Aries Astrology Studio is Ready! Aries Astrology Studio is ready. Preorder pricing is still at place.
Planet Waves
New York, April 1, 2023 | View on Web | Visit our Home Planet
“This year’s reading for Aries was amazingly accurate in terms of what is going on in my life. Thank you so much.”
— A. Wilson, on a previous Aries reading

“Thank you for my Aries reading. It is so on point! I listened to it during a road trip; my car companion was also Aries and we really found a lot of similitude in what’s happening on our lives right now. You are the best, so clear, connecting all the dots effortlessly."
— M. Andrews, on a previous Aries reading

Astrology Studio is Available for Instant Access
Aries: The Teacup Ride of Self-Actualization

Dear Friend and Reader:

Alice A. Bailey got it right when she said that Aries is the sign that turns the key to the universe. The idea of beginning is inherent in Aries, as is aspiring to great things. Aries is the sign of action, and in our time, it’s the sign of self-actualization.

Self-actualization is about becoming who you are; connecting with your inner instructions; and pulling enough focus to actually do something meaningful (to you) with your energy.

Photo of Eric Francis
Chart section for the Aries New Moon a few days ago. Planets in your sign include Moon, Mercury, Sun, Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron and Eris.

I have a brand new Astrology Studio reading for you. Here’s a little of what I’ll be talking about.

Chain Reaction of Change

Take a look at this chart segment — that was last week’s New Moon in your birth sign. Also present for the festivities are Mercury, Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron and Eris. The pattern they are making is one conjunction after the next — in your sign.

When this happens, the whole world starts to pop, though for you, it means that you are going through wave after wave of change and movement. It’s like being on your own internal teacup ride, where it’s difficult to know left from right, up from down.

Rising to the Occasion: Transformation and Healing

Your Astrology Studio reading for Aries Sun, Moon or rising will help you make sense not just of your astrology but of your life. I describe the ways you can tap into your potential, describe where there is energy loss, and most of all, help you focus this rarified topic: self-actualization.

Chiron is in your sign; this is the center point of your reading. What makes that special now is the presence of Jupiter.

Additionally, you have just experienced a rare and really strange Mars retrograde, which spent seven months in one house of your chart — making communication very difficult. Now the emphasis is on emotional presence, and sorting out your experiences on a deeper level than the mental.

When you purchase, you will find several other readings on the Aries Studio page in your account. Included with the New Aries Studio are several other readings: the written classic AN AQUARIAN ERA for Aries and Cancer (where Mars is now) as well as last year’s Aries Studio; and the DHARMA reading for Aries.

We have the reading and everything that comes with it on sale $33.33, for a limited time.

Thank you for your business and your trust.

With Love,


PS — Thank you again for your patience and continued customer loyalty during these challenging times for everyone. — efc

"Wow. Thank you for this moment of clarity, Eric. I think you may be the only astrologer who writes about Aries in a way that I can actually relate to. You really understand the complexity hidden behind the often talked about Aries traits and speak about them in such a way that I can see myself as I am now, while beginning to understand how I might be able to grow and change, in order to one day proudly wear those ram horns in a positive manner!"
— Beth Reineke, on a previous Aries Studio reading

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Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday evening in Kingston, New York, United States of America, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $222/year. Copyright © 2021 by Planet Waves, Inc. at Kingston, NY. All Rights Reserved. Member of the International Federation of Journalists.