, you are being called on to step into your full maturity. This would count for whatever age you are, and for however much time you feel you have left on the planet. These things can all be done. They all come down to one thing, which is self-respect. The common term is self-esteem, which is difficult to define. I would say however that living your life as if it matters is the best way to put it. By that I mean in the sense of you being integral to the world around you. I mean caring enough about your plans, your abilities, and the contribution you might make to persist in doing so. Therefore, aspire to be competent, and to offer your services where they are needed — whether or not you are compensated. What you want is participation, and to be integrated with the world around you. These are not merely words. When you’re actually doing this, you will feel engaged with your purpose. Your life has meaning. And gradually you will recognize that you respect yourself, and that your resources are valuable to yourself and your community. You will therefore make different decisions than you have in the past. Good thing, too.