When we reach age 40 or so (though often starting a one or two years before), there is a special astrological event that happens to everyone, called the Uranian opposition. What this means is that the planet Uranus, which takes about 84 years to orbit the Sun, reaches the place in the zodiac where it’s opposite your natal position of Uranus. The way to say it properly is, “Uranus opposite natal Uranus.”

Uranus is the eccentric planets of revolutions -- and it's extremely active in 2012. In fact it's shaking the world and it may be shaking your life.
It’s a high energy event — and it sends many people spinning into crisis when all that energy is released. This is because the life patterns and structured relationships that formed around the Saturn return (age 28 to 30) suddenly start to change. Everything that we worked for that seemed so dependable are now subjected to new demands; a new level of maturity; there is often the need to reinvent yourself — or some compelling series of events that gets you to do so.
You’re having your Uranian opposition this year if you were born between late 1968 and 1971, when Uranus was in early Libra. You will notice this transit because suddenly you want to break free and try all the things you’ve never tried. You’ll start to remember your deeper goals and may have the desire to push out of the way everything that’s stopping you. For those born in this time period, Pluto is also involved; the aspect Uranus square Pluto is really what’s happening to you. Learn more about that from reading your sign in the 2012 annual edition. For a preview, listen to the Top Five Events of 2012 audio.
In its great wisdom, Western culture calls this the ‘midlife crisis’, but it’s really a lot more than that — a personal revolution and evolutionary moment that can take you far beyond anywhere you’ve ever been. The challenge is making sure that you resolve or at least address what’s been holding you back.