Dear Friend and Reader:
FRIDAY, WE EXPERIENCE a long-anticipated Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio. This takes place in one of the resonant points of the zodiac, precisely at the middle of the Taurus/Scorpio axis.Full Moons have many effects, including inducing a bit of lunacy, stress, insomnia and social tension. This one is causing a little distress. Full Moons also help break deadlocks.
When considering a lunar event in Scorpio, one consideration is that the Moon is exalted in Taurus — the sign opposite Scorpio. It’s a visitor in Scorpio, and not always a welcome one. The Moon is said to “fall” in Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars (thought to be unfriendly to such a sensitive influence as the Moon).
Due to the face-to-face nature of Taurus and Scorpio, a direct relationship is implied. Both signs are about the value of things — Taurus, to oneself, and Scorpio, within the context of others. Taurus is where we have what we have. That includes our stuff, and more than anything, our values and priorities. It’s important to know what those are. I have found that many people struggle with this quite a bit.
There have been many, many instances the past few years of people selling, compromising or surrendering what they previously claimed were their principles.
Scorpio Swallows the Moon
Scorpio is where we transact those values, goods and services with others. Scorpio is the sign of mergers, acquisitions and takeovers, including marriage. This merging and transacting extends to the level of one’s personal values and principles, one’s physical body, and any sexual transaction where so much as a penny changes hands.

If you look up the Moon in Scorpio on documents dating back to the the 2nd century CE, you find out that the Moon is ‘in fall’. When the Moon ‘falls’ in Scorpio, you can think of it as being swallowed or consumed. That is to say, what is important to you can get lost in what matters to others.
I think we need to be alert to the issues this represents, given the troubles of the past three years.
There have been many, many instances the past few years of people selling, compromising or surrendering what they previously claimed were their principles. Most did so reactively; others as if it was the only practical thing to do; others seemed to be responding to programming.
I will share with you what I consider the most disturbing example of this. I’ve been involved in various holistic training programs since the 1980s, and have often used various forms of alternative and complimentary medicine. With Chiron taking a leading role in my own chart, I have known, counseled and studied with hundreds of practitioners.
There is always the discussion of how and why honoring natural, noninvasive approaches is the better way. For most, there are exceptions. Nearly all practitioners know that a broken bone requires a certain kind of medical attention known as the Emergency Room.
Those who go into holistic practice object to the toxic nature of what is falsely called “Western medicine” (meaning, Rockefeller medicine). They all talk about the corrupt system, driven by greed and money, with incompetent doctors dispensing poisonous or deadly drugs. Therefore, they are practicing the better way.
Even if a practitioner is not a homeopath per se, this history is known, whether by training, study or legend. The whole purpose of what is called alternative care is to do better than the conventional medical system — and to do no harm.

Giving Up Without a Discussion
All qualified homeopaths, naturopaths, and herbalists, are trained how to handle respiratory disease, “the flu,” and the body cleansing itself. The whole concept of what these things are about is different under alternative medicine.
Homeopathy, the original holistic medicine (developed in the early 1800s), is famous for its ability to handle various pandemics, including hardly losing a single patient during the 1918-1919 incident incorrectly called “Spanish Flu.” (They could only save the patient if they had not been poisoned with massive doses of aspirin by the previous doctor.)
Even if a practitioner is not a homeopath per se, this history is known, whether by training, study or legend. The whole purpose of what is called alternative care is to do better than the conventional medical system — and to do no harm.
However, in 2020, at the meekest threat of a disease, we watched nearly all holistic practitioners give up fast. I initially thought that the events of that spring would lead to a glorious moment for alternative medicine and complimentary care, given how well suited it is to address problems like the one that was being described.
In fact, “Western medicine” famously has no cure for the common cold, the flu or any such ailment, while herbalism, naturopathy and homeopathy have many approaches.
“In those studying holistic medicine, there is a deep distrust of the entire medical establishment,” she said this week. “They didn’t believe in the germ theory. And most of them, when they went into practice treated many patients who had been injured by conventional doctors.”

Distrust of the Medical Establishment — But How Deep?
“We used to stay up till three o’clock in the morning talking about the corruption of the medical system, and how they’ve tried to put chiropractic and homeopathy out of business,” said one practitioner I know well, who refused to submit to the pressure.
“In those studying holistic medicine, there is a deep distrust of the entire medical establishment,” she said this week. “They didn’t believe in the germ theory. And most of them, when they went into practice treated many patients who had been injured by conventional doctors.”
Then all at once, this seemed to reverse. The overwhelming majority told their patients to follow “masking,” “social distancing,” and to play into the general climate of terror — treating their own patients as a threat who had to be banned from their practice. Then the injections came along, and with only one exception in my own life, every supposedly holistic practitioner took them.
“When I saw them getting injections, I thought their brain cells had fallen out of their heads. I was dumbfounded. It was the community that I always trusted for health care, and I could not go to most of them any longer,” she added.
In one conversation, Blanton proposed that during some kind of totalitarian takeover, most people would betray themselves and their community, and give up on everything they claimed to hold dear — including me.

What Would You Do Under Duress?
You may be familiar with Brad Blanton and his book Radical Honesty, at least by name. The author is a psychologist in the Washington, DC area who has had many politicos as his clients. In one of our many discussions over the years, he said that most people cannot hold up under any duress. Put them under any pressure and they crack.
In one conversation, he proposed that during some kind of totalitarian takeover, most people would betray themselves and their community, and give up on everything they claimed to hold dear — including me.
He was right about the public and nearly all of the medical community. He was right about most of their clients. As for me, it was an inaccurate assessment of my character. I know myself and I know where I am coming from, and stay true to myself. In support of that, I surround myself with people who are willing to have an honest conversation and who do not give up easily.
Watching this happen has just been stunning. It’s difficult to watch a respected teacher of many years betray the very examples and ideas that were the essence of my training.
The FDA openly admitted the PCR test could not identify a viral infection. The allegedly scientific papers claiming “viral isolation” of SARS-CoV-2 were all (without exceptions) based on computer simulations.

Was the Crisis Special?
Now, one response to this is that the crisis was special — that the pathogen was especially deadly and virulent and all of that. But that claim required an evaluation that few were interested in conducting — even today. They were told it was deadly and they waved the white flag. But why then did they invest 25 or 30 or 40 years in practice?
This is like a fireman refusing to enter a burning building for fear of heat, flames and smoke, or a veterinarian who has a phobia of cats. Only the fire is a barbecue and the cat is not a lion.
Anyone who bothered to actually “follow the science” would have figured out pretty soon that the FDA openly admitted the PCR test could not identify a viral infection. The allegedly scientific papers claiming “viral isolation” of SARS-CoV-2 were all (without exceptions) based on computer simulations. And by April 2020, it was plain that the medical policy, over-treatment, existing conditions, toxic drugs and hospital policy — not a new disease — were killing people.
You might not be able to deduce that, but I assure you that you’re intelligent enough. Yet someone with decades of alternative medical training has an obligation to get to the truth, and tell the truth to their patients.
“Even being in Montana my own mother would not hug me because I didn’t get the shot. I don’t take offense. I understand how easy it is to get brainwashed in this world with television taking up most of peoples bandwidth. But oh my God, my own mother scared to hug me.”

Betraying the Public Trust
I can understand individual people who might have dabbled in holistic treatment for various ills giving into the fear. What I do not understand is people who devoted their entire medical careers to an idea doing so — at the least threat, which turned out to be either overblown or entirely false.
Most individuals consult with those they perceive as knowing more than they do, on medical issues especially — and they were led over a cliff. This granted many people permission to shun or bully others.
One of my subscribers wrote to me this week, “I was ostracized in my own family for not wanting the shot and for not wearing a mask. I went to the extent of leaving the state because I care more about what my child sees and hears in his environment. I went to Montana where my friends laughed it off and no business required a mask or a shot.
“Even being in Montana my own mother would not hug me because I didn’t get the shot. I don’t take offense. I understand how easy it is to get brainwashed in this world with television taking up most of peoples bandwidth. But oh my God, my own mother scared to hug me.”
Others who would “never do that kind of thing” ended up complying. My question for this eclipse is, what’s your price? What can you be offered to sell yourself out?
The death threat goes a long way, no matter how hollow. Is this not sickening? The least courageous people, following the orders of the most corrupt, are leading the way for the rest of us.

So What’s Your Price?
An eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio asks, what is your price? Moon + Scorpio + eclipse implies a level of emotional turbulence, and a lack of confidence. That’s why the promise of safety, being made to feel stupid or unpopular, or being told your life will be more convenient work so well.
Throw a little cash at them, and a good few will do nearly anything.
Insult people and they will cave in. Of course, the death threat goes a long way, no matter how hollow. Is this not sickening? The least courageous people, following the orders of the most corrupt, are leading the way for the rest of us.
I may seem pessimistic. However, I envision a brighter future in a world where people are not so intent on self-deception and being deceived. A world where people do not openly beg to be lied to. A world where people stand up for themselves, their families and their neighbors.
I envision a more intelligent future where people respect leaders because their hands are clean, and their statements are true — not merely because they are charismatic.
This progress is not going to come from the government. The extraterrestrials will not save us. This is about us — our choices, and the example that we set for others — mostly, not letting them run our lives.
Your power of decision is your only freedom. Making your own choices means knowing what is true for you, and acting on it. Then you, not someone else, get to be responsible for what you decide. That is a privilege — known as freedom.
With love,
The same was/is true of the performing arts “community”. Mind boggling acceptance of the whole shebang. There are still dance schools forcing mask use on children. But there was/is also this current of “do anything they tell you to in order to get back to performing or creating”. So that net catches a lot of people who might not even believe the scam.
But artists?? Artists are supposed to question…
Wow. This struck such a cord with me. I work in Healthcare . The whole covid saga has made me ashamed of my profession. To see people who knew better completely cave to keep their job security was disgusting and disheartening. I fully expected to lose my job. I refused to be vaccinated. It was terrifying. But somehow I was lucky and my exemption was granted. I’d rather lose my career than my bodily autonomy. But I have little hope for the future. I feel 90% are willing to do anything even if it violates all they hold dear or know to be true if it means they will be monetarily secure.
Thank you for writing this piece, Eric. I, too, have been astounded by how practically everyone jumped on the bandwagon. Massage therapists and acupuncturists that I know, and everyone else.
As you say, what their price is, is astoundingly low.
If anything, these last few years have raised my self confidence. And I feel more prepared for whatever is coming next.
Thank you for being a voice of sanity.
Thank you Eric for your writing. Always “In Pace.” Nonetheless despite the madness of going along with the agenda, so to speak, I have to give some defense to my chiropractor and my dentist for not going along with the agenda.
Then there is my beloved Dr. Dietrich Klinghart who has been giving free seminars for the last three years on so many health issues. He said at the beginning of this whole cvd shebang, and I can’t quote this exactly, “but all of us humans going through this experience CHOSE to live in this time.” I for one, have no problem accepting this/his message.
Also, over the years you have written about when the “personal becomes political.” I believe these are one of those times. For sure.
Woke up the other day with a dream about Michael C. Ruppert and his book “Crossing the Rubicon.” I have to finish reading his book which is a very long tome.
Don’t know how to complete this post other than to quote the Amish I near and by, “be careful out there among the English.”
Very direct and clear Eric. It’s still so astonishing and painful how easily people chose to give up their humanity.
During all of this and now, a friend wore a t-shirt that said “My freedom does not end at the beginning of your uncomfortable zone.” Thank you Eric, as always, for putting eloquent words to all of this. I, too, had a trusted group of healing practitioners and also affirmed spiritual practitioners who boarded the mask/vaccine bus. Then, I knew. As they say – “actions speak louder than words.”
Hi Eric, While I do not agree that the Covid pandemic was a conspiracy theory, as neither was the 1920s flu pandemic, I do agree that one cannot trust what you hear, see and read in the capitalist controlled media and social media. Your vision of a “brighter future in a world where people are not so intent on self-deception and being deceived. A world where people do not openly beg to be lied to. A world where people stand up for themselves, their families and their neighbors.” will never be possible as long as capitalism and the profit motive control the planet. Global socialism is the only hope for your vision and my vision of equity, equality, fairness and opportunity for all including for the vast impoverished masses in Africa, Asia and South and Central America. Peter Voysey
Brilliantly written…as always…thanks Eric
Thank you Eric, for gathering and writing the words many of us have only been able to feel.
I couldn’t be paid enough, there is no price tag, my values and principles are not for sale.
Excellent article! Very disappointed in my nursing profession that totally abandoned its basic principles of health care! But I do need to defend Jeremy Sherr – homeopath (https://homeopathyforhealthinafrica.org) and (https://www.dynamis.edu/7r-webinar-series/)
He and his group of homeopaths from around the world were discussing c*vid and it’s homeopathic remedies – giving free seminars back in August 2020 – working on the provings.
Also, White Dove Healing – they developed a “covid” homeopathic “vaccine”/remedy (for cv or clearing the jab) that worked fabulously for their clients. True healers are out there – just not famous.