Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
Before we announce the 2025 annual edition, I’m here with a special offer on Somewhere In Between, the 2024 annual. The gift of my astrology is that it’s spiritually-grounded, motivating and emphasize the positive.
And I keep a pulse on the passage of time. By the time of the presidential inauguration in January and then the events of spring, it will be obvious that we are no longer anywhere “in between.” We will be fully engaged with a new reality.
For now, we remain in an interval of transition. And my Somewhere In Between readings — in presented as two different work products, in written in video format — are among my best ever. This is professionally-edited book-quality writing in an era without meaningful new astrology books.
We're offering the full suite of readings — including video and written for all 12 signs — for $66. While very little that is available on the internet seems to be actually helpful, you will be happy you experienced these readings.
You will benefit from feeling better about yourself, and from understanding the nature of the changes underway, and a sense of how to handle them.
The readings are available as a package. Each sign comes with a solar chart and other bonus materials and is an enlightening, intelligent survey of your sign’s astrology.
They are also included with any new subscription start — whether Core membership or Astrology Pass membership. Please leave a note in your order when checking out referencing this mailing, or email
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,