Category Archives: 2012 Diary

Reality Check 2012 Annual Reading by Eric Francis Updates

Neptune in Pisces, Mars retrograde in Virgo

Mars is about to station retrograde in Virgo (right on the Aquarius New Moon, which begins the Year of the Dragon). This is the first all-Virgo Mars retrograde since 1965. Rx Mars has touched Virgo a few times since, though not spent the whole retrograde there, nor the total of eight months in Virgo facilitated by that fact. This is the kind of astrological experiment we will notice.

The famous perfectionism and technical acumen of Virgo is focused by Mars, and turned inward and toward the past with the retrograde. The feeling of this transit is a systems check, a phase of testing, of working out and re-establishing basic concepts. This happens between now and shortly an energy wave gets going in mid-May.

For Mars retrograde as with any event, every sign will orient from a different angle of approach. For Leo we will see the science of self-esteem at work. For Taurus the erotic path explores the healing of desire. For Aquarius, there is waiting out, or being the more patient party in, a longterm situation that will benefit from careful negotiation. For Scorpio, there is the need to balance individuality with the need for popularity, and not trying too hard to convince anyone of much.


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Fun Facts

Open sign from Mexicali Blue in Kingston, NY. Photo by Eric.

Months of study preceded my embarking on the 2012 readings. Each of them takes about two working days to prepare, including research, recording and writing the interpretation. After casting the charts, I did the audio recordings first, starting with a practice run through the signs in forward order (these are not posted), and then followed that by doing three audio readings per sign proceeding around the wheel in reverse order, from Aries through Pisces to Taurus. There is about 90 minutes of audio per sign.


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I just have one question -- can I get up from my desk now?

I just have one question -- can I get up from my desk now?

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Your 2012 annual reading is ready

Dear Friend and Reader:

At last, the sign areas have been activated in Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. We have done the final proofreads and revisions and you’re good to go.

Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina. She is a local fertility and food goddess, dating back to 1500 BCE. Photo by Anthony.

Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina. She is a local fertility and food goddess, dating back to 1500 BCE. Photo by Anthony.

These areas are designed to provide detailed readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs, in both written and audio form — but there is really something else they do. They are designed to be motivating, to remind you what you know, to help you play your advantages and to put your problems in perspective.

Because my astrology is so focused on the houses, I highly recommend that you check out at least your Sun and rising signs, and if you’re someone who closely identifies with your Moon sign, I recommend that as well. Note that anyone can get the subscriber discount on all 12 signs by taking out a free trial subscription. (That product code will come back with your confirmation email.) The discount gives you 12 signs for the price of three — and once you’re in, you will want to keep going. Otherwise, you can have access to individual signs by using this product code.


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Rap News on 2012 – the best summary yet

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