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Your 2012 annual reading is ready
Dear Friend and Reader:
At last, the sign areas have been activated in Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. We have done the final proofreads and revisions and you’re good to go.

Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina. She is a local fertility and food goddess, dating back to 1500 BCE. Photo by Anthony.
These areas are designed to provide detailed readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs, in both written and audio form — but there is really something else they do. They are designed to be motivating, to remind you what you know, to help you play your advantages and to put your problems in perspective.
Because my astrology is so focused on the houses, I highly recommend that you check out at least your Sun and rising signs, and if you’re someone who closely identifies with your Moon sign, I recommend that as well. Note that anyone can get the subscriber discount on all 12 signs by taking out a free trial subscription. (That product code will come back with your confirmation email.) The discount gives you 12 signs for the price of three — and once you’re in, you will want to keep going. Otherwise, you can have access to individual signs by using this product code.
Posted in 2012 Diary
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Cosmic Forecast for 2012 — A Year of Minor Planets
By Philip Sedgwick
Here it is… a look at 2012 beyond the Mayan Calendar ending thing. With the blessings of all the new planets and galactic points, evolution seems certain for those who follow the transit track. Enjoy!
Notes on the Forecast: These transits and patterns document celestial events unlikely to be covered in traditional blogs. This list is by no means complete, but serves to provide a template for patterns that well serve the consciousness shifts touted to be coming.
(h) indicates a heliocentric planetary placement. The object it is aspecting will also be heliocentric.
ROI = Range of transit Influence on either side. Time of influence is estimated.
Jan 1 — Pluto (h) square perihelion/aphelion of Eris. ROI 6 weeks.
Nothing like starting the new year with a bang. There’s a massive collective urgency to stir change in the political and economic systems. The pressure on the powers that be looks to increase. The separation of the plutocrats from the economic peons could not be clearer. The big question: how to proceed in a mayhem-less manner that encourages civility. This is the theme of the year.
In your own life you can invoke this pattern if you define your space, your aura, your status and social consciousness with impeccable lucidity. Examine where you want to fit in, and even more important, why. No doubt it’s time to cull social networking profiles, connections and methods. Apply techniques and maintain connections only with those or those things that further your most aspired path. Take a look at whether you are one of those 1% plutocrats or the 99% other folks. Decide how to invoke your greatest fantasy of personal impact such that your dharmic footprint on Earth is maximized.
This pattern might be the most inspiring transit of the year. It fully wishes to stoke the personal fire in your belly to maximum burn. This might be the most beneficial pattern of the year for setting objectives, declaring intention and starting massive projects of exceptional significance. Get onboard and go for it. The year starts with a bang for those that do.
Jan 6 — Jupiter (h) square the perihelion/aphelion of Venus. ROI 7 days.
The philosophical battle over values moves center stage. Whether the glam of celebrities, social consciousness and assistance programs for the disadvantaged or global economics, what one holds nearest and dearest is shown by the affiliations maintained and the ideas supported. To some degree a redefinition of gods and goddesses and their impact on society results. This affects celebrities, sports figures, politicians and those declared to be heroes, reluctant or willing. Battles in the polls, popularity definitions and surveys might dominate the news, even to the mundane cyber battle of which search engine or Internet browser is best in the land.
For the average Joe or Josephine, define what you need, what you want and support it with a perfectly declared, philosophically intact set of beliefs for getting it. Augment your sense of deserve-ability by invoking a larger mission statement for the lifetime. Restore your motivation to seek what you require to do the greater tasks at hand, while ceasing to listen to the ongoing collective droning of the woes of the worldly economy.
Jan 8 — Jupiter (h) square the nodes of Neptune. ROI 14 days.
On the most mundane level a renewed battled in the realm of global medical matters is likely regarding prescription drugs, inoculations and the programs that support those medical matters. Religious wars are likely to heat up. Those who declare “only way” or “one way” belief systems likely encounter a viable alternative to their one way. Then what?
As the course of life moves on, take a hard look at the belief systems you’ve inherited through your family of origin, culturally, theologically, politically and spiritually. This pattern demands the courage to adopt the set of beliefs that allows you the greatest advancement of all your causes in this lifetime. This is not a time for modesty, timidness or caution. This is an interval of big planning, statements of competence and conviction and forward progress.
Jan 23 — Ceres in Aries conjunct Uranus. ROI 7 days.
A rebellious voice echoes in the air. Megaphones and microphones blurt out on behalf of the voiceless downtrodden. But do threats made defeat the agenda or cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face?
Demands and declarations that contain threats, challenges or bluffs will not be taken kindly. If you have a position to establish, state it, but state it short of drawing a line in the sand. Look for any indications of self-sabotaging attitudes or psychologically conflicted behaviors before knocking on the mahogany door of the corner office with the great view of all dominion.
Jan 29 — Chiron in Pisces opposed Orcus in Virgo. ROI 10 days.
Quite simply, being true to your word promotes good health. If you feel trapped in an underwordly, fear-invoking situation and you vow your way out of it, expect that the vows will be cashed in by the heavens above. If you plead for a safe landing of an airplane when bouncing about in turbulence and indicate that you’ll never smoke again, it may not be the wisest move to try to get away with puffing on an e-cigarette. Just a thought.
Jan 31 — Saturn (h) square nodes of Saturn. ROI 21 days.
In the real world, issues of infrastructure should be dominating the news. Structural inspection standards likely come under review. Political platforms will be exposed for weaknesses. Fences that need mending will be noted. Social services programs look for adjustments in their protocols that are cost-efficient and improve the quality of life for those affected.
For your concerns, review every plan in progress. Look for spots that require enhancement and conduct appropriate revisions. Upgrade ideas, especially ideas that refer to never being able to meet intangible standards imposed by authorities, and never being able to approach those in positions of influence that may impact your path in life. Make a commitment to quality in all things in life. Vow to wait for the money to buy a great couch instead of buying cheap furniture that may collapse under the weight of your planning and fretting while sitting in a solid, stoical position. Quality, quality and the wait is worth it when excellence arrives.
Feb 3 — Jupiter (h) conjunct the aphelion of Pluto. ROI 12 days.
The mythic symbolism of the relationship of these planets stands as an important template. Though Pluto, lord of Hell/Hades, brought with him ferocity and havoc, he had no choice but to submit to the rules and will of Jupiter. Here Jupiter makes contact with Pluto’s most distant point from the Sun where Pluto chills, slows and even goes reflective. At this point, especially under the pressures of Jupiter’s whims, Pluto is more likely to yield and surrender a point or boundary previously held firm. The question to Jupiter is: How much compromise do you require from Lord Pluto, whose actions have been documented to inflame Ceres? And let us note that an agitated Ceres transit occurs within the week ahead. Scraps do not a dinner make. Ask the stray cat about that.
This could be one of those times when any statements you’ve made of “I’d never,” or “I always” come back for review. Consider this a test of your tractability. Can you keep the objective in mind when challenged by life reminders that shoot off warning flares that the dark night of the soul might lurk down the next dark alley you run by? No matter what, is the will of your soul so strong that it will be inspired by challenges and adversity? Here’s a great time to find out. If things are going groovily and well, then keep in mind that fortune is cyclical. Fortify, to be ready for whatever the future may hold.
Feb 8 — Mars (h) conjunct the perihelion of Ceres. ROI 5 days.
Cause-oriented actions may reach their boiling points. Ultimatums issued will be challenged. Picket lines, border fences and limits assigned protesters by police tape will be crossed. Fights regarding genetic alteration and/or toxic packaging of grains should be in the news cycle as well, hopefully receiving appropriate Cereal notation (meaning of Ceres, not corn flakes).
Engage a good fight with the agenda that you must win the war, not just battles. Pick fights that suit your philosophical causes and that you can effectively and efficiently engage. Avoid the temptation to submit to extreme efforts such as bickering, threatening and fighting. Become an advocate for the demonstration and perfection of all your skills. Follow the question often presented by Native American elders: Does this grow corn?
Feb 14 — Ceres in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. ROI 7 days.
The fireworks in the air are caused by those striking the flint boxes of creativity. Lighting a match in a dark space may lead to an explosion of consciousness. Here, good intent and free will collide. If the boy scout aids a woman standing on a street corner across the road, is he sure that is where she wanted to go? Work to confirm that good intentions are not meddlesome.
This pattern is highly charged. When gaining momentum to take on a highly charged issue in life, ensure your head of steam does not cause your psyche’s pot to boil over.
Mar 12 — Ceres in Aries opposes Haumea in Libra. ROI 10 days.
This is simple. Become an advocate for your creativity. If you want an agent or a manager, you must advocate for yourself first, right? Get clear on what you’ve got going for you and allow no one to diminish your creative spark.
Critics abound. If they do not know what it takes to do what you’ve done or what you do, ignore them.
Mar 13 — Jupiter in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn. ROI 7 days.
Tarzan might be yelling, “Who greased the grapevine?” and those familiar with struggling in life might protest the ease with which life seems to flow right now. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. You vowed that when an opportunity arose, you’d jump on it, did you not? Stop throwing rocks in the rain and use the collective, hopeful optimism rising in the airwaves. Make progress. Get things done. Accept compliments.
Mar 19 — Ceres in Aries conjunct Eris. ROI 10 days.
This pattern neatly builds upon the rebellious edge of the Ceres-to-Uranus passage of January. Here, though, the pattern becomes far more personal and specifically focuses upon a person’s spiritual evolution and the impact that journey offers to the world at large. It is no time to be a misanthrope or an iconoclast. It is not a time of stirring sacred pots or inciting political upheaval.
This transit works with each and every person on the planet to find their perfect space in life. Space means comfort within one’s psyche and the actions one puts forth in life. Space means knowing that all skills, creativity and elements of personal brilliance are fully applied. Space means feeling in every fiber of one’s being that the spiritual quest is perfect and that every action in life is purposeful. Space refers to clearing clutter of those things that confuse, distract or misdirect a person’s grandest agenda in life. Cull people, places, platforms, agendas and things that do not further, to borrow a term from the I-Ching. With that all done, become the perfect advocate for your mission in life.
When everyone does this, it’s amazing how much progress can be made.
Mar 20 — Jupiter (h) square the nodes of Mercury. ROI 14 days.
Polishing off the first quarter of 2012, this Jupiter transit offers up a revision of one’s point of view and an intensification of the urge to present one’s own views. Given the square of Jupiter to the nodes, there is a balance between established methods of communication, thinking, platforms and notions and those currently under revision, in discovery, or soon to be founded. The key is to find valid points to ponder from the past, weave those into present tense experiences and derive from this a revised, reconfigured, refreshed, defragmented set of ideas that form a reinvigorated platform.
Critical to remember in this pattern: if an idea is opposed, denied, rejected or dismissed, those supporting the idea become more focused, adamant and insistent that the idea is perfect. Whether true or not, it gains momentum.
Review your own beliefs and include all new information that serves your causes. Reject that which is obsolete, invalid or plain ole false. Here are a couple of questions to help focus this point:
If you lived during the time of Columbus, could you have shifted from believing in a flat planet to a round sphere?
Should you have been a contemporary of Copernicus, would you have embraced heliocentric theory or persisted in believing the Earth was the center of all creation?
What if some could prove to you that astrology does not work? Would you give it up?
How swift would you be to yield believing in the milk of your astronaut cow if someone could assert and prove the cow could not jump over the moon?
Apr 2 — Ceres in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra. ROI 5 days.
Collective protest should sharpen with this pattern. More umph joins in with campaigns representing the downtrodden, disadvantaged or even the fiscally shunned 99%. The themes of fighting city hall or going David vs. Goliath regarding the powers that be get refueled.
There are a few simple rules to this pattern that can be applied to your life whether you’re going to show up at the capital with your own brilliantly written petition, ask a corporation with salary caps in place for a raise, or fight the injustice of being gouged by your credit card company:
Is your cause well motivated, free of selfish agendas and clear of vengeance urges?
Will this campaign benefit others beside yourself?
Are you risking more loss in seeking gain (not the best idea)?
Is your mission grounded, practical and fair?
With those points checked off the list, you should be good to go and make a huge dent in a previously undentable bucket.
Apr 3 — Neptune in Pisces conjunct dwarf planet 225088.
It’s time to add a new, humanizing element to all “issues” of the day whether personal, political or ponderous. Where’s the humanity? Better, where is the compassion for all creation? Yes, sometimes animals have fairer concerns than people receive, but what about trees and bees and the way of the rivers? If we are living on an organic entity that is full of complex interactions that likely remain far from complete comprehension, where’s the respect for all creation?
Too lofty? Okay, here’s the simpler everyday practical advice version. Be fair, compassionate and considerate in all your dealings. Yet, within the deference to others, maintain a balance such that you do not yield beyond your level of comfort. Sacrifice and negotiate are not verbal cousins.
Apr 6 — Jupiter squares Z/ZS (the midpoint of the Galactic Center and Super-Galactic Center). ROI 5 days.
Simple, it’s magic! Affirmation and intention combined with action experience a short window of resistance-free response from life. For a moment, it will appear that Newton was wrong about inertia. Use it! And here’s how:
First, explore your subconscious for any feelings of inner lack, shortage of personal merit or undeserve-ability. Work out doubts by validating attributes and pull upon every moment in recent history where you felt you had your mojo working. Remember that feeling and etch it into your etheric field.
Second, state affirmations and intentions in positive inclusive terms. No double negatives or contracted phrases. None of the “I don’t want it to rain…” or “No reason why it shouldn’t happen…” sorts of communication.
Third, emphasize attractive powers. When good stuff comes your way, take it and use it to the good. Open the door to inner receptivity.
Like magic, huh? And with the transit to follow the very next day, the power of word receives bolding, highlighting, italicizing and special fonting. Cant (as in cantor) and propitiate with precision and full intention.
Apr 7 — Neptune in Pisces opposes Orcus in Virgo. ROI 21 days.
The power of word is the theme, those who express well and follow verbal claims with action seem extra lucky or superlatively blessed.
On the other polarity, misinformation, propaganda, promises made with no intention to comply, contracts breeched, or treaties broken, all fall under the heightened scrutiny of the Etruscan counterpart to Pluto, Orcus, transiting the discerning sign of Virgo. Orcus not only listens, he makes notes in indelible ink onto the slate of souls he is charged with maintaining. Yep, he oversees broken promises, oaths and treaties, with added notation to circumstances involving a lack of intention. Watch as political campaigns now spend all their time on the other guys’ broken promises instead of providing a positive platform as a solution. Orcus watches carefully those who condemn and do not actualize.
Time to watch those p’s and q’s, and we’re not talking pulsars and quasars (though, they are astrologically insightful).
Apr 14 — Mars in Virgo stations direct, conjunct Orcus. ROI 14 days.
One week removed from Neptune opposite Orcus, Mars resumes normal motion in Virgo, aligned with the other underworld lord who is similar to Pluto not only in mythic lore but planetary motion.
Given Mars in the mix, the octane becomes richer as Orcus invokes the “actions speaker louder than words, especially when invoking deals, contract, promises and freely accepted obligations and responsibilities.” There’s a wrong way to do things and a correct way. Better to locate the option sanctioned by Orcus — the way of good, clean fun (to add the Virgo vibe). While I’m preparing this just before the end-of-the-year holidays, the naughty and nice list allegedly maintained by Santa rings a holiday peal for year-round goodwill toward men (all Creation) kind of vibe.
May 9 — Jupiter and Sedna conjoin in Taurus. ROI 10 days.
Oceanic matters surface, ranging from endangered species, the impact of climate change on polar ice and the floating garbage in our oceans.
Personally, get a grip on those intangible things that remain dear to you no matter what. Make a vow never to blame your parents again (especially fathers) and vet everyone who shows up to offer you the stars. Some who show up to help are really showing up to help; some are masked behind agendas. Do due diligence before jumping on-board and signing onto any journey. Know your shipmates and intended destinations before climbing up the gangplank.
Jun 4 — Uranus (h) square the perihelion/aphelion of Sedna. ROI 21 days.
On the geopolitical front, ocean issues and environmental issues related to the Arctic and Antarctic regions of Earth, must be advanced as political action items. Positive and immediate changes must be implemented. Social service programs also come under mass revision. Along this line, given Sedna’s extended-length orbit, this transit may affect changes in the age of retirement considerations for corporations, government and government social programs.
For ease of use, a revision of basic priorities leads the way to making changes in our physical regimes, mundane activities and spiritual practices, leading to a betterment in our state of being. First on the priority checklist, review how you go about securing shelter for yourself and loved ones. What changes need to be made in your environment to make it safer and healthier? Get on with it. Within the same theme, revisit your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. What nurturing resources are available? Are you taking care of the basic body sustenance needs of yourself and those who depend upon you? With basic necessities improved, a psychological and spiritual checklist follows.
The psychological: Work to free yourself from whatever grasp your parents might have upon you. Accept responsibility for being your own person, which in this context means do not fight so hard being like one of your parents that you actually trap yourself into being exactly what you avoid. Realize you are not condemned to repeat familial patterns you dislike. Finally, you are capable of gripping and addressing all life challenges on your path. If you need counsel, seek it. You’ll still be the one doing the work and managing your life.
The spiritual: Find your spiritual thing and do it, if you’ll pardon the half-assed pun, religiously. No martyring or unnecessary sacrifice. Find a path that embraces good and sanctions the most sacred of all human commodities: well-founded and impeccably followed intention.
Jun 6 — Venus transit of the Sun. ROI 2 days. Alignment conjunct north node of Venus, Ceres (very wide) Uranus and Makemake and the perihelion of Mercury.
During the year, I’ll spend a good amount of time reviewing this amazing transit. This is the second Venus transit of the Sun in eight years, the previous one in June 2004. A transit of Venus to the Sun means that she crosses the solar disk in essentially an eclipse or occultation pattern (those terms are misnomers because she doesn’t block solar light except in a small region). Such precise alignments of Venus occur in intervals of 121.5 years, 8 years, 105.5 years and 8 years again, making any such alignment a big deal.
Given that Venus represents social values, matters pertaining to women, money, relationship consciousness, and maybe even social networking there’s a lot of emotional charge at stake. Given this transit occurs aligned with Venus’ north node, reassessment of where all these matters are heading in terms of collective consciousness must occur.
With Ceres she emphasizes assigning importance to aiding the downtrodden without assuming a hungry person is looking for a handout. Venus might be compelled to adopt a very loud voice in matters she finds personal or emotionally stirring.
With Uranus, she inspires change in attachments and urges flexibility in day-to-day dealings, wishing everyone would take a more unified and inclusive approach instead of one divided by borders and fences.
With her contact to the perihelion of Mercury, the transit encourages people with something important to say to speak up, even though it may not be popular.
Finally, with the connection to the node of Makemake, she observes that sex is fun, but if a person procreated every time they did, wouldn’t the world be ruined in a few years? Yep, matters of population, population control and breeding to please an unrealistic belief (be fruitful and multiply) would do well with a makeover.
Jun 11 — Jupiter enters Gemini.
This trend moves us from extra attention on matters financial into an era of presumed heightened communication. While new and interesting gadgets to stay in touch may appear in avalanche proportions, why not weigh how those gadgets aid or hinder your ability to weigh your personal anchor in life?
During Jupiter in Gemini, he will oppose potent galactic points such as the Great Attractor and the Galactic Center, starting in September. How about getting rid of ideas that just don’t work? Shed archaic beliefs that do not keep up with advancing trends. How unfortunate it would be to remain a spiritual Luddite. Between now and the first amazing Jupiter to galactic points passage, clear the cache in your psyche, defragment your consciousness and delete temporary files that occupy space, offering nothing to progress.
Given that Gemini is a sign associated with communication, and given that communication depends upon transmission, reception, transmission, reception ad infinitum in a bidirectional manner, this is a bit more difficult for the authoritative, confident and pretty dang sure he’s right about all things, Jupiter.
Thinking and speaking lead to planning and organizing (Jupiter does square Virgo, so why not?), which leads to conceptualizing and testing, resulting in experience and wisdom that contributes to the whole of consciousness. And here, the merry-go-round makes another circle.
Jun 24 — Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (again). ROI 21 days.
However, this is another round of the change-maker at odds with the ruler of plutocrats. This is the time that politicians must get it, at least in this current cycle, such that changes can be made in a progressive, globally uniting manner. The value of stuff, property, debt and money must be revisited. Issues of economic exploitation and the reason behind speculation are stressed to the breaking point. While there are squabbles over who gets what, the real issue must return to: can things which are intangible be bought and sold? Is it wise to play with the values of things acquired from Pluto’s realm? He is pretty attached to his stuff and clearly resents those who hoard and covet what comes from his realm. And oh by the way, oil and natural gas come from Pluto’s realm. (Yes, Neptune rules oil and gas, but they are found in the underworld — Pluto’s domain).
Keep in mind that Uranus and Pluto are long period transits, both exceeding human life expectancy. The attitude of plutocrats to protesters is that they’ll simply wait them out. Temporary protests, short-term strikes and the like may not achieve the greater outcomes.
Could the concept of anti-lobbyists be a solution? It is Uranian in theory, but can the rewards given not be those aligned with plutocratic gain?
Some economic upheaval yes, but not the end of the world, especially on the heels of the Venus transit just a few short weeks ago. The real question is: where and how will you strike your influence in this, starting now? Change banks? Go debit card instead of credit card? Avoid major chains, choosing to shop local? Everyone has a bear to cross at this point. Go for navigating the fiscal straits of life in ways you would not be embarrassed to admit to your guru.
Jun 25 — Jupiter in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. ROI 7 days.
Let’s label this a call to arms in theology wars, religious wars and cultural wars. When will humankind evolve to the point where it realizes that cultures seeking to evolve, religious folk seeking to be closer to their view of God, and those seeking to understand cosmology through their own filters are all the same… only different?
There are two ways this can go. One, as we might hope, a call for ecumenical understanding leads to a compassionate tolerance for all religions. Cultures seek to find common ground and those who believe that black holes dump into another parallel universe as innie get along with those who believe black holes open up in other dimensions as an outie.
Personally, challenge yourself. Check your beliefs, upgrade concepts and make yourself savvy to all things that may influence your consciousness in a good way.
Jun 25 — Saturn turns direct in Libra, virtually opposite Eris. ROI 5 weeks.
This aspect repeats the charge that established the Occupy Wall Street movement. This aspect verifies the importance and impact of Eris. A protest that started with a handful of people, quickly dismissed by politicians and economists as being smelly, bongo-beating dissidents, commenced a protest that has spread over the globe. This transit could not be more clearly in accord with the chronic complaint of Eris: I am not to be excluded, ignored, disrespected or diminished.
At this time, matters related to the Occupy movement will continue to reflect this transit. Court appearances related to arrests, whether on the part of protesters or police using excessive force should fill the news. The movement no doubt will require that every U.S. politician seeking election in November addresses matters of the movement.
In your own life it’s time to ask and act upon some pertinent questions:
Are you where you want to be professionally? If not, are you allowing yourself to be excluded? What is your plan to become an insider instead of an outsider?
Are you seeking personal and social strata just to achieve it? How many followers do you have in each of your social networking plans? Does it work? How does it make your life better every day? And, are you really liked that much more because you reveal so much about your activities with such casualness?
Do your professional and economic goals truly reflect what will make you content, calm and centered with your existence?
Whose plan for a happy life are you following?
Occupy your psyche. Occupy your consciousness. Occupy your spirit and ensure you include yourself in things that matter.
Jun 29 — Ceres in Gemini square dwarf planet 225088 in Pisces.
It’s a battle within to shed any bias, prejudice, position or opinion that may prevent a person from applying the full capacity of understanding, civility, tolerance and compassion. An old axiom comes to mind: You can get more bears with honey than you can with vinegar. Um, why do they want bears?
Jul 1 — Ceres in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces.
Don Quixote comes to mind. How many of those imagined windmills actually pose threats or operate contrary to the kind of progress you seek? Pick fights with clarity. Every battle is costly. Combat, whether verbal, physical or spiritual taxes the body, mind and soul. What do you have the energy to engage? Where is your dharmic track best laid down?
Better yet, what are your rationalizations for taking on the campaigns you believe call you to action? Should motives be unclear, diluted, or deluded, perhaps the war at hand is one internal.
In The Fog of War, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, speaks passionately about the need to understand the culture and theology of any adversary. Without clear understanding of what you oppose and your intent to engage it, defeat is likely.
Clear the fog. Refine your own culture and theology. If you must defend your beliefs and views, remember that justification is not required — only the statement of your beliefs. After all, how can you define why you believe in astrology? Beware the Ides of Ceres and her urge to fight for the fun of it, and the urge to protest too much.
Jul 17 — Neptune in Pisces, retrograde, opposes Orcus in Virgo. ROI 21 days.
Crossing hearts, fingers or toes when fibbing might satisfy Neptune, but such actions offend Orcus. Given his charge of dealing with those who intentionally fail to uphold verbal promises and agreed obligations, he’ll make sure that every letter of negated agreements comes to light. Neptune in Pisces might argue that a little fib to let someone down easily is a decent and kind approach. Underworld deities hold different views and evidently worked as intern readers in the film industry where there is no qualm about telling a person what they think of their literary work. They’ll freely tell you your work sucks, and claim that sugarcoating only keeps someone they don’t want around hanging out in the foyer, hoping to share a ride in an elevator for one more pitch.
With a pattern like this, some promises made may be unintentional, typically the result of poor estimations of time, resources and the ability of outsourced printing firms to manifest deadlines under strange transits. However, Virgo energy might reply that one must always assign a time/space margin of error, such that unexpected delays are comfortably included in one’s promises. Airlines pad the actual flight time with anticipated runway delays, and statistics related to seasonal effects such as holiday travel and weather patterns.
Best to remember that Orcus has a zero-tolerance policy for those who make promises with no intention to fulfill them, or with the realization at the time of issuing a promise that they are incapable of completing the promise.
Jul 19 — Chiron (h) conjunct north node of 225088. ROI 18 days.
Hopefully, the milk of human kindness is enjoying an outpouring to be rivaled. The essence of this transit is to locate kindness and the high side of compassion. Seek to employ empathy in lieu of sympathy. Offer aid to those wanting to accept it instead of forcing what intends to be helpful efforts to those who would rather work it out on their own.
Back on the inner psyche front, allow yourself indulgence of tolerance and forgiveness. Assert that when challenged, you responded the best way your consciousness knew at the time. Allow for errors along the path, while not expecting to err. Hold no expectation that things will go poorly or wrong. Adjust your attitudes toward positive thinking such that the way you approach expectations in life works to support what you seek. Create an internal sense of trust that you’ll never knowingly let yourself down.
Perhaps by this time, and if reminder e-mails to astronomers are actually read, a name will exist for this planet. It is worth noting at this point that the planet once nicknamed Snow White is known to be a planet very red in color. Is it the poisoned apple, the blushing Innocent, or a desire to invoke passion in all matters of life with the knowing that invoking the fullness of one’s spirit is a fabulous healing remedy?
Jul 22 — Saturn (h) conjunct the perihelion of Chiron. ROI 21 days.
This passage is notable because of the relationship between Saturn and Chiron. Saturn sired Chiron as the result of an affair with a nymph, during which he disguised himself as a horse. Thus, Chiron entered the world half, man-half horse. Saturn disavowed any relationship with his son. Because of Saturn’s god status and the realization that despite Saturn’s denial, his progeny was of the gods, Chiron was born on sacred ground, albeit a cave. And Chiron received the benefits of his lineage but in a backhanded, with-a-wink way.
As a result, Chiron carries the rallying flag for anyone feeling “not enough.” Issues of not being clever enough, smart enough, tall enough, muscular enough, pretty enough, handsome enough, talented enough, creative enough, or of enough consciousness appear for healing — and they all belong to Chiron. Given the Sun-centered pattern, this aspect works to soothe the soul and heal the psyche. Saturn actually offers the antidote.
It’s what you do and the quality of what you do that Saturn sanctions. If a person prepares fifty hours for a role in a commercial, the devotion to preparation is noted by Saturn regardless of getting the role. If an astrologer works ten hours in response to a casual question, Saturn observes the dedication and conscientiousness of the stargazer. Saturn knows what you do and supports the notion that it is what you do that seeks to advance your causes and position in life shall not be negated.
It’s a great time to document accomplishments, pat yourself on the back, perhaps raise a glass of vintage for a sip of celebration (careful with the wine around those centaurs) and after sufficient savoring, get back to it.
The nutshell essence: celebrate accomplishment and effort, give credit to steps taken, and praise quality of effort and dedication to dharma.
Aug 1 — Pluto (h) square nodes of Chiron. ROI 6 weeks.
The fight over health care and against large pharmacological companies heats up. Potentially a huge life extension breakthrough, most relevant for folks believing they are with their soul mates. The status quo may challenge healing methods that do not fit in with their beliefs or line their pockets. Issues regarding food labeling may also come to light. If a food additive can be toxic, should the food be labeled with a warning label as tobacco products are? It’s up for grabs.
For yourself, plan a personal timeout from life. Take extra time to hunker down and commune with nature. Adjust your psyche such that it is perfectly compatible with and accepting of all your desires and inner motivations. Accept all aspects of your psyche for what they are. No need to justify. If something feels awry, transform it into something good. Be gentle with yourself. No need to admonish yourself in addition to incoming criticism.
Explore your psyche and set it on the track that works. Taking a tour of an underground cavern or visiting a cave might do wonders to restore your sense of awe and wonder.
Aug 14 — Neptune in Pisces, retrograde, conjunct dwarf planet 225088, retrograde. ROI 14 days.
A replay of a previous aspect, however, with the upcoming Jupiter aspect to 225088 to follow in three days, the compassion and tolerance quotient of this yet-to-be-named dwarf planet demands application in the religious, theological and spiritual realms. As long as someone is seeking as you are, find that thread of aspiration to be your common denominator. Then, you get to move forward as allies instead of adversaries. A word of caution here: those who categorically condemn other religions as invalid or inferior might be in defiance of not only their stated beliefs, but certainly this transit.
Should you be agnostic, atheistic, or evolved beyond religious/spiritual confrontation this is a great time to adopt something… maybe a kitten, kangaroo or a kumquat tree. Show your humanity. Allow your compassion to extend globally and to all living things.
Aug 17 — Jupiter (h) in Gemini square dwarf planet 225088 in Pisces. ROI 21 days.
Astrologers are quick to point out that Jupiter is, in fact, a benevolent god. And it’s also true that he amplifies and embellishes anything he touches. So, on the upside, this may be a time when folks are urged to be compassionate and tolerant to a fault…the threshold of fault being naivete, ignoring important information that may contradict a fair vetting process, or dismissing facts in the interest of supporting one’s personal mythology. As well, rumor, innuendo and smear campaigns should bite the instigator on the behind during such a transit. Those developing election ads might do well to take note. There is a “live by the sword” implication in the undercurrents.
While Jupiter reaches out to promote the good in people and restore faith in others, he also intends to keep a sharp lookout for grifters, Internet trolls, terrorists, plutocrats and Erissians with agendas of disruption only.
While in the natural process of contrasting your beliefs with those of others, realize “different” is not bad. Sameness is not necessarily a benefit. Those working toward common goals are encouraged to have and proclaim differences within the boundaries of civility.
Aug 27 — Jupiter opposes the Great Attractor. ROI 14 days.
This Gemini to Sagittarius pattern wants to suggest that all bets are off; every option is on the table. Jupiter should love the extensive breadth and range of the Great Attractor. He should love the emanation of all known frequencies and the exclusion of none. No doubt, by Jove, the Grand Ole Planet, loves the fact that nothing can be hidden behind the back; better yet, with the virtually unlimited gravity of the GA, you get to see around the next bend in present tense reality. Nothing like gallons of gravity to distend time and space into a slo-mo perception that one can apply while racing at supersonic velocities on the path of life.
If your natal chart aligns with this transit, others push you to the center of the circle, demanding you provide answers to questions you’re hearing for the first time without the benefit of researching via Bing, or Google or WikiWhatever. Accept the challenge. Get a little space from the throng, set yourself down, center and open up the cranium. Imagine that all the energy out there in galactic points is reaching you in spite of our atmosphere, satellites and their cable network/cell phone beams and wayward astral travelers bouncing off pink clouds. You might be sufficiently amazed at what you bring down.
The information is there. Like the Galactic Center it is available to all in the collective, assuming a pulse and a willingness to be receptive. Here, you do not need to seek the guru on the hill; the sky comes to you. Instead of raising hell, you’re realizing you can lower heaven and bring all of its essence through your being for effective manifestation on Earth.
When questions arise, personal or collective, rise to the occasion and do what you can to track. “Remember,” quips the Great Attractor, “the opposite of confound is profound. Oh by the way, check out what’s next around the bend.”
Aug 31 — Ceres (h) conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. ROI 5 days.
In mythic lore, more than once Jupiter mopped up the messes made by Ceres’ wrath. Seems like every time Ceres took on an issue, Jupiter had to come calm the masses, negotiate peace and assign harsh terms and conditions that tempted even the best of the sensibilities of the gods.
Check out political unrest and the protesting now taking place. Is progress being made? Is the passion for a quest something that spreads and can quickly accelerate into vitriol? Can frenzy race like a wildfire through protesting crowds and police lines? We’ve seen it can and have been shocked by the horrific results.
There might be a better way. First, how about a clear definition of what the cause actually is? Second, what are the demands, terms that must be negotiated and expected outcomes? This is a Gemini pattern. Both sides must listen, speak, listen and speak. A scattergun approach of shooting at the side of a barn hoping to hit something fails to support the need for specificity that Jupiter requires. Third, when you get what you sought, no fair pushing out the demands. When fulfilled, stop talking and go for satisfaction.
These ideas apply to life whether heading to your political representative’s office with a demand for action, petitioning for the professional advancement that you know should be yours (and why is that?), or going head-to-head with your soul mate to make sure your relationship does not skid into a hell-and-back scenario.
Here, Ceres is the trigger. Remember, calm must prevail. Rage, revenge and raucous rants do nothing to produce positive results. Be cool. Be calm. Be determined and focused knowing what the original objective is and allow for its evolution. As a propitiating effort, maybe having a bowl of breakfast grains before heading out on a quest would please Ceres. Better to keep your objective in mind while eating too, instead of reading the coupons on the cereal box for send-away stuff.
Sept 6 — Jupiter (h) in Gemini square the perihelion/aphelion of Ceres. ROI 5 days.
Yet another Jupiter-Ceres pattern for human and global consumption. This time, Jupiter is the trigger to the relatively fixed position of where Ceres comes closest to the Sun — perihelion. This orbital marker is where a planet experiences solar intensity through the shortest distance, making the influence of the Sun maximum, and is where the planet moves the fastest, stressing temporal urgency. Realizing the hair-triggered nature of Ceres, Jupiter enters to provide rules, guidelines and protocols.
After the tragic shooting in Tucson in January 2011, one of the shooting victims, a member of Gabrielle Giffords’ staff, Ron Barber, created The Fund for Civility, Respect and Understanding. The agenda supports a healthy discourse between those of opposing views free of vitriol and the assignment that an opposing position is wrong. Despite the tragedy involving guns and being shot, his agenda is not to take away guns and defy the rights of the Constitution (which would be upheld by Jupiter). Instead, creating political discussion of charged issues in cool, calm environments offers a viable solution to inflammatory talk by pundits and malicious intent in political ads. Actually, there could not be a more apt positive example of this pattern.
Jupiter seeks understanding, civility, respect and in Gemini, adds discourse to his demands. Since it is Jupiter, even the will of Ceres, who receives extreme deference from the other gods, must bend.
Take a knee for Jupiter. Genuflect and reflect to verify all your doctrines are high-minded. Otherwise, you’ll end up like a Saturday morning cartoon…on one shoulder is the angel representing the download from the heavens; on the other shoulder stands the figure communicating the uplink from other places. Given that Jupiter in Gemini is animated, maybe a little Mighty Mouse goes a long way.
Sept 12 — Neptune (h) in Pisces conjunct dwarf planet 225088. ROI 30 days.
How curious it is that so many transits to 225088 occur this critical year when people are most on edge about the End of the World and what happens when the Mayan Calendar calls it a wrap. As well, we must fight the financial doomsday prophecies on cable television, and the promise of unending rioting in the streets suggested by astrologers caught in the downside of Uranus and Pluto patterns. And flipping pages of the ephemeris looking at the transits ahead when your blood sugar is low may not be the best cheer-up strategy.
Planet 225088 holds its north node in Pisces. Maybe if each person on the planet felt that she/he manifested the maximum of their inner creative birth promise, they might live a life of contentment. Perhaps understanding, empathy and compassion are signposts for life. With Neptune involved these attributes are likely quadrupled in importance. Maybe adopting a sense that when going with the flow, you still get to keep a hand on the rudder would help. Within the tides of life, the course can be corrected and you may not end up in the sludge waters of tidal backwash.
With 225088’s perihelion in Libra, virtually aligned with the perihelion of Eris and the aphelion of Haumea, and under transit from Neptune, it’s high time to realize you and your creative efforts are not invisible. Expression will be noted. Count yourself in and present the best you have to offer with the confidence of knowing you gave it all you had as you developed your offering. Count your needs as equally valid to those of your partner in relationships. Establish a strong sense of symbiosis between yourself and your employer. They need you to do your job; you need the paycheck, acknowledgment and a sense of fulfilling your job description. And you might as well put into the mix a healthy sense of your interaction with the Cosmos. You need to receive cosmic input; the Cosmos is counting on you to be an excellent representative of what you download. Representation in this instance, is truly more of what you do and manifest than what you claim.
If you’re not feeling that your hobbies have your undivided attention, cut a slice of the pie of scheduling to favor it. If you’re sensing you need to do more to be the sage, artist or innovator per your potential, get kinetic. There’s a long, lingering “ah” of satisfaction that follows for those that do.
Sept 17 — Ceres in Gemini square Makemake in Virgo. ROI 7 days.
Here we see a global caution that will be reiterated in December. The resources of the planet are limited. On behalf of the Earth, which cannot seem to find a voice that some will understand, Ceres will take charge. I wonder if during these transits Ceres, who rules agriculture, will protest scientific efforts to engineer what nature does…you know, don’t mess with Mother Nature.
This is a tough, grind-it-out aspect so you can find perfect creative solutions. On one level the demand to create plans to save the Earth is high. But can those plans actually be executed in a way that the effect of the plan will not be dismissed? Even if we do clean up the garbage in the Pacific, the Gulf is still polluted. Is it too late? No, but the threshold is close. Someone needs to come up with effective solutions. Resource consciousness prevails and discussion of matters of population management would do well to be in every political summit and church in the world.
For individuals, this is a great time to locate, relocate, search for and agree to surface all latent levels of creativity and ingenuity. Someone must design the light bulb that goes on above someone else’s head when birthing a fabulous idea.
Oct 15 — Saturn (h) square nodes of Haumea. ROI 21 days.
Have I ever mentioned that Saturn and structured discipline is the backbone of creativity? No?
It’s true. The backbone of creativity is structure, disciplined effort and a spirit determined to use all resources, talents and abilities for maximum fecundity. Those who do not engage creativity likely become itchy, bitchy and impossible to please. Those flourishing will spread the excitement of success far and wide.
Sure, sure, easy to write, but how do I do it? Make a discipline plan. Start simple with something like every week I am going to apply five hours of creative effort to x, y or z. Then do it.
Should it be about drawing or painting and if you draw a blank (sorry), just doodle or let the paintbrush go where it wants.
If writing is what you want to cultivate even if no novel emerges, write out whatever is passing through your mind. Something is passing through your mind, right?
If you seek to invent and can’t come up with an idea, see what you can do with paper clips and fasteners. Twiddle tools (safely) and tinker with scraps of wood, metal or scrap electronic parts.
You’ll get there if you. Remember. Saturn loves people doing things.
A sub-theme of this pattern would appear as concern for the feeding of all humanity. No one wants to stomp out hunger like Haumea (she had a powerful, magical stick she could put in the water to attract fish), and no one wants an effective plan more than Saturn. Merging these forces could be globally powerful in eradicating hunger.
Oct 26 — Mars conjunct the Great Attractor. ROI 7 days.
Just do it, do it, do it. Do it implies working within known human limits and a healthy regard for safety. Mars might get wind of the fact that with patterns to the Great Attractor, you can actually see around the next bend. So, he could justify passing a slow truck on a knoll or while entering a curve on a mountain road. This transit is not known to sanction immortality.
The psychic quality of the Great Attractor does not so much forecast what lies in the future, but more declares the context and demand of the next step in life. This is very useful when dealing with Neptune transits. When you take a step in the fog, you can see one step further ahead, though you may not see the final destination. This is a “be in the now” transit, which suggests that when doing anything requiring physical dexterity, as Mars implies, pay attention. No daydreaming. It may not be wise to weld while listening to your latest download of a terabyte of iTunes, unless Smoke Gets in Your Eyes and Smoke on the Water are on your playlist, and you remember to look around you in that moment in case the song is a synchronistic warning.
Be in your body. Feel everything. One of the best ways to stay tuned to the Great Attractor even after the transit passes is to enjoy the exhilaration of being tuned to such a wide-ranging spectrum of energy. As well, when you’ve got something completed, present it. No need to hold your hands behind your back asking others to petition you to show your wares.
Nov 11 — Jupiter retrograde opposes the Great Attractor. ROI 14 days.
Hopefully, after the election claims of humanism, religious tolerance, immigration reform and health care policies that were campaign hype will be legislatively reformed as promised. If the folks elected are planet-evolving agenda types, they’ll assert that by the next time Jupiter is to the Great Attractor (April 13th, 2013), great progress will be made in all matters touched by campaign promises.
This is a replay of the Jupiter to Great Attractor pattern of last August. Just in case a surge of motivation took place then that was gobbled up by mundane demands, it’s not too late. It’s now time to resurrect those brainstorms and realizations you simply know that you must motivate to apply. Since this is a retrograde review, why not reexamine those brilliant flashes of a few months ago. The Great Attractor almost guarantees that your reaction to life based upon those flashes has led to new flashes that embellish the original insight. What a great time to prove the Universe right by realizing that the wisdom you previously accessed, whether wittingly or unwittingly, did a heap of good.
Broaden your views, accept the push to the middle of your sphere of influence and look for previously unknown facts and information that make you simply brilliant. Realize that any hidden motives or agendas will stick out like sore thumbs. So, put your agendas out there and top it off with your flashes of ongoing insight and timely action.
Nov 12 — Mars conjunct the Galactic Center. ROI 5 days.
Here’s yet another time when the airwaves are hot with inspired ideas and information. Again, this is another time when the information is freely available to all. Whoever downloads firsts, gets to lay claim to the galactic intellectual property even though galactic intellectual property cannot be owned except under the copyright, patent and fair trade laws of Earth (it’s different on Saturn and Makemake I hear).
If you want to be the first kid on the block to access the latest and greatest progressive insight spewing from the center of the black hole in our galaxy, you might actually need to make an effort. Not to worry, the effort is easy and minimal. All you need to do is remember to extend your antenna, however you do that in your attention-setting, consciousness-awakening drill. It’s the same thing as not being able to receive the important call if you don’t turn on your cell phone.
Now, since this is Mars, once you get the insight, it is implied that you’ll apply every aspect of it into every fiber of your being and let it be your guide for everything you do henceforth. That’s not too much to ask is it? This is the galaxy calling.
Dec 5 — Ceres in Gemini, retrograde, square Makemake in Virgo. ROI 7 days.
Time to review the labeling laws on products. If it ain’t really natural, calling it “natural,” just ain’t natural. Shouldn’t there at least be a debate about this?
Get back into using those talents and skills you may have pulled up a few short months ago. This is a “use it or lose it” transit. Focus on ingenuity, innovation and don’t forget to tinker. Somewhere in there some inventive spirit wants to come out.
Dec 30 — Jupiter (h) conjunct north node of Uranus. ROI 7 days.
The I-Ching states that revolutions must be founded on strong principles. This Jupiter-Uranus connection certainly re-enforces such an attitude. As well, the internal checkpoint that asks does this proposed or intended change really serve the masses, voices its interrogation in no uncertain terms.
On the individual level, I know it’s boring to consider, but do you have a reason, method, motive and solidified belief to serve as foundation for all the personal quests you claim to be taking? If not, Jupiter questions why you are doing what you’re doing. “Just because” won’t cut it. The last step of this year is to ensure that the lord of the cosmos understands what you’re up to. In theory, a lot more sanction goes out to well-laid plans than haphazard whims. Oh yeah, if you’re a fan of fads, this might be a great time to break that pattern if you’re better served by finding what suits your nature.
2012 started with a pattern of great innovation and it concludes with a pattern of great innovation. How lucky is that?
Are you feeling lucky? I’d wager a lucky bet that if you apply half the aspects noted in this forecast, your year might be more exceptional than any other year yet.
That concludes the whirlwind tour of 2012 from a dwarf planet and modest galactic influence point of view. Should you have more questions as a result, perhaps you’d like to explore the Galactic Trilogy CD as a guide for expanding your current views of astrology. For those of you not so much into astrology, but more looking for a template and a creative plan for 2012, how about scheduling consultation time? The standard reading or the significant discounts in Session360 might be the ticket. The Session360 offer expires at the stroke of midnight, Arizona time, by the way.
What a year 2011 has been. From my personal experience, I’d like to encourage you to hold the thought that your transits will work in a timely and contributive manner in your life. Certainly I experienced that early this year when the passages of Uranus and Jupiter that I thought signaled a career breakthrough prevented me from being at the shooting here in Tucson just two miles from my home. I was headed to that very store that morning, but because of adjusting my professional schedule and opting out of a trip to Hawaii, I took a phone call before stepping out the door. That ensured that Uranus and Jupiter were able to install their grace in my chart and keep me on the planet. Sometimes it all unfolds a bit differently than we might expect. With the events of this past year, my gratitude quotient is lit up.
I’d like to take this time to thank all of you for following the Galactic Times and Cosmic Blips this year. For those of you with whom I’ve had a chance to work, I thank you. For those of you I’ll work with in the future, I look forward to that. Thank you again and may 2012 be a most fabulous year.
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Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
Our current astrology comes with a theme of inner planets (Mercury and Venus) making conjunctions to outer planets (Pluto and Neptune). This is a special condition, especially with two events happening simultaneously. Planets close to the Sun represent palpable, direct human experiences.

Voyager 2's view of Neptune.
Those far from the Sun tend to represent deeper spiritual or psychological processes. When you put the two together, there’s a point of contact between those two realms, and our mundane feelings, ideas and choices can seem much larger and more meaningful than normal.
Mercury conjunct Pluto represents deep realizations, focused idea, and observations that come with a sense of finality. Exact Friday, this aspect may come with some dark or unusual ‘big world’ news. Venus conjunct Neptune invokes the principle of ‘higher love’ — the kind that’s not beset by jealousy or possessiveness but which has an egalitarian, humanitarian spirit. Venus swiftly moves into Pisces after making this conjunction, leading the way for Neptune to do the same in early February.
Neptune in Pisces commences a long era of world history that will soften our perception of the world, and do more to open up the connections between people than five Internets combined. Neptune in Pisces is the inter without the need for a net. The sobering news is that what we all have in common is water, and as this transit develops between now and 2025, we will learn a lot about what has become of water: the true condition of our rivers, streams and oceans.
Posted in 2012 Diary
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