![]() Aquarius EVERYBODY KNOWS the secret to life is being okay with yourself; being your own friend. We also live in a freaky, as in frightful, time in history, wherein the name of the game is conquer and divide. Conciliation and reconciliation are in short supply -- or is it low demand? Do we not understand the value of working together, of getting along, and of mutual support? Well, I guess we're learning. There's still time. The main issue, it would seem, is that people are divided against themselves. Your mission, at this time of your life, is to be a teacher of selflove; of self-joining. Selflove is a mystery, particularly in our world where three major influences teach us to hate ourselves: family, marketing and religion. Selflove is often confused with egotism and vanity. These are the dark, pointless reactions to being taught to despise who and what we are. The first step to selflove is seeing those judgments and consciously choosing not to take them on. (This first step usually gets repeated a lot.) If you have attempted a growth project like this before and have fallen short, no worries. At the core of your change is an awakening of your function as a creative entity; as a person with a deep and vivid imagination who expresses that imagination. You've always known this, but art is elusive. Despite your ability to play the game of the world on many different levels, you know your values system has nothing in common with the prevailing ideals on the planet. Now you get to express this aspect of your nature with revolutionary passion, and use it as a means of reconciling with your inner being. There's quite enough love to go round, but with love, the other necessary element is to take it in, to absorb, to become and then to create. You could say that's the formula for perfection: what is made of love makes more love: and that would be you. You know this. You know how good the world can be. I imagine it's frustrating that you notice so much of what can be made right, but that you can't actually get it to happen on a grand scale. But you are making it happen on a personal scale. You are learning that you do in fact learn. The long sense that you've had that there may be 'something wrong' with you is starting to lose its strength and its influence. In these seasons, your relationship with being human (Aquarian to begin with) is intensified, and you get to make peace with the failings that seem to come with being in a body. Lead from the front, the center or the rear; try and see what works best. But lead you must. 'Group', however, does not include two. In meetings of two I strongly suggest you work to be conscious of and avoid running the 'group mind' thing on a relationship. You must handle one-to-one encounters with the skill of a mediator, listening to your side and your partner's side with a measure of true impartiality. No matter how intelligent, innovative or 'right' you are, you have to listen. So please, listen. I know this can be challenging for the rapid mind of Aquarius that just knows, and understands so little beyond its own translation of reality. Listening takes practice. It's something you do not just with your ears, but with your body. Your body will tell you a lot about how you feel and remind you of what is true. With Pisces as your 2nd solar house, the sense of being in body can be rare to feel. With Uranus there, your body has an increased presence, but it's an energy presence, and that energy needs GROUNDING. So here's an Aquarian idea. Instead of living your values as ideals, I suggest you park them firmly in work process. Not just your job, but rather the work that you know needs to happen. Some use terms like socially conscious or community work. The constellation of factors in your charts is adding up to an image of you taking a few years to create your ideals into something with tangible form and lasting value. Saturn in your solar 6th house is a good example of this. You need to be a master of your work patterns, and you have the strength and focussing power to create the discipline you need. The world needs so much help right now that everyone who is inclined could work triple time and there would still be plenty to do. It happens that your particular alignment gives you plenty of will, impetus and most important, the need to do what you know is right and true. Nothing less will satisfy you. You are beginning to remember your original instructions. They have been delivered to you many times in many forms. Perhaps you've had reason to set them aside, but now is a great time to make them the center of your reality. |