Express yourself in any way that keeps your mind awake, alert and engaged with your environment. The conjunction of Mars and Eris in your birth sign is urging you to claim back your soul from the digital environment.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you are feeling disoriented or unstable, spend more time in nature and more time reading books. Express yourself in any way that keeps your mind awake, alert and engaged with your environment. The conjunction of Mars and Eris in your birth sign is urging you to claim back your soul from the digital environment. This is something we all need to do, and yet it’s not easy to determine that’s even an issue, and for most, it’s even more challenging to figure out what to do about it.
Both sides of that equation require having special tools: observation and discernment, on the one hand, and expressive abilities, on the other. Neither are easy, as life is so packed with routines, responsibilities and holding together the many aspects of our lives that are constantly fraying or going out of control. You will know what you’re experiencing by its effects. If you notice exaggerated feelings, particularly anger or insecurity, that is a hint. If you find yourself constantly searching, or trying to figure out who you are, as if you’ve lost something, that’s a clue. Yet this might express mostly as confusion or a sense of emptiness.
Let this provoke you to take action. There is no solution — there is only adapting. This is less about being in passive harmony with the overwhelming digital environment than it is about asserting yourself within your own life. Creative self-expression is no longer a luxury or a privilege of talent. It is a matter of sanity and survival. In a time when everything is being reduced to an algorithm, experiencing the universe in a creative and self-creative way is essential to actually living, loving and thriving. Many factors in your chart, including Jupiter and Chiron, say you have the personal resources and moreover, the will to do what you know you need, and what you surely want.
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This is what creativity is for: it’s not about making money or entertaining people. It’s about how you learn and grow. Then, you get to have and appreciate the results.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — With Mercury and your ruling planet Venus hanging out in Gemini, your are in talkative mode. Take advantage of that, and say all the things you want to say or need to say — especially the ones you think you’ll regret. There are things you need to say but for a diversity of reasons, hesitate to reveal.
In a similar vein, it’s essential to your mental and emotional health that you express yourself in a way that is unusual for you — that requires you to take a chance or put yourself into unfamiliar territory. This is the essential difference between art and craft: the need and the feeling of entering the unknown and the uncertain within yourself. You will know you’re there because you make contact with the aspects of yourself that you think would be unacceptable or repelling to relationship partners or potential suitors. This is about entering a conscious relationship with everything about yourself that you consider unacceptable, and then making up your own mind. This is what creativity is for: it’s not about making money or entertaining people. It’s about how you learn and grow. Then, you get to have and appreciate the results. Taurus loves to have something of value, and there’s nothing like having something you made yourself, out of your own soul material.
You are nearing the end of a long process of deep rethinking of your spiritual values, along with your sense of your own future. They are closely related, particularly as people get older. Upon careful review, you might determine that you did not fully embrace your own potential. You don’t have to make that mistake twice. Yet when you analyze what happened, you may notice that you were overthinking matters, and you assessed certain possibilities as far more dangerous than they really were.
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You need some structure and life-patterns you can depend on, and you also need to be present right now, with the people who are in your life today. Then, the first question is “what can I do for you,” and the second question is, “what can we do for one another?.”

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know that you need to get a grasp on your financial situation. You do not entirely trust the ebb-and-flood style of cashflow that is essential to the nature of your sign. And I think you resist the fact that every conversation sooner or later comes to money, when the more salient value you hold is your ability to take care of people.
Gemini does not do well making it “all about me,” though I strain to think of some element in society that does not push people to do this. Ultimately, the “new collectivism” is all about me because it’s about being accepted and acceptable to others — not for their sake but for one’s own.
Saturn making its final run through Aquarius, your 9th house of ethics, is urging you to make a careful assessment of the many facts of this area of life, which I could summarize as “where me meets we.” There are mental patterns that are cluttering your mind, and most of them come from your mother’s side of the family. The worst of them is mental inflexibility, and everything needing to be planned 50 years into the future.
You need some structure and life-patterns you can depend on, and you also need to be present right now, with the people who are in your life today. Then, the first question is “what can I do for you,” and the second question is, “what can we do for one another?.” Be aware of what you have in excess and count it as such. Be aware of your unmet needs, and don’t make a big deal about them. There is help if you are open to receiving it and offering what kindness and support you can.
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Summon your power and your self-awareness, and give yourself something ambitious to do. I reckon, however, that you are already hearing the calling.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week’s New Moon in your birth sign or rising sign is providing you with plenty of energy and a refreshed sense of direction, meaning and purpose. And if you have not noticed that yet, perk up and pay attention. Summon your power and your self-awareness, and give yourself something ambitious to do. I reckon, however, that you are already hearing the calling.
You are in a truly unusual moment of life when you can make a name for yourself — which coincides with a time when this is nearly impossible. But the forces of your chart can combine and work for you, if you provide some willingness, propulsion and work with the winds and the tides rather than against them. You will save power, increase your efficiency and have a more interesting journey to wherever it is you’re going.
As for your navigational guides, there is one highly dependable one that you can see with your eyes. There is another even more reliable one that you cannot see but which manifests as a pull or tug in the direction you want to go. The visual one will offer a sense of ease and opportunity. The invisible one will feel like the course of maximum challenge and achievement. The first is a kind of lure into the second. Ultimately, they will guide you the same way, if you act fairly soon. As with nearly all of the astrology of our moment, there is a convergence point in March 2023.
That is when a lot will change for a lot of people, and take nearly all of them by surprise. There’s a big storm around October/November 2022 that will blow many people off course. But you have your navigational tools, the most important of which is what, exactly, you want to achieve in this life.
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You bring your values and your emotional tendencies into whatever you do, and those are about service. Further, you tend to love people based on what you do for them, rather than what they do for you.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is a side to your nature that you don’t always acknowledge, and which has never made it into the astrology books because it contradicts the fictional image of Leo that tends to be so popular. It’s the core-element in your nature that cares about people profoundly, and has you placing them at the very center of your life.
Yet relationships have been easy the past couple of years. This is over and above all else has not been easy for everyone; you are under special conditions where your partnerships and your whole style of relating are being put through a diversity of tests. The main issue is sincerity; anything that is not mutually real will fall away. You can make this easier by making your own assessments based on what you have learned from the relationships.
Though this will not change how much you care, that is about you — not about anyone else. You bring your values and your emotional tendencies into whatever you do, and those are about service. Further, you tend to love people based on what you do for them, rather than what they do for you.
While this will likely be true for you to some extent, you may want to observe this about yourself, and do a careful assessment. This may point out the ridiculous “every man for himself” quality of the times we are living in, at the same time when more than a few people are bandying about how wonderful Communism is, while clinging to what they have.
The most objective reading of your chart says you need to be surrounded by a small group of responsible, energetic adults whom you are confident know right from wrong. You will find these people one at a time.
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You may feel like you have to assert your individuality just to prove to yourself that you have some. However, this is a more aggressive approach than you need.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The cloud of confusion over your relationships may have you taking some kind of radical action to test where you really stand with people, or with someone in particular. You may feel like you have to assert your individuality just to prove to yourself that you have some. However, this is a more aggressive approach than you need. We live in times when many people are entirely out of joint with themselves, and this is the underlying cause of the violent nature of our times.
Here, you have a choice how to discover yourself; and to actualize yourself. Once you know this is what you’re doing, I reckon you will want to take an approach that is gentler on you and the people around you. If you see yourself as someone whose primary identity is being invested in one relationship partner, you are likely to find that confining and limiting at this stage of your life. You’ll find much easier fulfillment socializing in groups that fit the approximate decision of family-of-choice.
In short, you don’t need to be so competitive. It would be wholesome for you to spend any time at all where there is an abundance of resources of every kind, including emotional, and food, and the sense of people caring about one another. This creates entirely different dynamics than anywhere there is even a hint of jealousy, or the kind of transaction where people bill their friends for a dinner party using Venmo.
In fact, this whole style of existence, which sadly seems to be on the rise, has grown old and annoying. But fortunately, a new world is rising: one where people are closer to the land, and as a result, to one another.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Anyone who needs more help than they can offer is there for you to take care of. You may decide to do so, but not under the pretext that they are doing you a favor.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Aim high, and get ready to take action. Events and situations that seem to have dragged on endlessly are likely to start moving quickly. As this starts to happen, you must be discerning of the motives of the people who get involved with you. You tend to project your own equanimity onto the world, and fall for the image of those who portray themselves as do-gooders. Most of them are not, and while this is not your business, you don’t want to invite or allow it into your business or your home.
Beneficial people will bring you benefit. They will also tend to speak in a language that you understand, not just on the first day but also into the second and third layers of the conversation. Anyone who brings delays, confusion or chaos is not a beneficial person. Anyone who needs more help than they can offer is there for you to take care of. You may decide to do so, but not under the pretext that they are doing you a favor.
Your success seems to run in cycles, which is associated with the position of the sign Cancer in your solar chart — it’s at the very top. The Cancer New Moon has lit up this angle and helped you orient to your idea of accomplishment. However, I suggest you not be attached to the image of being a nice guy. Rather, take the approach that you gotta do what you gotta do, which is unlikely to be in some way unfair or unjust. However, you must grant yourself the privilege of using determination, cunning and strategy to get your work done.
In the end, you are usually helpful; still, there is caution in your chart this month to carefully evaluate your motives and the various ways that the ends and the means relate to one another. Not everything is OK, but most of your methods and intentions are. Be sure to know the difference.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Your chart is reminding you of many ways that you must take care of yourself. Part of that is minding your spiritual life, which embraces the emotional and the psychological.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is a problem right now associated with people having had the view of their own future cut off. This is a loss of perspective that can be costly for many years, as people fall for some hype or another and cut off their own potential. This time of year, however, is when you can see the furthest ahead of you, and sense that you live and indeed participate in a wide world with many possibilities.
Your chart is reminding you of many ways that you must take care of yourself. Part of that is minding your spiritual life, which embraces the emotional and the psychological. What used to be thought of as spiritual for a vast portion of society has been reduced to power, and matters of survival. That is to miss the point entirely — the spiritual is about connection above all else. That means connection within, and connection to the people in your environment. Should you ever find yourself isolating, or getting stuck in your root chakra, at least make a note that a more holistic approach is possible.
Spiritual also implies having a sense of your own purpose for existing. This is not something you hope for, long for or wish for, but rather what motivates you every day. Many factors in your chart all but assure you can connect with your purpose without much effort, and mostly by allowing yourself to be you. Herein lies the challenge. There is a lot of “not you” that has been piled on every one of us, and which seems to get in the way of making decisions.
Even small ones will count for a lot right now. At each and every juncture, take the opportunity to make the choice that is right for you. We both know: you know what it is. You will decide based on who you think you are — so consider that carefully.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
You are very fortunate to have the ultimate antidote to the robotism that is engulfing all of thought and society, which is your mighty creative power. And on a scale measured over decades, you have never had more going for you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — For you personally, this is an excellent time in the creative experiment that is life. For the world around you, it would seem that both creativity and experiments are a thing of the past. That, however, is not possible. It is merely an effect of a great many people thinking they have turned into robots, functioning on algorithms — the least creative form of thought in existence.
Your astrology has you on notice that it’s time to move away from the routine and predictable, and to lean into the creative and the unfamiliar. There are a number of ways to do this, and they all involve coming out of fixed patterns of thought. For example, do typical things differently than usual, so that you’re more inclined to make a discovery. This is the mental level of coming home a different way than you went someplace.
If you encounter something you don’t know how to do, learn how to do it — even give it a start. Learn about the topic. Among other definitions, getting old is associated with the decision to stop learning, whether conscious or not. What you want to avoid is your mind or your patterns of thought in any way crystallizing. You are very fortunate to have the ultimate antidote to the robotism that is engulfing all of thought and society, which is your mighty creative power. And on a scale measured over decades, you have never had more going for you.
Yet it bears repeating that the unknown and unexplored are your best friends right now, and the known and the familiar will not serve your freedom or your ability to express yourself — which means, to thrive. This runs counter to everything we are being conditioned to do, to believe, and most of all, to believe about ourselves.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
At this time in your life, you’re in an extraordinary and rapid process of becoming, of enlarging your inner reality, and of understanding where you connect to the world around you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — At the moment, your most valuable and available assets are in the form of ideas. Your ideas, in turn, are the result of an active growth process of a kind that is not entirely comfortable for humans at the moment. Our minds are being turned to ice by overexposure to computer code, computing devices, and all the people who have become like them. Capricorn may be a cool sign, but inside of that, your mind is hot, and you think with a sense of urgency and immediacy.
Your sign is associated with the past, with history and with all that is already known. Yet at the moment, your mental experience is one of apprehending what is going on right now, and what it means. Make sure you blend enough doubt with that to ensure that you keep asking questions — of yourself, and of your whole environment. At this time in your life, you’re in an extraordinary and rapid process of becoming, of enlarging your inner reality, and of understanding where you connect to the world around you.
What does this translate to in real-life terms? I would say a sense of amazement at all that is happening. By that, I don’t mean the value judgment of approval, but rather seeing everything for what it is and not as you would have it be. This is a fine line for the human mind to walk, as so much of what we call perception involves projection.
Meanwhile, it’s essential in these final seasons of Pluto in your birth sign that you learn to be cautious of the notion of “power.” The concept must always be matched by dharma. Raw electricity is useless, and dangerous. When it is channeled for a specific purpose, the risk factor goes down and the potential to help increases. Therefore, if you have power, stay close to your guidance.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
The part of you that wants to fly off in every direction at once will feel good under the modest guidance of a job to do or a task to fulfill.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One way or another, you’ll have to make friends with the chaos of our times. You prefer order, organization and predictability, but no such qualities are on offer from the world as we currently know it. Tradition served a purpose, and it still does, though the message of our times is to go deep underneath the layers of the civilized mind and connect with the one soul that we are all part of.
Meanwhile, the aspect of your mind that lives in the world, and communicates and does business, is practically exploding with ideas, and the drive to create something entirely new, and necessary. If you want to harness some of this energy, you’ll need to apply some discipline, or inventiveness: the relationship between sunlight and a greenhouse, or the wind and a sailboat. The part of you that wants to fly off in every direction at once will feel good under the modest guidance of a job to do or a task to fulfill. While some element of this must be about you doing your thing your way, Saturn in your birth sign is emphasizing the need to integrate your efforts into those of other people. Make sure you know the difference, so that you can act in a way that is suited to the task at hand. There are times when applying your talent allows you to stay awake and interested when you must work in a routine way.
At other times, you will need to apply your fire and illumination to a specific need. Keep your eyes and mind open for where and when that might be. In our time, we live not with paucity but with an abundance of energy, ideas and resources that tend to go to waste. Be happy when you discover that someone or something needs what you have to offer.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Do your work and your relationships align with what you hold to be right and true? I know that’s a big question, though at this stage of your life, it’s worth asking, and answering.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Rather than judge your success (or otherwise) based on recent events or performance, it will be helpful if you take a longer view. Looking at your immediate vicinity, there are all kinds of stress points, various ups/downs, and jolts that can distort your perspective. Neptune creeping through your sign (2011-2026) has an inherently distorting effect on your ability to see yourself and what you’re doing.
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