Aries Astrology to Go! From Planet Waves.

Aries Astrology to Go! From Planet Waves.

Yes, after months of hard work and this last week of high-tech drama, Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. — the 2012 annual edition by Eric Francis — is ready. Each of the 12 signs gets a three-part audio report and a substantial written exploration of the forces that will be shaping your life this year. You can check out the RRR Diary and certain features here, but the written and audio sign reports are a premium service you can access via purchase here.

Here is some of the early feedback we’ve received from people just in the hours since we released the annual Thursday night. If you have further questions about all that the 2012 annual by Eric Francis entails, you can post them below, or email Chelsea at or give her a ring at (877)453-8265. Please keep in mind she’s pretty swamped since the RRR release, but rest assured she will get back to you.