Tonight’s offer for Somewhere In Between is an upgrade and extend: extend for one full year and we will include the 2024 annual edition.
Planet Waves
New York, Nov. 9, 2023 | View on Web | Visit our Home Planet
Introducing the 2024 Annual Readings
Somewhere In Between Upgrade and Extend Option

Note to Subscribers — For those who participated in last years Upgrade and Extend program for the annual edition, we will be contacting you directly. If you were included in the program and are reading this, you may also write to us at and/or call (845) 481-4516. Thank you for your business to and your trust.

Dear Friend and Reader:

We stand in the face of a vast unknown.

Pluto in Aquarius presents a mystery that many will grapple with individually, and with our friends and families. By mystery, I do not mean to understate how daunting of a transit this is. Yet we live in daunting times and are being called to grow up fast.

Humans are social creatures. Pluto in the most social sign represents massive changes to our life patterns, and a total rethinking of what it means to be an individual. We will discover how powerful this internet thing is that we swim in. 

Image of an astrological chart
Photo by David McGough.

We will witness dramas playing out in the media environment — as many effects of an unknown cause. You can expect there to be a lot of “how is this happening?” kind of news reports, based on events that seen incomprehensible. There is a “behind the scenes” force that's right out in the open.

While this is usually how Pluto transits unfold, Aquarius is one of the most personal signs, because it’s a human sign and it’s about all of us. The questions for personal astrology surround keeping your sanity, and maintaining the cohesion of the groups you surround yourself with.

Somewhere In Between: Helping with Transitional Phases

The 2024 annual reading is called Somewhere In Between. As my clients know, I take this time of year and do my very best work. My intent is to provide you with sincere, informed and spiritually grounded astrology that you can sink into for a while and gain a sense of understanding. To understand does not mean to “stand under” but rather to “be among.”

Now is the time to be among each other — and to be among the possibilities. That would be novel: potential seems to be evaporating so fast you can watch it happen. But I don’t believe that is true. It is in the times of greatest change that the most unusual things are possible. For those who want it, a bold adventure is possible. And if that’s not your thing, there will be plenty to do related to the rearrangement of society. No matter what, you will need to find a new orientation.

Pluto Enters Aquarius in 2024

The outstanding development of 2024 is that Pluto will transition into Aquarius, once in January and then again in November (to stay for 20 years). This will be a year of transition from one vast reality to another. When that is happening, it’s essential to stay focused on the moment and what it’s offering.

The central issue is what the technological environment is doing to people, and how it’s shaping the course of history — on this spacecraft which we are all riding. This whole matter is often cast aside. Yet the future is arriving fast. Will you be ready?

Aquarius is the realm where the technical sphere meets the social sphere. And now Pluto is arriving; it’s fair to say that we will see how much change is possible in a short time. In future mailings and a series of podcasts, I will describe the astrology in greater detail. For today, I want to describe the annual edition project.

Written, Audio, Upgrade and Extend

Somewhere In Between consists of a set of book-quality written readings, and of audio readings, for all the signs and rising signs. (If you don’t know your rising sign, we will look it up for you or tell you how to do so.) There are some who prefer to listen and others who prefer the printed word. We are making these two methods available separately, though they are entirely different readings.

Soon, we will begin pre-sale for all 12 signs, written, audio and combined.

Today, I am offering Somewhere In Between written and audio bundled with full price one-year Backstage Pass and Core Community subscriptions. The annual is not usually included with any subscriptions other than the Galaxy Pass. But if you pay ahead, we will include it as our gift.

If you initiate or extend your full price one-year Core Community ($222) or Backstage Pass ($555) subscription this year, we will add Somewhere In Between to your account.

Stay tuned for the next stage of pre-sale — which will be all 12 readings, combined and available in their separate formats.

We stand in the face of a vast unknown.

I have never begun a Planet Waves annual reading with such a sense of concern for the future. Yet in the coming weeks, I will rise above that and use astrology to describe where we are right now, present you with a coherent map to our moment, and describe what the ways forward seem to be

Thank you for your business and your trust.

With love,


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Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday evening in Kingston, New York, United States of America, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $222/year. Copyright © 2021 by Planet Waves, Inc. at Kingston, NY. All Rights Reserved. Member of the International Federation of Journalists.