New York, March 8, 2020 | View as Webpage | Read Our Client Feedback
The March 8 edition of Planet Waves FM is posted on our new website. It comes with a long discussion of how to practice self-care from a holistic medicine standpoint.

Monday into Tuesday: Steady As She Goes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Within approximately 36 hours of this writing (by late Monday or early Tuesday, depending on your time zone), the Full Moon will peak, and Mercury retrograde will end. That's enough movement to give a little jolt to the psychic field and offer a sense of where we're at.

I've said a lot about this confluence of events, both in the article below (reprinted from Thursday) and one that it links to, from one week ago today. 

Once you have an idea that this kind of astrology is happening, the thing to do is to be observant of yourself and the world around you. Listen to what people say, notice what you observe visually, notice how you feel, and keep your subtle senses on.
Planet Waves
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
Helpful Practical Information

Before I get to the main theme of this article, which I promise to keep brief, here is some potentially helpful information.

We continue to update a special news feed related to the world public health situation. We are watching major news sources, Asian regional news sources, as well as dependable specialized publications. Our contacts around the world are reporting in locally. If you have news from your area, please contact us

That federal Centers for Disease Control has denied New York State permission to allow seven private labs to test for the virus is an indication of how the federal government is handling the situation. Trump has even said that he wants to keep the reported numbers low. This is the "don't look, don't find, not there" method of assuring the public that everything is fine.

The new Planet Waves FM covers two topics of potential interest. One is a look at both the astrology and world situation involving the virus, in the first part of the program. The second part includes a discussion of what it means to step outside of the authoritarian medical model and learn methods of self-care

With medical science having nothing to offer in the way of a cure or direct prevention, we are left with their best advice: keep your hands clean, avoid touching your face, practice social distancing, and learn how to sneeze and cough without infecting others. Get help if you think you're sick. And that's about it.

That means many people will be entering the wilderness of natural remedies, with little experience and no dependable sources of information. I discuss how to handle this situation, and how to take control of your decision making process.

Word is getting out that hand sanitizers do not help and can make matters worse
Planet Waves
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
An Idea From Homeopathy 

Over the years, and in recent weeks, I've been seeing ideas for the homeopathic remedy that might address this problem. In days of old, there would be something called the genus epidemicus, a remedy for the whole epidemic.

Remedies nearly all have mental states (psychic and emotional conditions) that come along with their physical symptoms. All of the remedies described so far have the common property of fear. It might be fear of germs, anticipation anxiety, not wanting to go out, paralyzing fear, and panicky fear of death.

While it seems obvious to say that there is fear associated with fever-related illnesses in general and with the first truly global pandemic in recent memory (and for most, in living memory), this is worth taking conscious note of. 

The disease pattern of illnesses of the kind we're looking at all take root in an environment where fear is a dominant mental state. 

Whatever else you may be doing to prepare for possible disruptions, do what you can to keep your spirits high. Take pleasure in your commitment to care for yourself and your loved ones.

Meanwhile, appreciate how delicate life is. This is a good time to tread lightly on the Earth. While this situation is going to take its toll, I believe it's possible for many individuals and for society itself to learn some important things.

We need an occasion to shift our priorities away from greed-based politics and the notion that obsessive consumption somehow equals prosperity. We need an occasion to prioritize taking care of people as the first responsibility of society. More than that, we need a self-care revolution.

For now, we're on our own. And while we're on our own, I propose that our approach be to keep living, and to live well. Take care of what you need to do, cut unnecessary things from your list, and make sure you do some of what you love the most.

If you are one of the strong ones, take care of yourself, so you can take care of others.

With love,

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor & Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Associate Editor: Amy Elliott. Assistant Editor: Joshua Halinen. Client Services: Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Finance: Andrew Slater. Archivist: Morgan Francis. Technical Assistants: Emily Thing, Cate Ryzhenko. Proofreading: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Music: Zeljko. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Samuel Dean, Yuko Katori, Kirsti Melto, Amanda Painter, Cindy Tice Ragusa and Carol van Strum.

Full Moon and Mercury Direct Happen Together

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have covered the astrology through March, in last week's Monday Morning edition.

Here is a short recap of events. In summary, the Full Moon and Mercury direct occur within a few hours of one another. The Moon is full in the sign Virgo at 1:47 pm EDT on Monday, March 9. Note that Daylight Savings Time has now begun in the United States. Mercury stations direct in Aquarius at 11:48 pm EDT later that same evening (Tuesday morning in Britain, Europe and Asia).

Chart for the Venus-Uranus conjunction Sunday. You can see the conjunction at the very top of the chart, on the left. Note that several other planets align at 4+ degrees of their signs, including Chiron, the mean apogee, and Pholus. The lunar nodes are at 5+, indicating additional energy in the pattern. You can see the Sun-Neptune conjunction toward the top right at 18+ degrees.
Just these two events is a lot to pile up in the same place. Through this mini-era, the Sun will be conjunct Neptune, which is in itself potentially confusing in that sublime way.

Be aware that Sun-Neptune, Moon-Neptune and Neptune angular (in ascendant, for example) can have an isolating feeling. Try not to get too caught in that. Take time within if you need it; make some space for social experience if you need it, preferably in person.

It's likely that the coronavirus discussion will reach a peak of intensity prior to the Full Moon opposite Neptune, and then shift directions during the week.

One thing I've noticed is that "what happens during Mercury retrograde tends to stay in Mercury retrograde." It can exist as a kind of separate reality (like so much we live with today). I'm not predicting we will get so lucky as to have the whole thing go away (as Pres. Trump has predicted), though I think it will be a different discussion.

The Full Moon-Neptune wave will pass; and then let’s see if the "truth revealed" property of Mercury stationing direct has an influence or a notable correlation.

Ahead of both the Full Moon and Mercury direct is a spectacular little aspect, Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, or said another way, Aphrodite conjunct Prometheus. This is exciting, sexual, creative, curious, fun and potentially kinky. It's the perfect aspect to have in the midst of a bunch of sea-change type events. The uncertainty and change associated with both the Full Moon and Mercury direct will provide an environment where some real experimentation is possible.

Thanks to a trine with Pholus, there will be lot of energy flowing through that Venus-Uranus conjunction. Make sure you know the gas from the brakes. And be aware that you will make different decisions when under the influence of alcohol or a substance (which counts under the influence of Neptune). Keep an eye on your mind map.

With love,
Planet Waves TV is Back!

With so much happening, I'm having fun doing short editions of Planet Waves TV. There are several new ones -- the latest being one on Mercury retrograde.

These little clips are a good way to get acquainted with me and my work, and to refer Planet Waves to others. Please click on "subscribe" so we get a little more ranking on YouTube, which has recently tightened its grip on the little guys.

You can reach our channel via the direct shortcut PlanetWaves.TV.

Thanks for tuning in!
Many times I have quoted Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: "We do indeed live in an age of decadence, but the dharma is not decadent. The dharma is the same as it always has been." Despite the challenges of our time, you can focus on your purpose, which is related to the World Purpose. You can step into your calling as one who came to our planet to make a positive difference. This is integral to your healing path, your personal mission and the necessities of the world. In this new video reading, about work and relationships, we will use the astrological markers of our moment to point the way, and clear the way. You may pre-order all 12 signs here.
Daily Birthday Readings from Planet Waves

By Eric Francis

Here are the next week's daily birthday items -- the same kind I used to write for the Daily News. These are short form readings that get the chart down to one basic message. For a longer-form reading, I have something brand new for Pisces, called This is the Time.

Please note you can also read these entries as daily posts at their tab on our new website.

Sunday, March 8, 2020 (The Day of Nonconformity)
Today's Sun-Neptune meeting on your birthday is a personal blessing, and will grant you the ability to shape your own character. You get to be who you want to be, as long as you're true to your deeper nature -- which is versatile and flexible. Think of your life as an experiment in discovery. Grant yourself the freedom to experiment. It's a gift that few people ever give themselves. This will set you apart, and you may need to make new, equally courageous friends.
Monday, March 9, 2020 (The Day of the Voyager)
The extraordinary astrology on your birthday describes a year of setting your spirit free. Projects and personal growth endeavors that seemed delayed or stalled out will now tend to yield to your willpower. The approaching Full Moon is about deadlocks coming loose, and Mercury direct will help you gain a deeper understanding of your own motives, and those of the people you care about. Yet you must be fully attentive, and use what you know.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 (The Day of the Soul Searchers)
You will now have a better sense of who you trust and can rely upon. This must be your first qualification before making, or receiving, a commitment from anyone. Many elements of your life are in transition. The thing they are in transition toward is more grounded, mutual forms of understanding and reliance. You need no rosy, romantic notions of relationship. If it's easy to set a time and place for dinner, that's a good indication of commitment. If everyone shows up, that's even better.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 (The Day of Progressive Intuition)
We are told over and over through life that we must adjust ourselves for others. There is a limit to which this is possible, though when it is, there is usually a mutual meeting involved, where two people create some changes together and are both the better for it. Yet this is a rare condition, requiring sincerity and strength of character. Therefore, be wary of any relationship where you have to make any adjustment that another person is not willing to make in kind.
Thursday, March 12, 2020 (The Day of the Great Leap)
Even the most challenging, intractable situation is negotiable, if you bring your true passion into the discussion. While you must ensure that whatever you say is impeccably presented in the way that is so natural to Pisces -- beautiful words, and a sense of artistry to whatever you do -- your most natural state of being is going to get through to others. Yet don't try to predict the result. Ultimately your own life is a work of faith and a work of art.
Friday, March 13, 2020 (The Day of Fateful Prediction)
You have the potential to exist in an unusual state of balance with yourself. Yet it will help if you know what this feels like, so that you can take advantage of it. You may not recognize how much leverage you have, so you will need to be sensitive. Observe when you set out to do something and accomplish it. Then take on something that is more challenging, from the standpoint of the result being dependent upon your growth and learning. Any outer result is a minor consideration. The true benefit is learning your capabilities.
Saturday, March 14, 2020 (The Day of Relativity)
You can accomplish anything if you are true to yourself. Be aware that there are forces encouraging you to be real, and others that might influence you in some other direction. As a child you learned to be the person people want you to be. Now you are learning how to have the courage to stand up only for what you truly aspire to, no matter what anyone else may think, feel or believe. Summon your energy and engage fully in the experiment that is your life.
Sunday, March 15, 2020 (The Day of the Heights)
You have an unusual shapeshifting ability now, which grants you a kind of superpower. You can ultimately convince anyone that you're anything they want you to be. This is the potentially dangerous side of the ability, and the lesser. The greater, and the safer, is to use your power to change your mind. That really means allowing yourself to birth a new view of yourself, and to embrace an altogether different understanding of why people are in your life.

An Aquarian Era
Update on RESPECT 2021+ Written Readings

Dear Friend and Reader:

The written RESPECT readings -- called An Aquarian Era -- covering 2021-2023 are underway. I've now published the first three readings, and more are coming soon.

This letter is for current customers of the annual, for new customers, and for people who have invested in the past. It includes a delivery notice, and also a price increase notice.

As you know, the Planet Waves annual is a truly unusual astrology offering, providing detailed, soulful, relevant readings.

I have done these every year since 1999. Each edition builds on the prior ones. Every year, I re-learn and re-explain astrology.

On the typically vapid, superstitious astrology internet, these readings stand out as works of literature, directly relevant to you.

There is nothing else available even vaguely resembling this series of readings.

Most internet astrology readings are assembled by robots. They have no cohesion, and offer exceedingly little sense of the person creating them. Many are uncredited; you have no idea what you're getting. Yet many people take them on board unfiltered, allowing them to influence their perceptions and choices.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscope for March was published on Saturday, Feb. 29. We published your extended monthly horoscope for February on Thursday, Jan. 30. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves
Monday Morning Horoscope #219 for March 9, 2020 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You need some time in the sanctity of your own thoughts, to consider where you are at in life, and what you want. Various events keep extracting you into the world, particularly via the digital sphere. You have an important investment of yourself there, particularly social, and you've figured out how to have actual fun. I suggest you remember that there is much more to who you are, and recall other modes of social interaction that were, in prior times, deeply meaningful to you. Still, it's like a magnet, and for you there is something stabilizing about how you present yourself and how you exist in these strange, electronic ethers. In your true inner realms, though, you access the deeper levels of your creativity, and your sensitivity. As Mercury changes directions, you will feel that draw into your inner ocean, or at least to the shore. If you hang out there, you will feel some relief from the pressures of the world. Music ameliorates. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis

Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries -- a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Pre-order this reading here for the best price.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Freedom is an inner state of being, much more so than an outer one. Yet if you're feeling restless and like you need to stretch out, take some tangible steps and do it. Even pushing one seeming limit of your life or your world will help you. I suggest social. Take a moment and consider what would be your ideal social environment, which means human environment. That feeling of wanting to experience a liberating burst directly involves your contact with other people, and your need to be accepted for exactly who you are. That is possible, though it begins with self-acceptance, or said another way, being at peace with yourself. I know this can seem impossible to a good few people, or so rare as to be a kind of dream. Even if you want to change and have a long list of things you want to change about yourself, making progress comes from boldly meeting the challenge of inner harmony. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Mercury is now stationing direct, after one of the longest, strangest retrograde trips in recent memory. They usually have a touch of weirdness; this one has spread its influence all over the world. Your little planet has landed in late Aquarius, which is your solar 9th house -- that of your worldview, your big plans, and the elements of your faith. Certain persistent questions have come to a point where you may be able to phrase them in ways open to a viable answer. I suggest you focus your intentions on one particular goal or motive, and work with that for long enough to get a result. It is again time to rethink the whole notion of 'career' and 'profession' from the inside out. That means starting from your deepest creative impulse and translating that into tangible work. You might take that as "what do I like to do every day, and where do I like to do it?" Ask that question, without any prejudices about what is possible. Ask, and write down your honest answer. Then stare at it for a while. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Several different factors are working together to make you more visible and to power up your sense of purpose, in relationship to your surroundings. You will like this because you're getting opportunities to take care of people in ways that are suited to your nature. While you have a conservative streak (what tantra calls 'preserver' energy), you're also a little quirky and a tad particular. Let that work for you. You don't really want to fit in anywhere; you want to take leadership doing what only you can do. Leadership does not necessarily involve being police chief or captain of the rugby team. In your case it means connecting to life so as to give you the pleasure of full commitment, and letting others see that such a thing is possible. Yes, there are always challenges associated with this, and true individuality often comes with a touch of feeling isolated. But take note, that is usually an illusion. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Remain true to yourself and to your purpose. Don't let anyone distract you, or convince you of anything that is not true for you. Focus on the idea of what you want, and want to become; you don't need to put as much effort into it as you may think. In fact it would help a little if you temper your drive to get things done, and focus more on being what you want to be. I know that in Western civilization, "doing" and "being" are considered the same thing, which is a theory that deserves to be tested. You can test it by experimenting with existing in the state you aspire to. You slip into this like a glove. There is no concern or anxiety involved, no more than in calm breathing. Most people think that if they work hard enough, they will get to a place where they are satisfied with their lives. You have an opportunity to start with the result, and then gradually backtrack into the appropriate level of activity. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- You're in the process of having a revelation about the nature of both a personal relationship, and a work situation. Once you see the scenario for what it is, you will feel much better; you will see how you have room to expand your sense of who you are, and stretch into a new reality. Belief presents one of the most serious obstacles in this world, whether it's true or not. Once belief is seen for what it is, the alternatives seem much better: awareness, understanding, curiosity, and acknowledging your need for adventure. The world may seem like an exceedingly dangerous place right now. But most of that danger is coming through provoked emotions and a level of intellect best described as theoretical. In reality, many paths are open to you, and you remain in possession of your individual quest, and your individual karma. Count on the big scenario of the world taking care of itself. Focus on something specific to you. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- You may be craving a daring experiment of some kind. Maybe it's a financial experiment; the markets are volatile enough for someone who knows what they're doing. Maybe it's an emotional experiment, the choice to reveal your feelings to someone you care about. Maybe it's a sexual experiment. Typically for humans in our moment in the world, these desires are usually suffocated under ten layers of denial. The available bandwidth seems to get narrower and narrower. Yet you're not actually bound by it. Something, a feeling or desire, may break through to the surface, and if it does, you have the potential to experiment. This is about pleasure and sharing; it's about investing yourself in an experiment. Contrary to nearly all of the sexual values of our world, no power over anyone else is involved. No value is exchanged except for what is inherent in the experience: what you offer, what you feel, what you learn. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- You could be seeing a bold, simple situation as much more complex than it is. Perhaps this is due to your tendency to overthink most things to an exponential degree. Yet that often works out to be a means of rationalizing yourself out of your desire to have a far more interesting life. Have you considered the sources of the fears that trouble you? Have you considered how much better your life will be without them? What you will have to 'give up' is the false certainty associated with restricting your experience. Yet once you step outside of that, you will invoke a kind of vulnerability that is especially freaky these days. One generation ago, the things you want to do were for many people just simply the thing to do. It can be that easy, though the first attachment to let go of is needing the approval of others (mostly, surrogates for your relatives, or the actual people). Thankfully, there is someone in your life who is calling you to another place, another time, another kind of existence. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Take the opportunity to improve your financial situation. This is always driven by motivation. It's not about luck; intelligence plays a role, though it's useless if you're not connected to an energy source -- and you now have one. Relying on others for your financial wellbeing is not a good strategy for you. You are more the self-reliant type, though there are always points of contact. Partnership questions are therefore mostly a matter of structure. It's better if you're the one who controls the accounts, your cash flow and your spending priorities. It's better if you set the agenda, and fortunately you have one. You're in a better position if you don't want money for its own sake, but rather to accomplish specific tasks, whether that means paying the electric bill, helping a friend or acquiring something you want. Connect dollar amounts to specific plans, and set structured goals. Once you get into the swing of intending to do something and then succeeding, you will want more. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- This is a potential moment of clarity for you, when the fog clears and you can see into the distance. Inwardly, envision the sediment of your emotions settling to the bottom of the lake, and the water taking on a transparent quality. In this space, ideas will come to you. You will see through previously vexing problems. And you have the ability to get out of your own way, which you can refine into a method. Mostly what you stumble over involves questions of priorities. The word "priorities" means paying attention to what comes before something else, and this can be based on time, or on preference. You can resolve that easily by stopping and asking yourself what has to happen next. Get difficult or complex projects started long in advance, even if you begin with a few notes scribbled down. Gently get things moving, and keep your energy flowing. Even if you're knackered or stressed, do your best to stay focused. Persist gently and your stress level will drop, and your energy will bounce back. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Mercury stations direct in your sign Monday, combined with a Full Moon across the sensitive partnership and commitment angle of your solar chart. You may be asking yourself who you can really trust. That's a good question. The answer is most likely those who demonstrate their trustworthiness, through consistently treating you well. Notice who is good for their word -- that is, those for whom the promises they make matter. Take the opportunity to track your own patterns and guide yourself into being committed to fulfilling what you agree to. Today would be a good day to reflect and make a list of any unkept promises. Then reach out and let people know that they're still on your mind, and you intend to fulfill them. You might find this goes further to calm your anxiety than anything else you can do. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis

This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement -- including Pisces' ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction -- will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Get instant access to this reading here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- This week's combined aspects are offering you many unusual opportunities. Stay where people can see, hear and feel you, and no hiding your light under a bushel. At the moment, you're blessed with an unusual and appealing way of expressing yourself, so speak up when the desire fills you. The world is in a ridiculous state of fear and chaos at the moment, though you're in a position to both work with the energies and make the situation work for you. Remember that you're playing the long game. Therefore, remember that whatever you say and do today will have effects in the future. And at the same time, peer ahead and see yourself in a place you want to be, doing something you want to do, and keep taking steps in that direction. Even your seemingly modest moves and gestures can mean a lot; what matters above all else is your sincerity. You will be able to avoid most errors with a little calm reflection, in advance of making any decision, no matter how minor. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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