Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Listen to any signs and symptoms your body is sending you, without making up a story what they are about, or lurching into paranoia. That may take some centering. The most relevant lesson of this time in your life may be that your wellness depends more on what you do not do rather than what you do. Further, your most important form of well being is spiritual, or rather, that is the point of origin and the point of arrival. Whatever happens in between those two locations is less relevant than it may seem. Yet you are cautioned against magical solutions, anything you don’t understand, or taking any action that you cannot reverse or undo. You may think that “desperate times call for desperate measures,” though it may be that confusing times call for seeking understanding and clarity. They also call for orienting on the pleasure principle. You have plenty of forces driving you to accomplish something every day. To live a whole and balanced life, you must have fun, and stay in contact with your need to celebrate. I suggest you be leery of anyone who tells you otherwise, or for whom the solution to any health matter is some form of moral purity (in any of the countless forms it may take — learn to recognize them). This is an old kind of trap, laid by those whose only interest is gaining power over others. It’s essential that you see this, and not give those who crave authority the benefit of the doubt. You need a clear line between what is your business and what is the business of others. And with Saturn moving through Aquarius, the sensitive 8th house of your solar chart, be especially vigilant about making any compromise in which death plays a part. Hand that manipulation right back to people.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With the Sun now moving through Scorpio, you have likely regained your sense of perspective. You need that: the wide, panoramic view, rather than the telescopic or microscopic view. This includes your view of yourself. It’s essential that you see your life in its context, which is not easy, as you are at the center of your world. And what is that context? As was once said by a sage of old, “By their works, ye shall know them.” Or as is properly written in scripture, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” And it concludes, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Study what you make, with any part of you that is capable of creation. When you study what you feel, you may wonder about the seemingly taboo elements of your desire nature, or of your creative nature. Taboo is one thing; malevolent is quite another. Beware the trick which leads people to believe that edgy, different, deep, interesting, saucy or hungry is somehow bad. You certainly qualify as different, and you’re willing to explore feelings and desires that others would never dare to get near, much less enter with sincere curiosity. You are being invited to experience all of the different facets of your nature, without judging them, or yourself. What that Bible verse does not make clear is that when that good tree brings forth its fruit, there may be a deep journey on the way to creation, and the integration of many elements from nature. Trees detoxify the environment, for example, by trapping carbon dioxide and turning it into a pear or a cherry. Therefore, allow yourself to feel, to be, and to create — then, suspend judgment and trust your process. While you’re at it, pay attention to what people make.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — An unusual set of circumstances may be dredging up family baggage from the past, and the insecurities that come along with it. You don’t need to succumb to this; if you’re paying attention to what you’re feeling, you will be less likely to do so. Yet awareness is the key: noticing what’s really going on with you at all times, and tracking carefully how you are responding to others who show up in your environment. There are two parts to this: who these characters actually are, and what within you is triggered by their presence, or by something totally unrelated but which seems to involve other people. For one born under the sign Cancer, it’s not easy to have total detachment, or any at all. However, remember that your own emotional responses are coming from you, no matter what the seeming external source. That is the place to focus. The whole galaxy is riddled with scammers, schemers, and unkind people. Not everyone has your discretion, judgment, ethics or goodwill. You will feel better if you don’t expect them to. Also note that for a diversity of reasons, you are coming into your power and that means visibility; which in turn means attracting more attention, both positive and negative. Practice the art of not judging yourself based on the judgments of others. If you only knew how little they actually cared, you would be a lot less invested in their seemingly vociferous opinions. And you must be your own model of morality, truth and justice. If you are fortunate enough to have people in your life whom you genuinely respect, that’s a wonderful thing — though even with your trusted exemplars present, you must set your own standard. Sometimes you will take the high road, and other times you will walk through the valley.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Beware of people and situations that undermine your confidence. I don’t mean avoid; I mean, be aware, and see if you can figure out how and why certain circumstances lead you to doubt yourself. They are likely to be the same kinds of situations where you will not stop and check the facts and viewpoints when you truly need to. All month long, planets will be buzzing around Libra, your 4th solar house. This is about confidence, emotional security, and your sense of personal balance. Later in the month, Mars will arrive here, followed by the Mercury retrograde effect. This could represent distractions, as well as situations where you find yourself the recipient of misinformation. Yet the bottom line comes down to having enough confidence not to guess what is true, but rather to spot and challenge what is false. These faster-moving transits are all tethered to something much more durable in your astrology: Chiron moving through your solar 10th house. Your agenda is leadership, and in the current version of the world, this translates to having eyes behind your head and in the palms of your hands. It is about maintaining awareness of everyone and everything around you, and noticing who is asleep and who is alert and aware. Leadership is always about decisions, and all the factors that lead to them. You can learn the easy way, by taking charge and making your own mistakes, or the hard way, by allowing others to make decisions for you that you then have to address. You may be afraid that you’re going to ruffle a few feathers, but so what? You were not put on this earth to stroke the egos of others. You are here to find your way to the life that you want, and that means to standing up for yourself. So get on your feet.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The present circumstances of your life remind me of the song “A Boy Named Sue” by Shel Silverstein (also author of Where the Sidewalk Ends). This is a tale about a man who must leave his family, and before he does, he names his son Sue, knowing he would have to “get tough or die.” Yes, you face what seems like many different species of adversity, and you may be discovering that you’re in an environment that bears little resemblance to who you are. However, the greater these differences, the more I suggest you stand in your truth, and your commitment to taking care of people. The world you are looking at in many ways has become a ridiculous place, where the obsession with greed, power and money have gone beyond any concept of sanity. Hypocrisy has become a drug, an end in itself, and an object of pleasure. As long as you maintain situational awareness, you can easily rise above all of this, and if you do, you will see how many options you have. It is essential that you have a moral framework, though unlike in the past, you will not have many others to use as examples. It is now the time in your life when you become the example, and in a sense, the arbiter of right and wrong. This is primarily in your own life, though your example counts for much; many are observing you, and you have not lost the respect even of those who may have turned a cold or ignorant shoulder to you the past year. This has laid what seems like a burden on you, though I suggest you put it down or return it from whence it came. The truth is not so complicated a matter, though it is not the usual stock of drug lords, money changers, or grand inquisitors.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mercury’s recent station direct in the most sensitive area of your chart is taking you on a tour of your innermost being. We are talking about the influence of Gemini in your life; for everyone that is a double reality, potentially a hall of mirrors where you wonder which is the real thing and which is the reflection. Which is the dream and which is the reality? Well, if you’re asking that, you’re onto the actual question. You will go back and forth on this for a while, and one way to handle it is to test out every perception as real, and live with it, and then test it out as an illusion and live with it for a while there. There is an isolated quality to the 12th. Mercury is the planet of communication, and you are likely to feel that what you are thinking or where you are mentally cannot be understood by others. The way I think of the 12th house is the place where the secrets are so deep, you keep them from yourself. Yet once you start to reveal these thoughts, ideas and desires, you may decide you want to move in for a while, which would be convenient since that is where you currently are. This kind of self-exploration may come with feelings like, do I want that to be true? Do I need to know that? They may violate any or every taboo, boundary, or preconceived idea that you have about yourself. Yet this is the place of true creative chaos, and of liberation from what is genuinely oppressive. With the Sun transiting your sign or rising sign at the moment, and the world ‘opening back up’, it will be easy to miss this introspective opportunity: that is, of your inner world opening up.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Before the Sun enters your sign on the 20th (21st in Europe), you will be taken on a journey deep into your self-awareness. Unusual activity in the sign Gemini, your mysterious 12th place (house, solar house, whole sign house), gets you there. This is the house so deep most people lose track of whatever goes there. It’s the house of lost socks, Bic lighters, guitar picks, friends, relatives, ancestors, past lives and karma. Over the next few weeks this space will open up like a forgotten room where you may find a few things that have seemingly disappeared into the ethers. What you are most likely to discover is the other side of the story in some way relating to yourself. Think of this as being about forgotten aspects of your nature that re-manifest unexpectedly. This will include forgotten knowledge and better yet, forgotten questions. Those are what you really want: guidance about what to ask yourself and where to direct your probes. The beauty of the 12th is that it contains all the taboo material that people generally avoid. This is the stuff you want to learn about and seek to understand. Some of it is going to be sexual in nature. That is the deepest essence of the 12th: it’s about the deepest recesses of what is incorrectly called ‘unconscious’ desire. You also have karma to clear, as indicated by the presence of the lunar node. When you find things you don’t want, or that are truly not your own, sweep them together and prepare to release them around the time of the solar eclipse on June 10. Let this whole process be a journey into the unknown, led by curiosity, which is your guiding light in the dark. Aspire to know, discover, and understand yourself and these things will be given you. Self-knowledge is both freedom and power.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter moving into your fellow water sign Pisces later this month will lighten some of your personal burden and help you take a more optimistic view of the future. That alone will help various outcomes. This is not about seeing the world with rose-colored glasses so much as it is having a little faith in yourself and the power of your integrity. It’s true that the world has been crushing quite a few people this past year, a fact which is being taken way too casually. Yet these events have not crushed you. But they may have made you more somber, sober and realistic, and have put a damper on your relationships. It’s now vital to your health and sanity that you think in terms of what is possible, and what you want — not just what is necessary. Use the power of belief in your own favor: believe in yourself. Bring this to the level of faith in your abilities, your knowledge, and your understanding of the world. You have good, solid reasons to trust your own competence. While the past does not always dictate the future, you have accomplished enough to know you can handle yourself when you need to. I suggest you work with a personal attribute that is always a potential and which is now available at full strength: your ability to not be a hypocrite. The standard is simple: what you say is what you do; what you ask others to do is what you’re willing to do; hold others to the same level of performance and integrity that you hold yourself. The modest price for optimism and a worldview more encompassing of yourself is making no compromise with the truth.
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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is the time in your life to take leadership. First, that means leadership over yourself. The pressure on you to set a positive example is so strong right now that you must be centered within yourself, and right with yourself, before you can do anything else. This is not about going with the flow, the trend, or what seems cool. Doing the right thing will throw many people into profound reflection and even conflict. Arriving at the truth, when it really happens, can be an agonizing process. It does not have to be, though in our time, anything that seems easy is probably wrong. Anything that seems obviously true will be very unlikely to stand up to any form of verification. You are responsible for what you know and what you don’t know. You are responsible for the example you set, and these things ought to torture you a little, or a lot. I know there is a whole school of thought that says, “Do it only if it feels good.” That is not how a healthy conscience works. That is not about being judicious, or understanding the perilous nature of existence. At this time, your path should feel dangerous, and fraught with uncertainty. Any assurance is likely to be false. Any persuasive presentation is likely to be an advertisement. It is up to you to question everything, by which I mean every last thing. Make no assumptions. This is not an easy way to live, though the alternative can create situations that are much more difficult. At this time in your life, it’s essential that you live like you’re standing in a spotlight that does not exactly make you feel so comfortable.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is an unusual time for you. After a series of eclipses shook you loose from your known reality (mostly in 2018 and 2019), Chiron entered Aries, which is the leadership angle of your chart. Yet the leadership style of Chiron is most unusual: it’s off to the side, or from behind, not at the top of the pyramid. It is a form of spiritual leadership that is enhanced by the impressive energy coming from Pisces right now. The New Moon on the 13th is calling on you to expand your vision, boldly, with the ocean as your metaphor. See as far as your mind’s eye can see, and use your imagination to stretch your concepts further. You may not do all that you imagine, and you may not think it’s possible, though you want to be drawing from a deep pool that you may think of as potential. Dive in, or tap in through what you might think of as your higher power. Then, stay in contact with that part of you, or with your vision, or however you think of it. When the Sun crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart, you will be called into action, and you may need to proceed quickly. You have the formidable task of being someone who initiates projects and goals rather than merely following along with what has been established in the past. Beginning things requires special talent, special effort and a true calling, and you may find yourself in a position where you have all three. This is not an easy challenge, and you may find your abilities stretched past their limits. So be it. You will still have a good life, and if you are paying attention, you will notice all the help that is around you.
Nurturing, loving, devoted, cuddly, milky and self-centered, Cancer has it all. You can even have instant access to your reading when you purchase today.
2020-21 Cancer Astrology Studio: I Feel, Therefore I Am
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s an old expression that it’s lonely at the top. It’s also lonely many other places these days, particularly as the world becomes more competitive and many strive to be what they think of as number one. You face a different situation, which is about using your power in ethical and honest ways. This requires growth and self-awareness that are not popular items. Most people are not willing to subject themselves to honest self-scrutiny, which comes with the necessity to change as you discover those things in you that need changing. It’s a lot of work. There are few examples of people who are willing to do this, which contributes to the illusion of isolation. Yet you are getting instructions from a deep place within yourself, if you would only listen. You’re also in the situation of being the person that people are looking to as an example, even though you may consider yourself imperfect and not necessarily ready for the role. Yet that is the nature of the human experiment. Perfection is not a value. Yet the willingness to learn, to love and to grow most certainly is a value, and it’s one that you possess on a deep level. None of this matters on a good day, when things are going according to plan. It matters when the chips are down, when there is a risk, when there is moral confusion, and when people are in pain. Trust that you’re doing better than nearly everyone, and that you have your priorities in order. Also bear in mind that many people tend to overplay their hand and exaggerate their knowledge and abilities, while others shrink from any challenge. Your true friends will tend to do neither.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun entering your house of contractual and business arrangements will help you sort out your many pending projects and spinning plates. Take a serious and determined approach with people. Mince no words and listen carefully to what people say. Take this opportunity to form the right partnerships with the right people — if you do, some of them will last for many years. Yet whoever anyone else may be in your world, in your business or in your community, remember that you are in the position of moral leadership. You are the one who threads the needle and selects the correct fabric. You are the one who sets the example. Your ethics are the bottom line in your life, which is called having integrity. Yet at the same time, the perspective that you hold makes a difference for many people who are disoriented, confused and struggling for direction. The leadership you are learning and teaching is truly what could be called “for a new age,” as you are aware of the need to integrate both worldly needs and values that encompass healing and the spiritual condition of the community.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Proceed from experience rather than from belief or theory. You may be under plenty of pressure to accept the prevailing logic, and to use that in making your decisions. It does not matter how many people think something, or think by what they claim is logic. The truth is not a popularity contest — far from it. Usually the truth can be identified most easily by what is not accepted, or what is aggressively rejected, at any time in history. It is what might seem ridiculous when compared to the standard of the consensus, which is usually a false belief structure. You are susceptible to this for many reasons — though not if you stick to what you know from experience. That includes what you have attained from all forms of actual learning and documentation. Then, you must hold your own. Nothing else counts for leadership, and to stand apart if you must will count for a lot. The truth is not for sale. It is not for rent. It is not a matter of opinion, or of speculation.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Now is the time to organize people around your plan. Amidst much chaos and disorder, you have a moment of fostering an organized plan — your plan, that is. Chiron in your 10th house describes you as the one in the position of executive authority. That means the creator and keeper of the plans, and part of that plan is about collaboration. This looks like it will be with existing groups to which you’re a welcome outsider, specifically because you have the central idea. Make sure you work with liaison people rather than trying to manage the whole group. Identify the best communicators and focus your energy on them. If the conversation gets rough, or you’re not getting basic respect, reorganize your accountability structure. Stick with the people who can focus on a common purpose and speak in whole sentences. You have more responsibility than most people recognize. There is only so much you can do to explain this even on a good day. Stick with the people who understand, and use your allies.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Whatever you’ve been through the past few years, I reckon you don’t want to go through it again. You are onto new adventures, and very different ones. That also means new challenges, though they will be more accessible than what you’ve experienced. Most of Saturn moving through your opposite sign Capricorn was about all that was non-negotiable. At various times, various people attempted to define your reality for you, which was not going to happen. Yet we cannot say the various conclusions were any form of mutually agreed upon. And that becomes the theme of the next few years, with you in the role of diplomat. It’s ultimately up to you to manage the role of everyone you bring into your life, and to know why they are there. This calls for putting up a filter or gateway through which everyone must pass before they get too much access to you. This would include business and personal access; financial and sexual access; and any form of collaboration. You will find that this is a top-level necessity for getting control of your affairs. Be mindful of who enters your life along with others; that is, pay attention to the personal networks of those you work with or socialize with, as you are subject to their karma as well. The bottom-line necessity is for you to have authority over your own resources. And you must fully understand and agree with the terms and conditions under which you have access to the resources of others. Know what is in each agreement. Make it plain. Make sure it’s understood in words, both spoken and printed, and that you have an exit clause to any agreement you get into. Know where the door is.