We currently have a full house in Aquarius. The Sun is there, along with Mercury and two smaller planets — centaur Nessus and asteroid Pallas Athene. The emphasis of the sky is on group dynamics — an essential 2012 theme because we’re all in this together.

This custer of planets in Aquarius (lower four) is all about groups and how we respond to them. Neptune and Chiron in Pisces add sensitivity Sunday when the Moon enters Scorpio.
Yet at the same time, Venus and Uranus in Aries are bold symbols of individuality. This is not a contradiction — it takes self-aware individuals to form a group. Anything else is a mass. The Moon is in Libra as of Friday afternoon EST, and that Moon will form an opposition to the Venus/Uranus conjunction — and between now and Sunday will trine all of the Aquarius planets. This will tune your ear to just what happens in groups, as well as the group of two known as a couple or a ‘relationship’.
There’s a relationship between family dynamics (Sun and Nessus in Aquarius) and what happens in other forms of social engagement (Moon in Libra opposite Venus and Uranus). Obvious questions are, who is sensitive to the needs of others, and who is merely seeking attention? Where do you fit into the pattern?
How do you handle situations when others are psychologically intimidating (or trying to be), or those who try to demand conformity to ideas you don’t support? Sunday, the Moon moves into Scorpio, which will deepen emotional sensitivity as it picks up on Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. Moon trine Neptune and Chiron (or any trine) is all about energy in motion. Remember, life is lived from the inside-out, and the opposite of depression is expression.
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