From Venus to Mars: a Love Letter to Yourself
Dear Friend and Reader:
Although the Leo Full Moon was exact early this morning (Sunday), it's still resonating. Key aspects in the Full Moon chart involving Venus continue to be in force and have yet to complete themselves. They color the beginning of a workweek that might feel increasingly scattered or disorienting as Mercury prepares to station retrograde in seven days.
First, though, you may wish to check in with yourself. What has readjusted itself, peaked, or come into awareness in the last 24 hours? What still feels like it's building or has not found its resolution yet? What did you learn about your social and/or sexual relationships this weekend?
Ice-encapsulated magnolia bud; photo by Amanda Painter.
Venus is currently in early Aries, having arrived there on Friday. It's conjunct the centaur planet Chiron and a very slow-moving planet called Salacia. This trio is, in turn, squaring the centaur Pholus and slow-mover Quaoar in Capricorn (exact Monday through Tuesday).
Venus-Chiron-Salacia on its own, especially in Aries, describes some deep and saucy sexual energy coming into focus. On one level, think of it as an opportunity to explore some of your more highly charged erotic energy with some assertiveness.
Yet Chiron also deals with the awareness and healing of old wounds. And sexuality tends to be a source of (and repository for) emotional pain for a great many people, whether subtly or overtly.
Culturally, we live with a lot of supposed "rules" about what is correct and what is inappropriate. Some seem obvious (for example, don't use sex as a weapon toward anyone) yet still cause confusion; others are more nuanced — and cause even greater confusion (what does it really mean to own your desire, in a world where expressing it might offend or scare someone?).
One of the things Pholus and Quaoar bring to the conversation is the influence of family patterns on your sexuality. Another is the question of the way small things can have long-reaching effects. An example: a comment from a parent in childhood that manages to sow a seed of guilt or shame about your sexuality.
On these themes, Eric noted in the Daily Astrology for today that "Where personal evolution is involved, that is something that must come entirely from inside of you. You must explore and set your boundaries. You decide who you are — nobody else can do that."
Photo by Amanda Painter.
He adds, "No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, no matter who you love or how you love them, your primary task is to make peace with yourself. This allows something else — the freedom to explore your relationships and your feelings, on your own terms."
It's worth noting that late on Tuesday, the Moon enters Libra. This means the Moon will be activating the whole Venus-Chiron-Salacia-Pholus-Quaoar configuration in a way that may emphasize another layer of emotions. Perhaps notice what still feels out of balance within you, regarding the themes mentioned.
What would it feel like to bring it into equilibrium? Not according to "society's standards" — or those of a parent or partner, either. Rather, what might bring you into greater alignment with yourself? Remember that the sensation will be one of greater inner spaciousness, not less. It might feel daring or a little scary to claim it.
Finally, it's worth mentioning that Mars will join the thinning Capricorn stellium on Sunday, Feb. 16 (the same day Mercury stations retrograde). This is the "let's get going!" impulse of Mars in Saturn's domain of "let's do the work."
We'll have more about that when we get there. In the meantime, Mars is in a conjunction to the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius, exact on Wednesday.
While Mars in Sagittarius can be a bit breezy and scattered and more interested in "freedom" than in focusing its energy, merging with the Galactic Center (GC) puts an unusual spin on things. Astrologically, the GC represents our "cosmic homing signal." So what might it mean to channel your physical energy, ambition, desire or even your frustration and anger into the service of something greater than yourself?
The GC is far away. It's impossible for us to see directly. It's too large for us to really comprehend. And yet it seems to serve as a point of orientation for some of our highest ideals, for our faith, and for the mysteries of existence that keep calling us forward.
The planets this week are describing a path of inner sexual exploration and reconciliation, as well as the motivation to act in service of spiritual ideals. You might be surprised how well those pursuits feed each other, if you keep the lines of dialogue open within you.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves
(ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor & Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Associate Editor: Amy Elliott. Assistant Editor: Joshua Halinen. Client Services: Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Finance: Andrew Slater. Archivist: Morgan Francis. Technical Assistants: Emily Thing, Cate Ryzhenko. Proofreading: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Music: Zeljko. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori, Cindy Tice Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
Readings For Uncertain Times
Dear Friend and Reader:
Greetings at this memorable cross-quarter moment. We are living through unusual times — an understatement, I know — and many people are being pressured to catch up with themselves. That means making long-overdue decisions, fixing problems that have been lingering around, and finally getting on with those elements of your actual purpose.
I'm getting ready to begin An Aquarian Era, the written section of
RESPECT, your 2020-21 annual edition. My readings, backed up by two decades of experience, are here to serve as an anchor amid the chaos of our age. The audio sessions (available for instant access) are proving popular for just this reason.
You may listen to the introductory sample here.
Still from today's Planet Waves TV.
I have worked as a personal consultant to thousands of people at just this kind of stage of their lives: the point where you figure out your choices matter. The place where you feel vulnerable. Where you understand that change must come.
Whether you're making your decisions preemptively or at the last minute, I have a pair of readings that can help you.
Part one is called INTELLIGENCE, a chapter-length essay for each sign and rising sign. These are my most comprehensive written readings ever.
Part two is called RESPECT, a consultation-length audio reading for each sign and rising sign. As my customers know, I am gifted with the ability to do a full-strength reading using transits and the solar chart. I read not a single sign but the whole chart, so the result is that you get a whole reading.
Astrology is not therapy, but my readings are designed to be therapeutic several different ways. First, I create a calm, introspective space to do the work. I remind you of your inner being; that is who I'm speaking to. The real you who it's easy to forget. (My audio readings come with gentle, alive, original music.)
My whole purpose as an astrologer is to remind you of your power of decision, and to help you see your options. And as an astrologer, I have a sacred duty to help you use time well. We are accustomed to seeing time as a kind of enemy; I am here to introduce you to time as your friend.
Particularly within the grind and madness of the current world, my readings are oxygen and sunshine and water. Here is one customer's comment on the RESPECT audio readings:
I would like to say how exceptional the report is; the depth, knowledge, compassion & understanding. So many levels. Which is so helpful in these incredibly intense times. This astrological information goes a long way to bring some light. Many thanks to you.
-- Carol Jay
Best of all, my readings are designed to be affordable — a tiny fraction of a personal astrology reading, a fraction of the cost of a single therapy session, and yet providing you with thoughtful mental and emotional nutrition that will feed you for years. Even my very old readings speak to the moment.
They are designed for both Sun and rising sign. You may share them with close friends and loved ones. All 12 signs of RESPECT
are available to order here, or you may choose your
individual signs.
You may also get
all 12 signs of both RESPECT and INTELLIGENCE. Why would you want that? It's excellent, interesting reading, and every sign is relevant. Listening to one sign's recording a week will help you expand and refresh your worldview. We are additionally offering
combined RESPECT and INTELLIGENCE by individual sign.
If you would like some other option, please write to us, or call (845) 481-5616. You may also find
more options here.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS — We love when you call and purchase by phone. We want to hear from you.
PPS — You can also check on the status of your membership, and we offer a discount for early renewal. Just call (845) 481-5616. If you have to leave a message, we will get right back to you.
Daily Birthday Readings from Planet Waves
Here are the next week's Birthday Readings; if it's your birthday this week, many happy returns to you. Please note you can also read these entries as daily posts on our
main website.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 (The Day of Vibrancy)
High-octane fuel powers your Full Moon birthday chart. Supportive aspects between allies, partnerships and shared ideals stand out among the key signatures. With mindful intention and both hands on the wheel, you should be able to steer down fairly open roads toward long-term objectives. Openings are also available to heal old wounds in the relationship department. Deep communication that ventures into challenging territory has profound potential. Even writing about outstanding relationship histories can be therapeutic this year. Your voice is strong. Use it.
Monday, Feb. 10, 2020 (The Day of Acclaim)
Pay attention to how you register and express power dynamics in your relationships this year. Your birthday chart describes the potential for deeper, more intense emotional experience and awareness than usual. Activity in the subtler levels of your psyche has much to teach you now. A spiritual component weaves in here. Examine your beliefs about equality, and how needs are met in the sphere of partnerships. Doing so can open doors to a realm of higher truth and meaning, greater than you might imagine. Key word: explore.
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020 (The Day of Improved Comfort)
Your birthday chart describes a call to awakening about the importance of your resources. Your talents, financial assets, the tools of your trade, what you value, and what you love about yourself all come under that heading. Issues where self-worth meets money may take time to resolve, though you must be patient and you will see through the fog. You are creative, and if you use your imagination, practical solutions are well within your grasp. Added bonus: opportunities abound to finally let go of incorrect 'facts of life' that your parents and grandparents taught you.
(with Eric Francis)
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020 (The Day of the Unifier)
When you see the world through a new lens, you perceive a new world. This is a year to cast your net wide and broaden horizons. Your joy batteries could use recharging, and opportunities for gratifying social engagement may be found in educational settings, or through travel of some kind. The point is to break up established routines, preferably in ways that bring you into contact with others. Tune in and follow the homing signal that beckons. A bridge to the future you seek may be found among those who share your ideals.
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 (The Day of Liveliness)
This leg of your journey is about concluding old business and getting clear about how you want to show up in the world. You're poised on the brink of a new era. Your birthday chart looks like a map of what you must engage with consciously, in order to get there. You're ready to pull back the curtain and really question who, or what, you feel has held power over you, and what needs you have denied. You're tearing through paper tigers dressed up like fear, and seeing how much easier that is than you thought. In fact, it's a blast.
Friday, Feb. 14, 2020 (The Day of the Cool Quip)
'Legs of iron, body of wind' is an axiom from the martial arts. It describes how masters maintain their balance while kicking ass. Keep that in mind this year, as you strive for equilibrium amidst foundational changes on the home front, and increased focus on your professional role. Career moves may well lead toward enhanced income, but understand this is a long-game situation. Keep your eyes open and wits sharp. Probe beneath the surface in offers or contracts, and be patient. Ideas may need fine-tuning.
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020 (The Day of Inventiveness)
Your aspirations for the future are in the spotlight this year. Any tension that arises around career goals is a call to wrap up some particular phase of activity. Perhaps you've outgrown a particular milieu or cohort, and it's time to move on. Trust that as you close one door, another will come into view. Opportunities are on the horizon to engage with a new circle of professional colleagues, or like-minded allies. Take it one step at a time, however, and read the fine print. Strive for maximum clarity in all financial arrangements.
Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020 (The Day of Animation)
Keep your antennae especially tuned to your inner world this year. Subtle rumblings of frustration, or vague fears and anxieties, are a signal of desires you may have shoved into a closet that's already full. An opportunity to dig into any and all issues around self-worth, or financial security, is at hand. Something from your past holds a great deal of power, and you're finally ready to unwrap that dynamo. It's a process that calls for both honesty and gentleness with yourself, in equal measure.
— By Victoria Emory
Capricorn and Aquarius — Readings Like No Others
Dear People of Saturn:
This letter is for you if you have Sun, Moon or rising sign in Capricorn or Aquarius. Astrology Studio for both signs is available now, still at the pre-sale price of $44 (final price is $55).
As you know, Saturn is changing signs this spring from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is the precursor to Pluto making the same move in a few years, and I think for that reason, we need to focus on this transition zone. And that is what I do.
These readings are relaxed, easy to follow and focused on guiding your personal work. It's been a challenging time the past few years for both Cap and Aquarius, and I'm doing what I can to offer ideas that ease the stress and help you get maximum benefit.
While I use the solar chart (rather than your natal), I am able to offer much of what you get from a personal consultation. This is a whole-chart reading, which considers many facets of existence. I have a gift for listening to the astrology and relating it directly to you.
I think in our times, this work is as helpful as therapy. If you are doing personal growth or spiritual work, it will only support you.
If you've already subscribed to INTELLIGENCE and RESPECT, you will find that these readings go to a new place in a new way.
These readings are affordable, and will stand up to many playings. You can download them for any device, and they are yours; they do not expire. You may share them with friends or loved ones.
Here's how to
purchase Capricorn.
Here's how to
purchase Aquarius. Both are instant access.
Thank you for being a Planet Waves customer, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love from Kyiv,

PS — You may purchase by phone, by calling (845) 481-5616. You can also check on the status of your membership.
PPS — These readings are included with the
Backstage Pass. They also make excellent gifts.
Many times I have quoted Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: "We do indeed live in an age of decadence, but the dharma is not decadent. The dharma is the same as it always has been." Despite the challenges of our time, you can focus on your purpose, which is related to the World Purpose. You can step into your calling as one who came to our planet to make a positive difference. This is integral to your healing path, your personal mission and the necessities of the world. In this new video reading, about work and relationships, we will use the astrological markers of our moment to point the way, and clear the way. You may
pre-order all 12 signs here.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
extended monthly horoscope for February was published on Thursday, Jan. 30. We published your
extended monthly horoscope for January on Friday, Dec. 27. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Morning Horoscope #215 for Feb. 10, 2020 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Venus recently entered your sign, and is now conjunct Chiron. Barbara Hand Clow described this aspect as "orgasmic fusion with the cosmos." You might experience it as waking up and knowing, like you never have before, who you really are. This is not an illusion. You are self-actualizing. This is, however, not an automatic process. It's something you must both observe and nurture carefully. Chiron events can arrive with stunning bursts of self-awareness, which are not always welcome, and don't always feel good. If you're uncomfortable with yourself, if you prefer not to stand out, or if it's a stretch to hold your gaze in the mirror, you might be feeling out of sorts. I suggest, though, that you try on whatever it is you're experiencing. Get a feeling for the shift in perspective, even if it's a little awkward. All that said, if you want to throw yourself into one of those orgasmic fusions, the way is open wide.
Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One of the conditions of our time is the loss of inner awareness. People who meditate regularly know what this is. Poets have a clue. Scholars who read a lot of books and who have since childhood also know. Devoted musicians and artists have a pretty good idea. Yet even they are having the experience watered down by the digital dream that has this way of sucking us out of ourselves. You are in an extended phase of your life when you are recolonizing your inner being. This has been something of an expedition, and the restlessness you're feeling these days is in large measure an effect of being summoned into your own consciousness. This is a little like waking up inside of a dream and realizing you're asleep but also that you're dreaming and able to influence the dream. Such experiences are rare, though it's a reasonable way to describe your life at the moment. Take a deep breath.
Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury turns to retrograde motion in about a week. It does so in Pisces, which describes making some discoveries about this mysterious thing known as your career. Or perhaps it's elusive or evasive, especially in recent years. I would imagine that with Neptune making a long trek across this sensitive zone in your chart and in your life, you may have some difficulty finding your bearings. The rather confused condition of the world is not helping matters much. Were there someone you could ask for advice, it might be difficult or impossible to phrase the question in a way that it could be answered. This has to come from you, and Mercury retrograde is here to help. I know the words "retrograde" and "help" don't usually appear in the same sentence. However, Mercury is your planet, and the reversals of polarity involved in the retrograde are likely to awaken you to some unusual perceptions about your calling. Yet you must be attentive; this will not be spoken in a loud inner voice.
Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The activity of both Venus and Mars over the next week or so may present you with some unusual sexual opportunities. Yet you must remember your spiritual Ps and Qs. Said directly, you're at the stage where your erotic exploration must be aligned with, and in service of, your spiritual calling. I don't mean puritanical in any sense. To the contrary, I mean really good, starting with honest. In truth another of the great problems that drags down the exquisite and delicate space where existence merges with beauty is the problem of attachment. You have learned a heck of a lot about this the past few years. There is also the problem of power, which nobody seems to trust these days. Consider this: you are attractive not because you look good or cook well. Rather, you have a commanding presence that gets attention, and it will be in high form this week. Use it wisely and well, whether in work or in play.
Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One of the most interesting characteristics of Leo is how the notion of "self" fuses with that of "god." This reminds me a little of Valentine Michael Smith, the man from Mars in
Stranger in a Strange Land, whose assertion "thou art god" was a statement of humility. A Course in Miracles teaches that god is accessed through connection with your true self. Anyway, this is intuitive for you, and the only thing that would prevent you from following this path is social or religious taboo. But once we set aside the mythical and theoretical attributes of deity (very few of which are friendly), we are left with accessing consciousness through Your Self. This has nothing to do with being megalo, omniscient or omnipotent (or any of that jazz). It is rather a sublime path of awareness. What Valentine Michael Smith knew, though, which A Course in Miracles avoids, is the connection to sex, as in the self-actualizing power of your erotic journey. And that is where you are.
Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of the essential qualities of Virgo is the quest to find oneself through relating to others. To work at all, this must be deep. There are likely to be bonds on numerous levels, including sexual and financial. The seeming paradox is, you assert yourself to submit yourself to the situation. Then you find yourself and may assert yourself again to distinguish yourself from the situation. You merge, and you go in, and then you sort yourself out. Chiron in Aries has shifted this dynamic some; you have to do the whole thing fully awake. Chiron has no inclination to romanticize anything or anyone. You might rebel or revolt; you might decide the whole "merging into another" thing is ridiculous. However, you get a moment to experiment with Venus conjunct Chiron and Salacia, a meaningful little planet (not an asteroid) that I associate with the journey to sexual maturity. There is such a thing. And it's really good and it is summoning your awareness and self-awareness.
Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You might play with the question of whether you see the world from the viewpoint of someone else, or they see it from yours. You might ask whether the whole question in itself is subjective and can really be documented. Whatever the theory, you might have some remarkable instances of shared consciousness as your ruling planet Venus makes a conjunction to Chiron in Aries. If this happens, I suggest you bring the discussion to the surface and talk about it. This might lead to the ever-necessary but rarely occurring discussion of what we really want from this experience of a relationship together. The thing to remember is that no matter how much merging, bonding, and shared reality may occur, each person in a relationship is an individual. Whether more or less together, more or less separate, more or less in sync, honoring that individuality is essential to respect for dignity. The dance of human encounter is between two distinct beings, experiencing themselves.
Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars crossing the Galactic Center this week is reminding you to be the biggest person you can be. 'Spiritual' is not just a matter of how you act; it is about why you conduct yourself in a certain way, and the standard to which you hold yourself. Still, you may feel there is a theoretical dimension to your experience, which could manifest as the person you want to be in the future. That future is coming up fast, however, as Mars makes its way into Capricorn on the 16th. Suddenly you discover that your words and your actions have many times the influence you were expecting. So you might want to reassess your expectations now and track carefully your speech, your decisions and any movement of your energy (physical, mental, emotional or whatever). Notice the way it makes waves. At the moment, those will be benign; with Mars in its new sign, you will be in the realm of instant karma. At least now you know.
Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The source of your knowledge and power is beyond this world, though you would not know about that unless you tapped into them. While this is always possible, some times are better than others, and now happens to be particularly good. Without going too far into the details (which I've covered elsewhere), the core of our galaxy is located in your sign, and Mars is about to make a conjunction to it. Visualize this as charging up your personal energy reserve from something with unlimited strength, wisdom and sense of purpose. All of these are easily drowned out or self-defeated in our world, particularly in its mounting state of psychic chaos. These are the days to train yourself in the spirit of the warrior. Focus on your learning and your personal mastery. Ask to be shown what you do not know. Make your moves with precision, and let everything and everyone teach you something. Most of all, practice respect in every moment.
Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your inner teacher is particularly vocal right now. It will come through your dreams mostly, though it may also slip in through your imagination. You will recognize it as "the solution that works for everyone." This in turn may manifest as what feels like the solution to fear. You can have this, though only if you are open to it, by which I mean open to receiving. This is the first and most important choice you will make in the process of being shown a new way to live. There may be a paradox involved for you, personally, which is that the more you receive, the more you will have to give. The twist is that only generosity teaches you about your true assets. If you think that to give means to lose, you will never really have much. So this is all about entering a kind of flow, or cycle. Anyway, pay close attention to your dreams tonight and for the next few nights. Take every symbol as meaningful, though let its revelation dawn on you gently rather than by force.
Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The recent Full Moon in your opposite sign Leo is about you recognizing someone as an individual, or noticing the ways that you did not. I am not fond of the expression "agreeing to disagree," though it may feel like that. More accurately, the theme is respecting someone's point of view. To do that, you need to know what it is, and you may be misunderstanding them. Few people are especially articulate with themselves, and much less with others. Use your power of listening and translation, and see if you can get someone's ideas into words you can understand and relate back to them. You might try this with everyone you meet, or converse with, no matter what the context. Take the time and effort to seek understanding. You have only to gain. And working from the other direction, you may decide that you have something to say. If you do, go for clear, direct speech that, on its face, will come across clearly.
Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take full responsibility for your words. This will present you with situations where you simply must be diplomatic. Under such conditions, the less you say, the better. Get your message into the shortest format possible. Given that we are in Full Moon time, and that Mercury in your sign is making a good few aspects, engage with others when the emotional energy is lower rather than higher. Let the Full Moon dissipate and delay any important correspondence into next week. With Mercury about to be retrograde in your sign, you might put certain projects on hold for a month or so, and see how they look on the other side of the crossing. That, incidentally, is one way to look at the retrograde — as a conceptual bridge you will traverse, which will lead you to another place and time. Items with a high priority today will be replaced by others that have not revealed themselves yet.
Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.
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