One question we can ask about the past few weeks that the Sun has been in Aquarius is, have you learned to play as part of a team without losing your individuality? That’s one of the central questions of Aquarius, and it’s worth asking when there’s activity in this sign. On Sunday at 1:17 am EST, the Sun transitions from Aquarius to Pisces — then the Pisces New Moon follows on Tuesday. The Sun joins many planets already in Pisces, and will make conjunctions to many of them over the next week or so. For one, the Sun immediately meets up with Neptune — the first Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces in nearly 150 years. Then the Sun will light up Chiron and Pallas, also in Pisces.

Positions of the planets at the time of the Sun's ingress into Pisces. Note that the Sun is exactly conjunct Neptune in Pisces for the first time in nearly 150 years.
But we’re a bit ahead of ourselves here, as the Sun will be in Aquarius two more days and will be making some interesting moves during that short time. First, it will trine retrograde Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius) in Libra. That’s a lot of emphasis on Saturn energy, since Saturn has strong dignity in both Libra (where it is) and Aquarius (where the Sun is). What’s interesting about the setup is how close Saturn is to the edge of its sign (in the very last degree, retrograde) and the Sun will be in the last degree of Aquarius, moving forward. It’s the picture of some kind of unusual or unlikely experience on the edge.
On the edge of what? Well, what’s edgy or in transition in your life? This setup describes the potential to stabilize relationship situations, work out elements of structure and negotiate the next stage of a situation. There’s a meeting of an individual (the Sun), a partnership (Saturn in Libra) and a group (Aquarius).
There’s one more point in the setup — an odd, rarely-used hypothetical called Transpluto. Think of it as an imaginary planet that has a real effect. It moves extremely slowly and was discovered in the 1930s. Sun opposite Transpluto may feel like moving through a narrow opening with a kind of expert precision. Of course if the way is narrow, then precision is a good thing, so we can be glad both these aspects are happening at once. The precision involves what is known about a situation, or rather, what comes out. It looks like one party to the situation is handling the confidential knowledge of someone else, information they don’t necessarily feel comfortable having revealed.
The Sun late in a sign can arrive with unusual events, so watch for them and stay open. The window of opportunity may seem too narrow for passage, though the more open you are, and the clearer you are, the the better you’ll be able to handle whatever this is describing. Go through the opening consciously, taking one step at a time. Imagine the planets moving in extra-slow motion as the Sun slips through the last degree of Aquarius, moving toward Pisces. There’s significant support coming from that sign, in the form of the Jupiter-Chiron-Mercury setup we’ve been describing for a few days.
The urge to skip the end of Aquarius and splash straight down into Pisces may be strong for you -– especially with Neptune there like an oasis or mirage. Take every step with care. Imagine you’re crossing a rope bridge across a wide chasm. Pisces is, among other things, a time of closure, resolution and getting ready for the next new thing — the rite of spring. You can’t really do that wrong; but see what happens if you try to get there with a little more awareness than usual.
If you’re following the Moon, it’s in Capricorn as of early Friday morning; it’ll ingress Aquarius early Sunday morning in the EST zone, and then ingress Pisces on Tuesday just before the Pisces New Moon, which is conjunct Neptune and Chiron. That’s a big New Moon — the last of the astrological year, conjunct two outer planets. We’ll have more to say about that in Monday’s edition.
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