Lost Sign Data Recovery: 100%

To those who were aware of the data loss (four signs) we have recovered 100% of the data — and I will be doing final edits on the signs today and tomorrow. We are going to take till at least Thursday to finish the site; I will use the time to work on the sign write-ups, which have — as usual — taken on a life of their own. By this morning we were down to two missing signs, and I was able to recover pretty good drafts of both of them. Thank you to Tech Smiths of New Paltz for doing the disk recovery and creating a “probable hits” file which in fact contained the missing signs. The problem turned out to be the Office database; we will be migrating all of our computers out of Office over the next few weeks, in honor of this issue. Anyway — whew. That was a first for the annual edition (which is always an odyssey)…and I trust, a last. I have learned something new.

We will have the sign readings live shortly. Thank you for your patience and for making this project the stunning bestseller that it has become. — love, ef